Saudi FM Walks Out of Syria Meeting, Urges 'Consensual or Forced Transition'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Saudi Arabia's delegation on Friday walked out of the "Friends of Syria" international meeting held in Tunisia to protest what it called "the meeting's inefficiency."
“Focusing on humanitarian aid is not enough and the only solution is a consensual or forced transition of power,” head of the delegation, Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said.
“My country cannot take part in any action that does not lead to protecting the Syrian people and we need to protect the noble Syrian people promptly and effectively,” he added.
And as he stressed that President Bashar al-Assad’s regime had lost its legitimacy, the top Saudi diplomat slammed the Syrian government as “an occupation authority.”
“Have we truly supported the Syrian people? Will we settle for symbolic statements? Is it humane to settle for delivering aid and leaving the Syrians to the merciless (killing) machine?” Prince Saud added.
He noted, however, that the kingdom had approved the conference’s draft closing statement, but added that the text fell short of addressing what he described as a “tragedy.”
Later on Friday, Prince Saud said that he backed the idea of arming the anti-regime opposition.
Asked at the start of a bilateral meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Tunisia if he supported the idea, he said: "I think it's an excellent idea ... because they have to protect themselves."

Good move from KSA...let's be honest..We need to help the free Syrians with massive military intervention, training and armaments not food rations and cheap slogans.

A big problem, not mentioned in this article, but mentioned elsewhere is that there is no leadership in the SNC and lots of groups have stepped up to claim that leadership only to be dismissed later on. Somehow, the SNC has to get some leaders out there publicity presenting their points of view to world. Arming random Syrians out there is just going to create problems down the road like what is happening now in Libya.
I don't know what the solution is, but Assad has to go as well as all of his interior ministry (mukhabarat).

I lived in Saudi Arabia for many years and do admit that it's the best country to live in both in terms of standard of living and the quality of its people. Saudi arabia is also a very rich country and has the ability of supporting the opposition in Syria financially so that they could arms and depose the Assad regime. The regime in Syria is hanging with a thread and its demise is all certain. With financial help from SA and UAE the toppling of the regime will be quickened and things would go back to normal tin Syria and also in my country Lebanon where we would be extricated from this barbaric regime that surrounded our necks for many years and killed many of us for his personal interest. Gad bless Saudi Arabia and its stance on Suria.

Would any of these leaders support the arming of the Palestinians to protect themselves from Israeli aggression and colonial expansionism??? This meeting should be referred to as the "Friends of America/Israel".

Calm down bigdig...The Israeli American enemy want a Sunni-Shia clash in the middle east to help Israel's hegemony and keep the hated Arab puppet dictators in power. The Sunni majority masses in the middle east are not stupid. The puppet Arab dictators years are numbered just like the Israel's years are numbered. The fire will burn ALL of them.

Longue vie à la résistance syrienne. A pan-Arab task force is the only way out since king Assad wants to die on his throne. So be it!

thumbs up to the Saudi Minister! it doesnt matter what your ethnicity, religion, nationality or political opinion is, the civilians are being massacred and the world is just observing. aid this and aid that, send this delegation and that, but what needs to be done is the immediate ability for the civilians to defend themselves! otherwise you are an illiterate coward with no common sense or care for humanity!

Ask China Mr. economist. In spending money they are, but borrowed.

Naharnet has not printed any of my last 3 comments...Will the friends of Israel and their Arab puppet leaders help to arm the Palestinians against Israeli aggression and colonization????

They were armed for tens of years and all they could think of was Jounieh!!!!!

And just why should the americans get involved? If the Prince feels that strongly about it let KSA take the lead on behalf of Arabs

China owns 1.5 trillion in US Treasury Bonds and Notes, about 8% of the total US deficit. Still the #1 economy in the world and there is no reason to believe that won't continue...Turd!

Even Hamas came out today in support of the Syrian people. Excellent move by KSA.
The KSA and Gulf countries need to be prepared for air flights and no fly zones.

Has anyone missed the fact that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are having been crushed and pummeled into insignificance by Assad? Maybe not according to Gabby, allouchi, slash, peace, thepatriot... who are still predicting that the Assad regime... well... duh... umm... ooh... has fallen? or will fol this coming Wednesday? I guess their only hope now is to invade Russia and China before invading Syria. Mou?

The Shia of Saudi Arabia & the Bahrain should rise & be provided with arms to fight these evil Wahabi & Salafi Islamists. They are the root cause of all evil. They make make communism more appealing.

I think it's time bashar to go and meet up with his dad in hell so thay can both burn .

I just wonder if it is the other way around and the Alawis (Shia) in Syria are the ones protesting in the streets and the Sunnis are stopping them by force would it still be the same?? Would the Saudis still call it a Tragedy?? and back the Alawis?? Bunch of hypocrits!!
Just like ahmad fatfat said KSA is a model of democracy!hahahaha!!! come on so now KSA is giving democracy lessons!!. Iwould take that from the frensh but KSA and qatar!??
BTW, KSA is the only country IN THE WORLD where if you are not wahabi you do not have the right to pray even privatly. last year 11 christians were arrested for praying in their apprtements!
and finally KSA signed a 120Billion $ weapons contratc with USA, they can easily send 1 billion in weapons to the poor., honets heroic zarkawi boys fighting in Syria

Can John from , big dim wit and flame thrower who will one day become electricity payer.
Finally understand that greater Syria is a myth, long live a free Lebanon.
All three of you are nothing but bootlickers

Kesrweneh.Donno where did you get your information From.
Yes publicly you cannot pray if you are a Christian in Saudi Arabia (which is very wrong), but u won t be arrested for praying in your apartment (btw u cannot hold the hand of your gf in Iran,u will be hanged for being gay.none is better than the other.
As for the 150Billions ,you are wrong again,they yearly budget is 45billions,get your facts right.
Zarkawi boys fighting in Syria?bloody hell,homes has been bombarded for the last 14 days ,where did all of these Zarkawi come from?have they not finished with them?they must be in thousands there if in 12 months the regime did not get rid of them yet!!! so where was the regime when they were flooding syria???Jeeeeee they must be very powerful no?.
Dont you think guys that we should sit back and watch what is happening without getting involved?
I do not care who s fault it is,i only remember the Syrians occupying,destroying lebanon (for those who cannot remember).

This is quite the serious development. The breach between Assad and KSA is total and complete. There is no going back, no path back between these too and this has repercussions in Lebanon.
Before, when KSA and Syria came together on Lebanon, Jumblatt/Hariri and the rest of M14 receded and the Assad proteges came to the forefront as was the case in 2010.
In 2005-07 there was a split, but not like this and the split gave M14 some breathing room.

But now, with this and the statement that the KSA sees arming the Opposition as an excellent idea, KSA has gone to where the US has not, it favors now the armed overthrow of the Assad Regime. This should send Hezbollah/AMAL/FPM on the run in Lebanon and bring back the nationalist forces of M14
Jumblatt is already completely where KSA has gone in directing his Druze brethern in Syria to join in the fight against Assad.
M14 however, is only a step or two ahead of the SNC in cohesion, unity and credibility. SNC has little to none, M14 is way behind and needs to get its act together soon.