Egypt Police Arrest Sex Swingers


Egyptian police have arrested a married couple who advertised on Facebook to sexually swap spouses and to host orgies at their Cairo apartment, a security official said on Saturday.

The case involving a 30-year-old accountant and his wife of the same age had been referred to prosecutors, the official said, adding that their Facebook posting had been titled "Wife-swapping."

In April 2009, a Cairo court sentenced a man to seven years and his wife to three for setting up a swingers' club, according to their lawyer. The court said they confessed to having sex with other couples.

Extra-marital sex is generally frowned upon in Egypt, although couples go ahead with it after obtaining informal marriages, and could lead to prostitution charges.

Comments 3
Thumb benzona 24 March 2012, 16:50

Lovely. The state should mind its own business. Don't they have more important things to deal with?

Thumb thefool 25 March 2012, 02:50

The government should not raise and parent its citizens. Either Egypt is a free country, or it's not.

Increasingly, freedom is becoming a rare privilege in the middle east.

Thumb primesuspect 26 March 2012, 04:31

This whole revolution thing is going sideways...