Abboud Says Lebanon Ready for Tourism Season, Vows to Make More Reforms
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةTourism Minister Fadi Abboud said on Wednesday that Lebanon will enjoy an “excellent” summer season.
In remarks to al-Manar TV, Abboud said: “We are ready for this tourism season because it is going to be the best for Lebanon.”
He asked all Lebanese emigrants and tourists to come to Lebanon this summer.
“I have made a lot of reforms in the ministry of tourism and I still have more work to do,” Abboud said.
The minister added that the new government will work for all of Lebanon.

What are the reforms which are made to encourage safety, clean environment and safe driving
I encourage you to take a drive along the mountains and auto route and see the garbage for yourself

Look at that face.................... Is this a face inviting you to go to Lebanon? If i want to go on vacation. ? why Lebanon? for the explosive situation? to see people building shacks on gov properties? to see all them posters of ayatollahs? to drive in a hellish stock car race?you cant drive there its crazy. you cant park there people tripple park. Hotels? hahaha prices are overrated .
Id rather spend my vac and money in a peaceful country . Where i feel safe and enjoy my time. Not in a jungle. In fact a jungle is safer than Lebanon.
Noooooooooooooooooooo thanks .

dear tourist,
Regarding the face, I don't think that the aspect of the tourism minister has any correlation with his actions. If you are more handsome, good for you.
Regarding the country. Yes there are some shacks built by assholes on public properties. But I don't think you would want to visit the areas where these shacks are... The southern suburbs are not in any tourist guidebook.
Regarding the driving, they are working on it. I got a ticket last month for driving at 113km/h by a radar.
Regarding the explosive situation... Beirut is safer than Paris or London.
Regarding the price. Everywhere is expensive. Not only lebanon. At least you can buy a bottle of water at 500LL instead of 2euros.
Lebanon is a young country. Think of its positives. Think of you can do to help it instead of complaining about it

hahahahhaha. mowaten you are funny. the french one is ugly too. but i feel safe
in france. They have no check points and they dont care about religions.
My money would be better spent in France than Lebanon.
BACHSHISH BACHSHISH. You and i know it. As soon as you land in Beirut you start paying Bachshish to get out of there. Stay healthy my friend.
Life is too short .

And no body is inviting you to go to France. You are a free person. At least i am.

Tourist is a part of the Hariri clan , that are hiding in Paris like he is at the Plaza Athénée Hotel . It's your time now for exile .. Like your Rafik did with GMA for 15 years .. The place is the same France , but the period will be longer for you .
I prefer to look one million times at miniter's Abboud very Lebanese face , than to have to look at Saad's Saudi Face and listen to his Saudi Palestinian accent and Saudi bedouin traditions (...) if you see what i mean ..

tourist, you are complaining about bakhchich bakhchich. And this is annoying. But in Paris, except at very expensive restaurants, you sometimes have to wait for 15 minutes for the pissed off waiter to clean the table from the service before you, and to ask you with his pissed off air "ça sera quoi monsieur". While in Lebanon you are usually served by waiters doing their utmost to please you. You are king in Lebanon. and you are nothing in France. As for checkpoints of the Lebanese army, they dont bother me, these young men are just trying to keep order. You should not be bothered by them.
I am just trying to tell you that there are positive and negative everywhere... Try to see the positive in lebanon.

Phenicien. I hear you. I dont like wahabis. And I dont personally like Saad or what he stands for either. But Saad represents a sizeable part of the population of Lebanon. AND WE HAVE TO LIVE TOGETHER WITH THAT PART. They will not be driven to exile. We will not be driven to exile. We have to learn to live together and accept each other. And this by starting to respect each other.

Tired of naggers. I hear you bud. I am way older than you . You are not telling me things that i do not know. I do appreciate the services at the Lebanese restaurants trust me. They are the best. What i am complaining about is the traffic and the way people drive there with no respect to other drives. True?
If you want to go to a place it would take you a long time and waste of time
your day would be wasted trying to get to your destination. I am a Lebanese and a very proud one too. My blood is Lebanese and id love to go back and live there for ever. But alas there you have to fight for your right freedom and respect. Lebanon is the most beautiful country on earth but with laws of the jungle. Lets face it ..

Le phenicien . You are wrong. I will never be part of the hariri klan. The klan that did not care but only about the Stl. and not about the poor lebanese people.
to hell with them and the stl. the guy is dead and gone let them get over it . and give the money they stole for their stl back to the lebanese people. You people on here judge without thinking. Without looking for proof. I am 63 years old when i was in lebanon you were nothing but an itch in your daddy's pants.

@ Fed UP ,
Soory but Saad doesn't represent all the Sunnis at all ! he represented them after his father died , with his money and sympathy for the death of his father ..
Even his father Rafik , without the KSA petrodollars and TAEF that allowed him to steel and rob Lebanon and the Lebanese , he would have never been elected as MP .
Reality is here on the ground today . The Hariri era is over for good . BTW , did you ask yourself why is Saad hiding in Paris ?
There are many other lebanese Sunni personalities , far much representative than the Hariri family , that can represent the Sinnis in Lebanon , and these personalities will come out in 2013 . Today there is PM Mikati that is doing the job with Safadi , both od them as rich as Hariri , and well educated and not big headed like the Saudi Saad and his father .
Lots of changes will happen in the Sunni leadership , even at Dar el fatwa soon .

Hey Boys
Quite and mature
We are talking tourism
We are talking safety on the road
We are talking clean roads from illegal dumps and garbage.
Lebanon will always be priority to visit but we ask the new minister, if he reads , these commnets to start working on the above as we are already mid summer.