Nabih Berri
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Jumblat Holds Onto Rotation of Portfolios as Bassil Considers it Targets FPM

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed on Wednesday that there is consensus between all parties on adopting the rotation in ministerial portfolios, persuading the Free Patriotic Movement to agree on the matter.

“We cannot reject the rotation of portfolios, which was agreed on by President Michel Suleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam,” Jumblat informed FPM caretaker Energy Minister Jebran Bassil.

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Sources: FPM to Participate in Cabinet despite Rejection of Portfolio Rotation

The Free Patriotic Movement will participate in the new government despite its leader's rejection of the rotation of portfolios, FPM sources said Wednesday.

The sources told al-Liwaa newspaper that MP Michel Aoun's announcement that he rejected the rotation would not be an obstacle to the FPM's participation in the cabinet.

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Gemayel Calls for Formation of Cabinet Capable of Overseeing Constitutional Deadlines

Phalange Party leader MP Amin Gemayel called on Monday for the formation of a cabinet capable of confronting all the constitutional deadlines in the country and overseeing the upcoming presidential elections.

“Three upcoming deadlines will decide the fate of Lebanon,” Gemayel said after talks with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi at Bkirki.

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Berri Expects Cabinet to be Formed this Week, Says Consultations Ongoing

Speaker Nabih Berri expected on Monday that the cabinet would be formed in the middle of this week, pointing out that contacts are ongoing over the formation of an all-embracing government.

“The cabinet is expected to be formed this week if no unforeseen complications and surprises loomed to the surface,” Berri said in comments published in As Safir newspaper.

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French Diplomat Continues Talks with Officials, Reiterates Calls for Formation of Cabinet

French President Francois Hollande's adviser on North Africa and the Middle East Emmanuel Bonne stressed on Saturday his country's support to the Lebanese state institutions, calling for the swift formation of a new cabinet.

“Consultations are have intensified to reach a suitable lineup,” Bonne pointed out after talks with Free Patriotic Movement MP Michel Aoun.

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Berri Hails Hariri's National Position on Forming New Government

Speaker Nabih Berri welcomed former Prime Minister Saad Hariri's announcement that he is willing to take part in a government that includes Hizbullah as a political party, reported As Safir newspaper on Saturday.

He hailed the former premier's national position, “which he set as a priority above all else despite the difficult situation in Lebanon.”

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Abou Faour Calls on Rival Parties to Swiftly Agree on Cabinet Lineup

Caretaker Social Affairs Minister Wael Abou Faour said on Friday that the cabinet formation awaits a political decision by the March 14 and 8 alliances after the theoretical discussions ended.

The Progressive Socialist Party's minister said urged the rival parties in comments published in As Safir newspaper to swiftly agree on the new cabinet's lineup and overcome the remaining obstacles.

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Saniora Hails Cabinet Consultations Progress, Says Ministerial Statement Remains Obstacle

Head of al-Mustaqbal Parliamentary bloc MP Fouad Saniora stressed that contacts are ongoing with the March 8 alliance over the cabinet formation process, noting that the remaining obstacle is the cabinet's ministerial statement.

Saniora expressed optimism, in comments published in al-Liwaa newspaper on Friday, over the progress of negotiations with the rival coalition.

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Harb Stresses Consensus among March 14 alliance after Independent MPs Meet Geagea

March 14 independent MP Butros Harb stressed that the March 14 alliance has an agreement over the broad headlines of the cabinet formation process, stressing that the formation of a neutral cabinet remains better than vacuum amid the delicate situation Lebanon is passing through.

“There is a comprehensive meeting over the main principles with the Lebanese Forces,” Harb said after talks with head of the LF party Samir Geagea in Meraab on Wednesday night.

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Bassil Says Lack of Confidence Among Foes Threatens Cabinet Lineup

Caretaker Energy Minister Jebran Bassil stressed on Thursday that the Free Patriotic Movement is working on dismantling the acute political lineups, accusing the March 14 alliance of contradicting itself.

“We are contributing with the political foes to bridge the gap and reach an all-embracing cabinet,” Bassil said in an interview with al-Akhbar newspaper.

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