U.S. Official on Trip to Push Iran, Syria Sanctions

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The United States sent its top sanctions official on a four-country tour this week as it seeks to bolster support of international economic sanctions against Iran and Syria.

David Cohen, Treasury under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, is visiting Iraq, Israel, Turkey and Britain for talks with government officials and members of the financial sector, the Treasury Department said in a brief statement.

The Treasury said Cohen's discussions would focus "on steps that governments and the financial sector can take to protect the international financial system from the threat of terrorist financing, especially financing linked to al-Qaida operations throughout the region including Syria."

"The under secretary will also discuss the importance of economic sanctions against Iran and the Assad regime in Syria," the statement said.

The visit continues through Friday; the statement did not provide precise details about the itinerary.

Comments 2
Missing VINCENT 26 February 2013, 00:01

May it is time for the U.S. and its allies to take their hands off the Middle East and let those currently on the grounds inherit its bounties. Let's see who would they be...? Al Qaida, Persian Mullahs, Hezeb Allah, Bassher Al Assad, Islam Brotherhood.... I guess, as a Lebanese, if this would get rid of the foreign occupiers and their arms from Lebanon and free Lebanon from the nasty Middle Eastern conflict, it would be a good thing. Would that also be a wishful thinking?

Default-user-icon Flangello Sortambie (Guest) 26 February 2013, 10:12

Cohen, huh? There is no doubt that he is definitely working with the interest of the US first and foremost on his agenda! And then you wonder what is the US doing that is moving it from one success to another bigger success abroad! Outstanding!!! Keep up the good work, Cohens & Co.. Call the USA First team, like our compatriots here at home, Lebanon First Some Twenty-Two Damn Years Late and Still team of Rafic Syria, Syria's best Rafic.