France 'extremely concerned' about Lebanon-Israel border violence


Paris is "extremely concerned" about fighting on Lebanon's border with Israel, France's foreign ministry said Thursday, calling on "all sides to exercise the greatest restraint.".l

"Violence on the border with Israel is intensifying dramatically," the ministry said in a statement, calling for "implementation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701" governing the border zone and vowing that France remains "fully committed to prevent any risk of escalation along the Blue Line" between the two sides.

Comments 2
Missing phillipo 27 June 2024, 19:34

If they are so concerned then perhaps their Foreign Minister should ask the UN Secretary General why is it that UNIFIL Forces are not stationed on the full length of the border with Israel and why they allow Hizballah to be stationed south of the Litani River in violation of UN Resolution 1701.
Remember the old saying "Actions speak louder than words".

Thumb chrisrushlau 29 June 2024, 02:27

France wet its bed last night. Its mother this morning explained this as "a sign of France's deep commitment to justice." Later Paris complained that France was abusing Paris's good name.