Russia Says Assad Has No Need to Use Chemical Arms

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Russia said on Saturday there was no need for Syrian President Bashar Assad to use chemical weapons against rebels because his forces were making steady advances on the ground.

"The regime, as the opposition is saying out in the open, is enjoying military success on the ground," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters during a joint press appearance with his Italian counterpart Emma Bonino.

"What sense is there for the regime to use chemical arms -- especially in such small amounts?" Lavrov asked.

Russia said on Friday it was unconvinced by U.S. allegations that Assad had used chemical weapons against his own people.

U.S. President Barack Obama's administration said on Thursday it would boost military support for the opposition as a result.

Russia has backed Assad's regime and has provided it with weapons.

Lavrov said it would be wrong for the U.S. administration "to be sending signals" to the opposition that may scupper the chances of a peace conference being held in Geneva in the coming weeks.

He added that that a no-fly zone that Washington was reportedly thinking of implementing over a part of Syria near the Jordanian border "would in either case violate international law."

"We hope that our American colleagues will act in accordance with the implementation of the Russian-U.S. initiative concerning preparations for an international conference on Syria," Lavrov said.

The so-called Geneva 2 talks are aimed at getting the two warring sides at the negotiating table for the first time.

The first conference in the Swiss city held last June failed to come up with a workable plan for transferring power to an interim government because it never specified a specific role for Assad.

Moscow has said that Assad's representatives were ready to attend the new Geneva talks and has faulted Washington for failing to secure a similar agreement from the rebels.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 15 June 2013, 12:57

This nut head is the FM of Syria or Russia? Does he think that his arming of Assad is not to blame for the hundreds of thousands of Syrian killed? He's really a carbon copy of his president Putin who is the dictator of Russia. I think Russia is a losing player in Syria mark my words.

Thumb benzona 15 June 2013, 13:37

Yeah right Sergei. No need? He does it for his propaganda to spread fear.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 15 June 2013, 14:39

A lawless criminal will use every mean to impose his law.Assad was losing, and WILL loose the battle. Every way he can scare crush the resistance against him he will use. And if you are so keen to find the truth , force him to accept an independant UN lead inquiry. Very simple. Force him to allow journalists in his country, and not shoot them down.
Lavrov is using the same type of arguments Hassan Nasrallah or Moallem are.