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Marouni: Kataeb on Same Grounds as FPM, Rejects Extension of Parliament Term

Kataeb MP Elie Marouni stressed on Thursday that his party is on the same grounds as the Free Patriotic Movement as for rejecting the current 1960 majoritarian electoral law and the extension of the parliament's term.

Expressing the Kataeb's utter refusal to adopt the 1960 law in the forthcoming legislative polls, Marouni told Free Lebanon radio: “We support a new electoral law and reject the 1960. We agree with the FPM and reject the extension of the parliament’s term.”

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Mustaqbal Says Hizbullah Wants Us to Choose One of Two Dilemmas

Al-Mustaqbal Movement has reportedly denied claims accusing the party of hampering an agreement on a new electoral law for the upcoming elections, al-Akhbar daily reported on Thursday.

“The party is not obstructing agreements on a new law for the polls. Hizbullah wants us to choose between proportionality and proportionality,” prominent Mustaqbal sources told the daily

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In Lebanon Gyms, Playtime and Escape for Syrian Children

Every Sunday, the gymnasium along Beirut's airport highway echoes with the shouting and laughter of dozens of Syrian children enjoying a rare escape from a grim and confined life in exile.

The Sport 4 Development program, run by the U.N. children's agency, aims to bring 12,000 children, mostly Syrian refugees, to blacktops and turf pitches this year to teach the basics of soccer and basketball, and to ease the pain of war and displacement.

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U.S. Military Delegation in Lebanon Next Week

A U.S. military delegation is expected to arrive in Lebanon next week to discuss with the Lebanese army the repercussions of the Syrian war on Lebanon and to weigh the developments on the Lebanese-Syrian border where the army is facing militants, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Thursday.

U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander General Joseph L. Votel, is expected to make an “unusual” visit to Lebanon next week, well-informed sources told the daily on condition of anonymity.

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ISG Renews 'Commitment to Lebanon Security', Urges Electoral Law 'Compromise'

The Members of the International Support Group (ISG) reaffirmed Wednesday “their commitment to the stability and security of Lebanon,” an ISG joint statement said.

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Israeli Troops Cross Electronic Fence, Plant Spy Devices

A 12-member Israeli force crossed the electronic fence overnight in the outskirts of the southern border town of Mays al-Jabal in the Kroum al-Sharqi area, media reports said Wednesday.

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SCC Stages Wage Scale Demo, Warns on Fate of 'Academic Year, Elections'

The Syndicate Coordination Committee, a coalition of private and public school teachers and public sector employees, staged a demo outside the Grand Serail on Wednesday, warning the political class over the fate of the academic year and the upcoming parliamentary elections should it fail to approve the long-stalled new wage scale.

“Should the Cabinet fail to deal positively with our outcry, we will resort to major escalatory steps, and let the ruling class bear the responsibility for the school year and the upcoming elections,” SCC official Nehme Mahfoud warned during the sit-in.

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Israeli Ministry Orders Ammonia Tank Shutdown amid Nasrallah Threats

Israel's environment ministry announced Wednesday it will not renew the license of an ammonia container in the port city of Haifa as it poses a potentially deadly threat to residents.

The container, which holds 12,000 tons of the toxic, corrosive liquid, puts the public "at a risk we cannot accept," the ministry said in a statement.

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Report: Iran Official Accuses Detained Lebanese Man of Encouraging 'Decadence'

A Lebanese national and U.S. permanent resident sentenced to 10 years in prison in Iran has confessed that he had tried to "encourage decadence" in the Iranian society, an Iranian semi-official news agency has quoted a Revolutionary Guard commander as saying.

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Berri Meets Rouhani, Thanks Iran for 'Support that Led to President Election'

Speaker Nabih Berri held talks Wednesday in Tehran with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani.

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