Haifa Wehbe Splits from Husband after Four-Year Marriage
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Lebanese singer, model, and actress Haifa Wehbe decided to separate from her husband Ahmed Abo Hashima in a statement she posted on Wednesday on her Twitter and facebook pages.
“We are saddened to announce that we have mutually decided to separate after four years of marriage. We hold a great deal of respect and support for one another and will always remain committed for the sake of the good years we have shared our lives together,” the statement said.
“We kindly ask you to respect our decision and allow us the privacy we need at this time,” added the statement, which was signed by the separated couple as “Mr. Ahmed Abo Hashima and Ms. Haifa Wehbe.”

@the1phonenix : Qui t'a donné l'autorisation de juger et classifier les gens? En quoi cela te concerne les histoires des gens? Chacun fait ce qu'il veut dans la vie. tu es qui pour jugeR??j'éspere un peu d'esprit constructif dans nos critiques sinon le peuple arabe( ou phénicien) n'evoluera jamais.

@the1phonenix : Qui t'a donné l'autorisation de juger et classifier les gens? En quoi cela te concerne les histoires des gens? Chacun fait ce qu'il veut dans la vie. tu es qui pour jugeR??j'éspere un peu d'esprit constructif dans nos critiques sinon le peuple arabe( ou phénicien) n'evoluera jamais.

Personne a donne l'authorisation de juger, mais il a dit la verite.
Nobody gave him the right to judge, but he told the truth.

Haifa, do you want my phone number ? You are a wonderful and gorgious lady and very proud to have you representing Lebanon. I LOVE YOU !

Please refrain from posting comments such as this, especially when you have the profile pic of a very respectful person. Thank you

Ya Allah dakheela 7aram Haifa, la2inno for a moment I had forgotten that we live in a country that is being held hostage by Hizb-Iran and their allies. Ya 7aram ya Haifa...

Philippo : tu es entrain de juger à ton tour.. tant que l'être humain ne touche pas à l'ordre public il a droit de mener sa vie comme il souhaite. si ni à toi ni à the 1phoneix d évaluer les choses. .. mais c'est le lois qui sont la pour proteger ou condamner les citoyens.

judging people is human nature. if you don't judge people you will fail at life.
if i'm interviewing a potential employee, i'd better be good at judging whether or not (s)he'll be a good or bad employee. if I'm proposing to get married to someone, i'd better be good at judging whether she and I are a good fit.
People have the right to dislike what Haifa represents, as much as people having the right to like. Nothing wrong with expressing opinions.

It's not about judging Haifa. It's judging whoever labels her as a singer. She is famous yes, but she is not a singer. Haifa is free to do whatever she wishes and it's her life. But I can never accept or digest the level of music and singing to be lowered specially in this region to fake beauty, exploiting women and fake everything.

Then you people should criticize the other people that like her, and the media that have her, the newspaper that talk about her etc, not her as a person. As a person I think shes a very courageous woman coming where she comes from and doing all she did. She had the guts to do what she wants and be free somehow, at a time no one was doing that, then all the others followed, and now arabic pop music is full of pseudo haifas. I dont like her music at all, not her plastic image, but I can admire the fact that she was able to do all she did. So crticize the system, and the artistic level of lebanese, not the person who was smart enough to benefit from it

I guess a rich man from UAE or KSA pays more than her hausband ,what a worn out mole..She cant sing for shit ..by the way why is everyone attacking the1phoenix he is right .Haifa is a fake woman full of silicone implants .I would still give her one but..