Hale 'Deeply Troubled' by Weekend's Violence: Lebanese Deserve Basic Services, Working Parliament


U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon David Hale stressed on Monday the right of free speech and assembly in the wake of the weekend's violent demonstrations, adding “the American and Lebanese constitutions support the right to peaceful protest.”

He said after holding talks with Prime Minister Tammam Salam: “Lebanon’s citizens deserve to have basic services they can count upon, just as they deserve a parliament that overcomes its divisions and elects a president.”

The ambassador made his remarks during a visit paid by U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Andrew Exum to the premier.

“This weekend, Lebanon’s vibrant civil society voiced its frustration over the political paralysis that has held Lebanon captive for too long,” continued Hale.

“Right to peaceful protest is integral to both our nations’ values and histories,” he remarked.

“As the premier said in his remarks yesterday, it is a right that must be protected. If that right is found to be violated, there needs to be accountability as Salam has called for,” he said.

“I am deeply troubled by the images and reports of injuries. We support a thorough investigation, and accountability, and restraint,” stressed the ambassador.

“I reiterated America’s strong support for the prime minister’s efforts to advance political consensus so the cabinet can work on many urgent issues. All sides of the Lebanese political spectrum have a responsibility to their constituencies to act in the national interest,” he stated.

“America has and will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with Lebanon as it faces these challenges,” Hale added.

Violence erupted on Sunday during a protest of the “You Stink” campaign that was demonstrating against Lebanon's waste disposal crisis and prolonged political deadlock.

It had held two demonstrations over the weekend.

Sunday's protest took a violent turn, which the campaign blamed on “political thugs,” who started fighting the police deployed at the scene of the protest at Riad al-Solh Square in downtown Beirut.

The campaign pulled its supporters off the streets once the unrest erupted.

The thugs tried to tear down a barbed wire fence separating the crowds from the Grand Serail and threw molotov cocktails on security forces.

The violence sparked battles, which left scores injured.

Workers were seen sweeping glass and other objects that were set on fire from the streets Monday.

The Internal Security Forces stated Monday that 32 rioters have been arrested.

Comments 3
Thumb justin 24 August 2015, 13:27

“I am deeply troubled by the images and reports of injuries. We support a thorough investigation, and accountability, and restraint,” stressed the ambassador.

We are also deeply concerned by the violent murders of black american youths at the hands of american police.

Thumb justin 24 August 2015, 13:55

أجرى البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشاره بطرس الراعي، اتصالا هاتفيا برئيس الحكومة تمام سلام وعرض معه للاوضاع العامة في البلاد، مؤكدا ان “المدخل الاساسي اليوم لكل الحلول هو انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية”.

do you know how to read flamethrower?

Thumb barrymore 24 August 2015, 14:10

بالفيديو: هكذا حضرت الطائفية في تحرك “طلعت ريحتكم”
لم تغب الطائفية عن تحرك “طلعت ريحتكم” في وسط بيروت بالأمس، فبالقرب من مسجد الأمين عمد بعض الشبان إلى خلع ملابسهم، والهتاف “شيعة شيعة شيعة”، ثمّ “حشيشة حشيشة بدنا نشرّع الحشيشة” و”المهدي راجع”…