Israel's Lieberman Urges Vote so Abbas Can be Ousted

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Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has called on the Middle East peacemaking Quartet to force elections on Palestinians in a bid to oust president Mahmoud Abbas and revitalize the dormant peace process.

In a letter sent on Tuesday to the Quartet's top diplomats, a copy of which was obtained by Agence France Presse, Lieberman said that Abbas "apparently is uninterested or unable... to reach an agreement which would bring an end to the conflict."

"The time has come to consider a creative solution, to think 'outside the box,' in order to strengthen the Palestinian leadership," wrote Lieberman.

"General elections in the PA (Palestinian Authority) should be held, and a new, legitimate, hopefully realistic Palestinian leadership should be elected."

Direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians have been on hold since September 2010 following an intractable dispute over settlements, and Quartet efforts to bring the two sides closer together have so far led nowhere.

In the letter, Lieberman said Israel had made "several significant gestures" to the PA, including efforts to boost its economy, an agreement to employ more Palestinian construction workers in Israel and reducing the number of roadblocks in the West Bank.

"Unfortunately, despite these steps, we do not see any willingness or positive attitude on the part of the PA," Lieberman wrote to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

To Lieberman, the standstill in talks could be resolved through the "creative solution" of internal Palestinian elections.

"In his deeds and his behavior, Abbas does not represent the general Palestinian interest," he wrote.

Comments 2
Thumb jcamerican 22 August 2012, 13:55

You stole my words.

Missing phillipo 22 August 2012, 18:44

I think you have things wrong there mate. Yasser Arafat was offer 98% of the West Bank as a free and independent Palestine State, but he refused it.
The saying that Arafat never missed a chance to miss making peace was accurate. If he had made peace with Israel, the Palestine State would have been established over 20 years ago, covering the West Bank AND the Gaza Strip.
Now unfortunately, Abbas doesn't even want to sit down with the Israelis to talk, never mind reach peace. He wriggles out of peace talks using every ruse possible, fully knowing that any agreement that he may come to with Israel would not include Gaza.