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Aoun's Bloc Says PM Put 'Veto' on Top 4 Presidential Hopefuls, Govt. Has 'No Role' in Waste Crisis

The Change and Reform parliamentary bloc lashed out Tuesday at Prime Minister Tammam Salam, accusing him of putting a “veto” on the presidential nominations of the top four Christian leaders – Michel Aoun, Samir Geagea, Amin Gemayel and Suleiman Franjieh.

“Who gave PM Tammam Salam the right to veto the presidential nominations of the strongest four Christians?” said the bloc in a statement issued after its weekly meeting, which was recited by former Labor Minister Salim Jreissati.

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Lebanese Man Dies in Self-immolation

A Lebanese man died on Thursday after setting himself on fire in Beirut's southern suburbs, the state-run National News Agency reported.

NNA said Ahmed Mohammed Issa, 22, went to the roof of his house that lies in the area of al-Ramel al-Ali and sprayed himself with flammable material.

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Army Arrests August 2014 Arsal Battles Suspect

The Lebanese army said on Tuesday that it has arrested a Lebanese man in the northeastern border town of Arsal overnight on charges of participating in attacks on army bases last year.

A military communique said Hassan Mohammed Chahine was apprehended “for participating along with others in attacks on army bases during the Arsal clashes in August 2014.”

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Aoun Says No Objective to Topple Cabinet

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun said on Tuesday that his party does not intend to topple Prime Minister Tammam Salam's government.

“Toppling the cabinet led by Tammam Salam is not among the objectives that we are currently working for,” Aoun told Iran's state news agency IRNA.

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Geagea Blames Iran for Baabda Vacuum

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea, a candidate for the country's top Christian post, has accused Iran of causing Lebanon's presidential deadlock.

“Iran is responsible for the obstruction of the presidential elections in Lebanon,” Geagea told pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat in an interview published on Tuesday.

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Mashnouq Adamant to Implement his Plan as Garbage Piles Up

Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq vowed on Tuesday to resolve the waste management problem by implementing a plan proposed by him after the closure of the Naameh landfill sparked an environmental crisis.

Al-Mashnouq told al-Akhbar newspaper that he would start on Tuesday to take practical measures to implement the plan to transport the waste to several regions as a temporary solution pending the launching of tenders on the establishment of new landfills.

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Report: Fabius Tasked to Discuss Baabda Vacuum during Tehran Visit

French President Francois Hollande has tasked Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius to discuss with Iranian authorities Lebanon's presidential deadlock, pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported on Tuesday.

The newspaper said Hollande informed Fabius that he should discuss with Iranian officials later this month the importance of ending the presidential vacuum.

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Officials: 'No Solution, No Settlement' on Cabinet Crisis

The cabinet is set to meet on Thursday but its bickering parties have not yet reached a settlement to avoid a growing crisis, government officials told al-Mustaqbal daily.

The officials, who were not identified, said: “So far, there is no solution, nor a proposal, nor any settlement.”

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Pentagon Chief Tries to Assure Israel over Hizbullah after Iran Deal

On a hilltop lookout near Israel's border with Lebanon, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter offered personal assurances Monday that the U.S. will help Israel counter Iranian support for Hizbullah. He called it one example of how the U.S. can support the Jewish state in the aftermath of the Iran nuclear deal.

Carter visited Hussein Lookout, with a sweeping view of the border as well as the Golan Heights, in an effort to emphasize U.S. concern about a range of threats that face Israel. These include tens of thousands of short-, medium- and longer-range Hizbullah rockets and missiles in southern Lebanon that could hit Israeli villages and cities.

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Jumblat Says Hollande Stressed French Support during Elysee Meeting

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat said French President Francois Hollande has informed him and his son that Paris will always back Lebanon.

“Never forget that France will always be by your side and the side of Lebanon,” Jumblat quoted Hollande as saying.

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