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Diplomatic Missions Fall Victim to Cabinet Paralysis

Diplomats have said that Paris was able to clinch the Lebanese authorities' approval to appoint Emmanuel Bonne as ambassador to Beirut despite the failure of several missions to receive a positive feedback from the Lebanese authorities.

The diplomats, who were not identified, told An Nahar daily published on Tuesday that “only France has so far been able to receive an official approval (from Beirut) to appoint Bonne.”

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Report: Badr Disappears in Ain el-Hilweh after Lino's Pledge to Kill him

A member of an extremist group has disappeared in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh after pledges made by Palestinian Armed Struggle chief Brig. Gen. Mahmoud Issa to kill him, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Tuesday.

The daily said that Bilal Badr, who was accused of assassinating Fatah official Col. Talal al-Ordoni last month, is nowhere to be found.

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Chhim Residents Block Road to Protest Garbage Pileup

Residents of the Iqlim al-Kharroub town of Chhim blocked a vital road on Monday to protest the accumulation of garbage on the streets, as the entire country continued to reel from an unprecedented waste management crisis.

“A large group of residents blocked the main market's road at 8:00 pm with the accumulating trash, in protest at the municipality's failure to collect the garbage,” state-run National News Agency reported.

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Lebanese Man Robbed and Killed in Abidjan

A Lebanese man has been robbed and killed in Ivory Coast, Lebanon's National News Agency reported on Monday.

“40-year-old Mahmoud Atef Ghazal was shot dead at the hands of unknown gunmen in Abidjan,” NNA said.

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Gemayel: Those Trying to Block Cabinet Sessions are Committing Crime against All Lebanese

Kataeb Party leader MP Sami Gemayel said Monday that parties trying to prevent the cabinet from convening are “committing a crime against all Lebanese” amid the country's growing political and social crises.

“The postponement of sessions is shameful and the premier must 'strike with an iron fist,'” said Gemayel at a press conference.

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Abou Faour Underlines Threats of Trash Crisis: Political Powers Hold Key to Ending it

Health Minister Wael Abou Faour highlighted on Monday the threats posed by the ongoing waste disposal problem in Lebanon, saying that the temporary dumps for Beirut's garbage are nearing their capacity.

He urged during a press conference the government to “take the fastest solution to resolve the problem because time is not on our side.”

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Khalil: Public Sector Salaries Impasse Will Aggravate in Sept.

Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil warned on Monday that the government may be unable to pay the salaries of the government employees and civil servants by the end of September in light of the cabinet paralysis.

“Paying the wages of the public sector is starting to become a pressure card on the Finance Ministry. One of the ministries has started experiencing this pressure and may be unable to pay starting today,” warned Khalil in an interview to the As Safir daily.

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FPM Makes Initiative on Appointments as Cabinet Set to Fail on Choosing Army Chief of Staff

The Free Patriotic Movement has reportedly made an initiative to resolve the dispute on the appointment of high-ranking military and security officials as the cabinet, which is set to discuss the matter this week, is expected to fail to appoint a new miltiary chief of staff.

An Nahar daily said Monday that the proposal was made by FPM chief MP Michel Aoun during his meeting with Defense Minister Samir Moqbel last week.

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Officials Discuss Export of Waste as Crisis Grows amid Heat Wave

Officials resumed on Monday discussing the country's waste crisis as Prime Minister Tammam Salam said that the export of garbage is among the proposals under discussion.

“The suggestion to export waste is among several other proposals” that are being discussed by the involved officials, Salam told As Safir daily.

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Report: U.S. Sets Red Lines for Lebanese Officials over Growing Crisis

The United States has advised Lebanese officials to preserve Lebanon's stability by avoiding a vacuum in security institutions and the premiership as a result of their sharp differences, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Monday.

Washington has stressed there were three led lines that the officials should not cross, the newspaper said.

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