Israel Says 'All Options on Table' for Action against Iran

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Israel is keeping the option of military action against Iran open if the international community does not halt its suspected nuclear weapons drive, Foreign Minister Avidgor Lieberman said Friday.

"We are still waiting. We want to believe that the international community will be able to handle this threat... But again we keep all options on the table," Lieberman said when asked about the possibility of a strike on Iran.

"Our expectation from the international community is to take all necessary steps to stop the Iranian aggressive foreign policy, including its nuclear ambitions," Lieberman said.

His comments came ahead of a meeting next Monday between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House which will focus on Iran's nuclear activities.

Israel and the West suspect Iran's nuclear program is aimed at producing the atomic bomb but Tehran insists it is for entirely peaceful purposes.

The White House warned Wednesday that any military action against Iran would create "greater instability" that could threaten the safety of Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Washington and other nations have warned Israel against launching a pre-emptive strike on Iran and called instead to allow time for a regime of international sanctions to kick in.

"The sanctions are a right step in the right direction but despite the sanctions we do not see any readiness from the Iranian regime to give up their nuclear ambitions," Lieberman said.

He also described the situation in neighboring Syria as "unacceptable", voicing hope that the international community would step in to stop the "barbarian behavior of (Syria's) own leaders."

"We think first of all that it is necessary to stop this bloodshed, this killing machine," Lieberman said.

Comments 6
Thumb benzona 02 March 2012, 15:43

Do it! Do it! Do it in huggies :-) I guess the Iranian regime will fill the pampers. hehehe

Thumb Bandoul 02 March 2012, 20:37

Israel needs to figure out how to destroy Iran's nuclear program without ANY innocent Iranian civilian casualties. They should do this ASAP. The regime in Iran is out of control and must be defeated sooner than later.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 02 March 2012, 15:49

hope israel and iran go to war as we speak humanity will win if those 2 destroy each other

Thumb beiruti 02 March 2012, 15:53

This is a classic case of the tail wagging the dog. How absurd is it for the Israeli PM, Netanyahu, to lecture and dictate American foreign policy to the President of the United States? But for the US, Israel would not exist. This is the fact and the reality, it is not the other way around.
And in an election year, how offensive is it that a foreign leader would have the temerity to inject himself and attempt to determine the outcome of the presidential election.

Or is American Middle Eastern policy really operated from Tel Aviv?

Thumb Bandoul 02 March 2012, 20:33

beiruti, my president, who happens to be Mr. Barrack Obama, is an embarrassment to my country and an appeaser who threw our flag under the bus and stabbed our ally Israel in the back. Not only does he deserve to be lectured to by Mr. Netanyahu like the ignorant school boy that he is, he also should hang his head in shame, resign his presidency and apologies to the American people (us the tax payers) for all the harm he has done.

Thumb Bandoul 02 March 2012, 20:48

There is a chance it might be proven that Mr. Barrack Obama is not a natural born US citizen. If this happens and he is impeached, all the harm Mr. Barrack Obama has done from Obama Care domestically to the Apology tour in the Middle East will become null and void. Ya rabb, nchallah.