Angelina Jolie Says Time for 'Intervention' in Syria

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Hollywood star Angelina Jolie said Saturday the world should intervene to stop the violent crackdown in Syria and condemned powers that have vetoed a U.N. resolution against the regime.

"I think Syria has got to a point, sadly, where certainly some form of intervention is absolutely necessary," Jolie told al-Jazeera Balkans in an interview shown on the channel's Internet site.

"It's so sad, it's so upsetting, it's so horrible what's happening," Jolie said. "At this time we just must stop the civilians being slaughtered.

"When you see that kind of mass violence and murder on the street, you must do something," added Jolie, who has served for years as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Jolie recently made her directorial debut with "In the Land of Blood and Honey," a wartime love story in Bosnia, a film she has called a "wake-up call" to prevent atrocities like those now happening in Syria.

Without naming China and Russia, she condemned "these countries that are choosing not to intervene" in Syria despite "global efforts".

"I feel very strongly that the use of a veto when you have financial interest in the country should be questioned, and the use of a veto against humanitarian intervention should be questioned," Jolie said.

Moscow and Beijing have twice blocked U.N. resolutions condemning the ongoing repression in Syria that has left thousands of people dead since March 2011, according to human rights activists.

Comments 9
Default-user-icon rick (Guest) 18 February 2012, 22:05

time for her to adopt another baby

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 18 February 2012, 22:28

How about intervention in Palestine? How about US vetoes on Palestine?

Default-user-icon roxy (Guest) 19 February 2012, 15:14

At least she is speaking to create awareness around the nature of what us happening in Syria that is the focus not on her. Most celebs don't care and atleast she is speaking up.

Default-user-icon ABC (Guest) 19 February 2012, 15:29

Very good argument galiboun... rather than issue personal insults, try and argue her point directly...

Missing sergio 19 February 2012, 16:44

she might not be able to keep a marriage ... It has nothing to do with talking the truth. well I don't expect much from University of Dahiye graduates, bunch of loosers.

Missing sergio 19 February 2012, 16:49

@flame thrower fyi she is not talking politics, she is talking about human rights which your party totally lacks. and since when you are talking about Liberalism ? I see non of your leaders as being conservative.

Default-user-icon Jarrod (Guest) 19 February 2012, 21:04

None's ever heard about mass murders & 600 children raped, assassinated, enucleated, their organs amputeted and sold, etc. in Gaza. Nor about 15000 civilians murdered, 100000 abducted, in Gaza, cities crushed by air sea land to punish civilian demonstrators. Such practice has its very genuine own "culture" : Fundamentalism Iranian Islamism and Gangsterian mafioso Assadism. Not Israel! Israeli are much smarter, they manage to get the job done by these two entities. A pity for both: Syrians are getting more and more addicted with death. Just as Lebanese who knocked Assad's Gang out. Soon Iranians will join. Those fundamentalists-mafiosi gangsters has an Achille's heel: Ignorance. Just crassy ignorance.

Default-user-icon Bassoul (Guest) 20 February 2012, 08:50

Tomb Raider 5 - Fire in Dasmacus

Default-user-icon natalia SYRIA (Guest) 23 February 2012, 01:41

that is not the topic ---