Kerry Says Abbas Committed to Pursuing Talks with Israel

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Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is committed to pursuing peace talks with Israel despite the unresolved issue of Israeli settlement building, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said here Tuesday.

"I'll be talking to president Abbas today ... and he is committed to continuing to come to the negotiation because he believes that negotiation is what will resolve this issue," Kerry said in Brasilia.

"Let me make it clear. The policy of the United States with respect to all settlements, is that they are illegitimate," he told a press conference after talks with his Brazilian counterpart Antonio Patriota.

"But, that said, (Israeli) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was completely up front with me and with president Abbas that he would be announcing some additional (settlement) building in places that will not affect the peace map, that will not have any impact on the capacity to have a peace agreement," the U.S. chief diplomat said.

Kerry also stressed the "urgency to get into the discussion of borders and security".

In Colombia on Monday, the U.S. chief diplomat urged Palestinians "not to react adversely" to the Israeli announcement and stressed the need to return to the negotiating table.

With a fresh peace dialogue in its early stages after a three-year hiatus, the approval of almost 1,200 housing units in annexed east Jerusalem and in the West Bank on Sunday infuriated Palestinians.

The plan was swiftly followed by Israel announcing it would release 26 veteran Palestinian prisoners ahead of a resumption of peace talks Wednesday in Jerusalem.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon Orosni Belliya (Guest) 13 August 2013, 23:56

Abbas cannot speak for himself! mbannaj 3al ekher

Missing arturo 14 August 2013, 00:31

It is in Abbas's interests to resolve the border and other issues rather than have Israel continue to build while he refuese to negotiate. Even on hte just announced anticipated building, its unlukely there will be any activity on them during the settlement negotiation, so if borders get resolved the announciement will have no effect.

Missing phillipo 14 August 2013, 09:30

With the UN, EU, US all closely following these talks, how exactly do you think that Israel would be able to cheat? Every dot and dash will be scrutinized by legal experts from all over the world.

Thumb terminator 14 August 2013, 12:25

Israel will build "thousands" of new homes in settlements in the West Bank, Housing Minister Uri Ariel insisted on Wednesday, just hours before Israeli-Palestinian peace talks were to resume.

"We will build thousands of homes in the coming year in Judaea and Samaria," he told public radio, using the biblical term for the West Bank.