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UK Voices Concern over Beirut Violence, Backs Salam

British Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood said Monday that he was “deeply concerned” by the scenes of “violence and destruction” during the weekend demonstrations in Beirut that left scores of people injured.

“As Prime Minister Salam has said the right to peaceful protest must be protected. There should be a full investigation, accountability and all parties must exercise restraint,” Ellwood said in a statement.

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Berri Urges Reevaluation or Annulment of Waste Management Bids over 'High Prices'

Speaker Nabih Berri on Monday demanded the “reevaluation” or “total annulment” of the winning waste management bids, citing the “high prices” that were proposed.

“The bids must be reevaluated due to the high prices and the major burden on the treasury or else they should be totally annulled,” said Berri in remarks carried by state-run National News Agency.

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1 Dead, 3 Hurt as Fierce Clashes Renew in Ain el-Hilweh

Violent gunbattles erupted Monday evening in the Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp in Sidon between members of the secular Fatah Movement and Islamist militants, in a renewal of the violence that had first erupted on Saturday.

State-run National News Agency said Fatah member Fadi K. was killed and at least three people were wounded in fighting involving the use of rocket-propelled grenades, machineguns and flares. According to Future TV, mortar shells were also fired during the clashes.

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Gemayel Hints at Resignation from Cabinet if 'Obstruction Persists' during Tuesday's Session

Head of the Kataeb Party MP Sami Gemayel stressed on Monday that the cabinet will be facing a “test,” during its extraordinary session on Tuesday, if "the obstruction by some of its members continues."

He declared in a statement after the party's weekly politburo meeting: “We see no point in remaining in cabinet if the obstruction continues in tomorrow's meeting.”

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Mashnouq Announces Names of Waste Management Firms for Whole of Lebanon

Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq unveiled on Monday the names of the companies that won bids regarding waste management in Lebanon.

He announced in a press conference that it is now up to the cabinet to study the bids and announce the names of the winning proposals.

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Hale 'Deeply Troubled' by Weekend's Violence: Lebanese Deserve Basic Services, Working Parliament

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon David Hale stressed on Monday the right of free speech and assembly in the wake of the weekend's violent demonstrations, adding “the American and Lebanese constitutions support the right to peaceful protest.”

He said after holding talks with Prime Minister Tammam Salam: “Lebanon’s citizens deserve to have basic services they can count upon, just as they deserve a parliament that overcomes its divisions and elects a president.”

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Mashnouq Says Peaceful Protesters Have Right to Rally, Qahwaji Vows No Leniency with 'Infiltrators'

Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq stressed on Monday that the security forces demonstrated their “high responsibility” towards the “You Stink” protesters over the weekend, reported Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3).

He said: “The civilian campaign has the right to demonstrate, but a group affiliated with political parties had a different agenda.”

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U.N. Urges Political Accountability towards Lebanese, Backs Salam's Efforts to Promote Consensus

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag expressed on Monday strong support for Prime Minister Tammam Salam's efforts to promote consensus but stressed the need for political accountability of the country's leaders towards their citizens.

Kaag noted in a statement “recent citizens’ protests and rightful, public demands for basic services and the effective functioning of government.”

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Gulf Countries Issue Travel Warnings to Lebanon

Two Gulf countries have issued travel warnings to Lebanon after peaceful demonstrations against the country's trash crisis turned violent on Sunday.

Bahrain's foreign ministry renewed its call on its citizens on Monday to avoid travel to Lebanon “out of its keenness on their security and safety.”

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Amal Warns Media against 'Spreading Lies' on Involvement in Protest Violence

Speaker Nabih Berri's Amal Movement denied on Monday accusations that its members stirred riots during the latest anti-trash demonstration held in downtown Beirut.

“Some media outlets have been claiming that Amal is involved in an attempt to stir strife and have accused the movement's members of seeking to stir riots to shove it in the latest events,” Amal's press office said in a statement.

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