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Report: Iran Proposes Holding P5+1 Nuclear Talks in Cairo

Iran on Wednesday proposed Cairo as the venue for the next talks with world powers on its disputed nuclear drive, adding that the Egyptians have welcomed the idea, the ISNA news agency reported.

Iran has proposed that "the next meeting be held in Cairo, and it was welcomed by our Egyptian brothers," it cited Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi as saying after a cabinet meeting.

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Gutsy Graffiti Recounts Two Years of Egypt Revolt

In just three sentences on a large wall in Cairo, the artist sums up the evolution of the Egyptian revolt: "2011, Down with Mubarak's rule. 2012, Down with military rule. 2013, Down with Brotherhood rule."

Since the start of the popular uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak, street art has become the newest form of alternative media, documenting events, struggles, highs and lows with political messages that are as gutsy as they are colorful.

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Polio Virus Found in Egypt Linked to Pakistan

A Pakistani health worker administers polio vaccine drops to a young child at a polio vaccination center in Karachi on January 8, 2013. Pakistani health officials Monday called for infants leaving …more

Pakistani health officials Monday called for infants leaving the country to be issued polio vaccinations at airports after virus samples linked to a southern Pakistani city were discovered in Egypt.

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Polio Virus Found in Egypt Linked to Pakistan

Pakistani health officials Monday called for infants leaving the country to be issued polio vaccinations at airports after virus samples linked to a southern Pakistani city were discovered in Egypt.

Two sewage samples from Cairo were analyzed and found to resemble a recently discovered strain in the Pakistani city of Sukkur, a joint statement by health officials, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF said.

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Egypt's Morsi Opposed to Mali Military Intervention

Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi told fellow Arab leaders meeting in Riyadh on Monday that he opposes French-led military action in Mali against Islamist rebels.

"We do not accept at all the military intervention in Mali because that will fuel conflict in the region," Morsi said at the opening of an economic summit in the Saudi capital.

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Egypt Opposition Calls for Protests on Revolt Anniversary

Egypt's opposition has called for demonstrations across the country on Friday, the second anniversary of the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak, to protest against mounting “mistakes” by the ruling Islamists.

The National Salvation Front, the country's main opposition bloc which groups liberals and leftists, called for "rallies in all the Tahrir Squares of the country on Friday."

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Cairo Clashes with Police Leave Four Dead

Four people were killed overnight Sunday in a northern Cairo district as clashes erupted after a police officer accidentally killed a man while chasing a drug dealer, official sources said.

The clashes broke out outside a police station in the Shubra el-Kheima district when relatives and neighbors of the dead man gathered and then attacked the police with guns and Molotov cocktails, a security source said.

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Egypt Drops Charges against 379 Involved in Deadly Clashes

An Egyptian court on Saturday dropped charges against 379 people involved in clashes against the police in 2011, following a decree by President Mohamed Morsi granting them amnesty, the official MENA news agency said.

The 379 had been accused of injuring policemen during November 2011 clashes on Mohammed Mahmoud street, near Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square, that left dozens dead.

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HRW Urges Egypt to Halt Deportations to Syria

Egypt's government unlawfully expelled two Syrian refugees back to the war-ravaged country last week, and two Palestinians from Syria now risk being deported, the watchdog Human Rights Watch said on Saturday.

A Palestinian man and his son currently being held at Cairo airport were apparently refused entry to Egypt and would face "indiscriminate violence and possible persecution if returned to Syria," the New York-based group said.

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Egypt Police Stop Muslims from Storming Church

Police in Egypt clashed on Friday with a crowd of furious Muslims who tried to storm a church after claiming that a Coptic man had tried to sexually abuse a six-year-old Muslim girl, security sources said.

Dozens of Muslims went on the rampage in the southern city of Qena, destroying two Coptic-owned shops and then marching on the church in a bid to storm it before police fired tear gas to disperse them, the sources said.

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