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Hizbullah Demands End to Waste Disposal 'Farce,' Calls for 'Reasonable' Solutions

Hizbullah rejected on Tuesday the bids to tackle the waste management crisis, deeming the proposed prices as a “scandal.”

It said in a statement: “We call an end for the farce of the negative consequences of the crisis and demand reasonable solutions that would tackle the transitional phase ahead of reaching the strategic plan.”

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Kahil's Murderers Could Face 15 Years in Prison

The two suspects charged with the murder of Major Rabih Kahil could face up to 15 years in jail, reported LBCI television on Tuesday.

Military Examining Magistrate Judge Riyad Abou Ghida issued an indictment against the two suspects on Tuesday.

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Jumblat Deems Waste Management Tenders as 'Major Scandal'

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat condemned on Tuesday the bids presented to tackle waste management in Lebanon, describing as “astronomical” the prices that were submitted.

He said in a statement: “The bids are a major scandal and they should be reviewed in accordance with new rules that take into consideration the treasury.”

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Beirut Separation Wall Removed 24 Hours after Installment

Prime Minister Tammam Salam gave instructions on Tuesday to remove a concrete wall installed by the authorities in downtown Beirut a day after violent protests.

The wall was erected on Monday at Riad al-Solh Square near the Grand Serail after large violent anti-government protests shook the area on Sunday.

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Three Dead in Clashes at Ain el-Hilweh

Three people were killed in clashes overnight and into Tuesday morning between rival armed groups in Ain al-Hilweh, Lebanon's largest Palestinian refugee camp, near the southern city of Sidon, medical sources told Agence France Presse

The fighting between the Jund al-Sham Islamist group and members of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement prompted hundreds of residents to flee Ain el-Hilweh and shelter in nearby mosques.

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Security Members and Civilians Interrogated over Weekend Demos

Military Prosecutor Judge Dani al Zaani kicked off interrogations with security members and civilians who were arrested against the backdrop of the demonstrations in Downtown Beirut that turned into a war zone over the weekend leaving several injured, al-Joumhouria daily reported.

Some detainees were released after it became clear that they were not involved in the riots or attacks on the security forces, the National News Agency reported.

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Govt. Cancels Waste Disposal Bids, to Set up Temporary Dump in Akkar despite Hizbullah, FPM Withdrawal

The cabinet agreed on Tuesday to cancel the waste management bids that were presented on Monday, during an extraordinary session that witnessed the withdrawal of Hizbullah, Free Patriotic Movement and Tashnag ministers over what Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil described as a “farce.”

The government agreed to dedicate 100 million dollars to set up a temporary dump in the impoverished northern region of Akkar.

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Report: Al-Rahi to Launch Initiative to 'Salvage Lebanon'

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi is expected to launch an initiative to stop the growing political crisis from spiraling out of control, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Tuesday.

Al-Rahi is scheduled to return to the seat of the Maronite church in Bkirki from his summer residence in Diman after canceling a trip abroad, said the newspaper.

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Salam Adamant to Implement Cabinet Decisions

Prime Minister Tammam Salam has stressed that decisions taken by the majority of cabinet members will be implemented despite attempts by some parties to obstruct them.

“Even in the presence of a president, the Constitution grants him a time limit to review the decisions. They will be implemented when the deadline expires,” Salam told al-Akhbar daily in an interview published on Tuesday.

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Hizbullah and Mustaqbal Stress Keenness on 'Freedom of Expression, Dialogue'

Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal movement stressed Monday during their 17th dialogue session their “keenness on freedom of expression and peaceful protest under the law and applicable regulations,” a day after more than 100 people were injured during protests in central Beirut.

“The conferees discussed the domestic developments, the social issues, and the events of the past few days,” the two parties said in a terse statement after the Ain el-Tineh talks.

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