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Russia Opposes 'Unbalanced' New U.N. Draft on Syria

Russia said Friday it opposed an "unbalanced" U.S.-backed U.N. draft resolution on the Syria crisis because it did not contain a call for a simultaneous halt in violence by the government and rebels.

"We cannot agree with the draft resolution in the form it is being presented in today. The text of the resolution under discussion is unbalanced," Interfax quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov as saying.

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Pakistan Charges Bin Laden’s 3 Widows with Illegal Entry

Pakistan has charged Osama bin Laden's three widows with illegal entry, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said Thursday, without saying when it had done so or when a trial would begin.

Pakistan took the al-Qaida chief's wives -- two Saudis and a Yemeni -- and around 10 of their children into custody after U.S. Navy SEALs killed him at his house in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad on May 2, 2011.

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Autonomy Bid in Libya Prompts Fears of Nation's Break-up

Tribesmen and politicians in Libya's oil-rich east have polarized public opinion, raised fears that the country might break apart and prompted some of his sharpest statements yet from the interim leader.

Analysts say the problem lies not with the federalism they are proposing but with the unilateral way in which a political movement in the second city of Benghazi is seeking to carve out an autonomous territory in the oil-rich region.

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Turkey Hints France to be Invited to Syria Summit despite Row

Turkish President Abdullah Gul indicated Thursday that France will be invited to the next meeting of the "Friends of Syria" to be held in Istanbul despite a slump in ties over a genocide bill.

A distinction must be made between bilateral relations and an international conference," Gul said on a visit to Tunisia, after a Turkish diplomat said Ankara had not decided whether to invite France to the conference.

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Aid Coordination Meeting on Syria Opens in Geneva

A relief aid coordination meeting on strife-torn Syria opened Thursday in Geneva, with representatives from U.N. agencies, aid groups such as the Red Cross, and member states in attendance.

The closed-door conference chaired by the John Ging, coordination chief of U.N.'s Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, would look at current needs and the possibilities of accessing the country, a spokesman said.

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62 Killed as Syrian Army Sends More Reinforcements to Idlib

Syrian security forces on Thursday killed 62 people across the country, monitors said, as the army sent further troop reinforcements to the northwestern province of Idlib, where activists said they fear an assault similar to the one that devastated the Baba Amr neighborhood of Homs.

Fifty-two people were killed in the central province of Homs, including 44 who were summarily executed, two in Idlib province, two in the Damascus suburb of Daraya, three in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour, one in the central province of Hama, one in the southern province of Daraa and one in the northern province of Aleppo, the LCC reported.

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Gaza Militants Fire Mortar into Israel

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired a mortar into southern Israel Thursday morning which exploded without causing casualties or damage, a police spokesman said.

"A mortar was fired in the general direction of a kibbutz, it didn't cause injuries or damage," Micky Rosenfeld told Agence France Presse.

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Cairo Warns of Regional Consequences to Syria Crisis

Egypt's Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr on Thursday warned of regional consequences should the crisis in Syria "explode", during talks with U.N.-Arab League envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, his spokesman said.

Amr said that an "explosion" of the situation in Syria "would not only have internal consequences but will spread to the whole region," Amr Roshdy told reporters.

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Syrian Observatory: Blasts Target Security Forces in Aleppo Province

Two explosions on Thursday struck security posts in the northern Syrian town of Aazaz, site of fierce clashes between government and rebel troops, a monitoring group said.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a statement that one blast targeted an intelligence office and the second a police station.

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Yemen Army: 7 Militants Killed in Zinjibar

The Yemeni army has killed seven suspected al-Qaida militants in an artillery strike on Zinjibar, an extremist stronghold in the restive southern Abyan province, a military official said on Thursday.

The assault follows one of the deadliest al-Qaida attacks on Yemeni security forces in the southern outskirts of Zinjibar on Sunday that killed 185 troops.

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