Turkey Says Sharaa 'Man of Reason', Suggests He Replace Assad
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Syrian Vice President Farouq al-Sharaa "is a man of reason" who could replace President Bashar Assad as the head of a transition administration to stop Syria's civil war, according to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
"Farouq al-Sharaa is a man of reason and conscience and he has not taken part in the massacres in Syria. Nobody knows the (Syrian) system better than him," Davutoglu said Saturday on the public television channel TRT.
The Turkish minister stressed that the Syrian opposition "is inclined to accept Sharaa" as the future leader of the Syrian administration.
Sharaa, the most visible Sunni Muslim figure in the minority Alawite-led government, is trusted by the regime and was foreign minister for 15 years before becoming vice president in 2006. Reports that he had defected in August were denied by Damascus, but some opposition leaders say he is apparently under house arrest.
Davutoglu said he was convinced that the Syrian vice president was still in Syria.
Ties between Ankara and Damascus, which have been tense since the start of the revolt in Syria in March 2011, worsened sharply after Syrian shells killed five Turkish villagers last week when they were fired across the border.
Turkey, which shares a border of 900 kilometers (450 miles) with Syria and hosts nearly 100,000 Syrian refugees on its territory, openly supports rebels from the Free Syrian Army and has called for Assad's ouster.
It has systematically retaliated for several days for Syrian shells that have landed on Turkish territory.
The United Nations has condemned the Syrian shelling and urged both sides to show restraint.

"man of reason"? LOL, what's different about him? He's Sunni not Alawite.
Oh Turkey... a country that claims secularism but acts as sectarian as any Gulf country

who the hell turkey is to voice opinion about which thug is to rule syria?
they ruled us for 500 years and never built a school nor a hospital. We advanced more during 20 yrs of french rule than 500 of their stupid ottoman rule. They killed armenians, kurds, greeks, arabs. Let them shove their stupid opinion where the sun doesnt shine and return the anatolian plateau to the glorious greeks.

In my opinoi, Dickran Zubranoglu is also a Turkish man of reason who should replace the crazy Sunni lunatic Erdogan and his troupe of muppets.