Israeli Troops Cross Electronic Fence, Plant Spy Devices

A 12-member Israeli force crossed the electronic fence overnight in the outskirts of the southern border town of Mays al-Jabal in the Kroum al-Sharqi area, media reports said Wednesday.
Troops planted spy devices consisted of a camera and a transmission instrument that are both solar powered, the reports added.
The development comes amid high tensions between Israel and Hizbullah that follow an exchange of threats and amid unconfirmed reports of Israeli airstrikes on Hizbullah posts inside Syria.

busy planning how to nuke Dimona reactor in the Negev Desert.

marcus: please tell us what you want hezbollah to do when israelis cross the technical fence (also specify what they should do if they cross the blue line, which is not the same thing)

At least, the enemy is using photovoltaic tech to power its devices. Our municipalities should get inspired and use similar technology to power street lights and out an end to the generators mafias.