Nabih Berri
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Berri Sticks to Rotation of Portfolios but Says Policy Statement Should be Left Out of Consultations

Speaker Nabih Berri has backed the rotation of all portfolios in the new government but said discussions on the policy statement should be left until after the formation of the government.

In remarks to several local dailies published on Friday, Berri reiterated his support for the 8-8-8 formula and the rotation of portfolios in all ministries “without any exception.”

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Berri: We are Very Patient in Facing Obstacles in Government Formation

Speaker Nabih Berri stated on Wednesday that contacts are ongoing to form a new government.

He said: “We are positively dealing with this issue and we are very patient in facing the obstacles in the government formation process.”

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Salam Hinges on Efforts of Jumblat and Amal-Hizbullah Officials to Form Cabinet

Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam said he was betting on the efforts exerted by Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat and the advisors of Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Speaker Nabih Berri to clinch a deal on the new government.

In remarks to As Safir daily published on Wednesday, Salam denied that a final agreement has been reached among the rival parties on the form and shape of the cabinet.

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Berri Rejects 'Isolation,' Welcomes 'Positive Signals' from al-Mustaqbal

Speaker Nabih Berri reiterated his rejection to isolate Hizbullah or any other party from the new government, confirming that efforts are underway to form an all-embracing cabinet.

In remarks to An Nahar daily published on Wednesday, Berri said: “I welcome anything except for the isolation of any party.”

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Suleiman to Give 8-8-8 Cabinet a Chance, Does Not Rule Out Neutral Govt

President Michel Suleiman agreed on Tuesday to give a chance to discuss the 8-8-8 cabinet lineup but did not commit to ruling out forming a neutral council of ministers.

Suleiman's stances came in a meeting with the adviser of Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hussein Khalil, and Caretaker Health Minister Ali Hassan Khalil, who's the political adviser to Speaker Nabih Berri.

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LF Defends Suleiman against March 8 'Assaults' and 'Insults'

Lebanese Forces MP Antoine Zahra defended on Tuesday President Michel Suleiman against a campaign launched by the March 8 alliance, accusing it of assaulting his authorities.

“The campaign against Suleiman is an assault on his powers,” Zahra said in a press conference.

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Report: March 14 Committee Setting Strategy Ahead of 'Constitutional Disobedience'

A committee made up of March 14 officials has been holding discussions to unify the proposals on the coalition's new strategy, the Kuwaiti al-Anbaa newspaper reported Tuesday.

The daily quoted informed sources as saying that the committee's initial talks are focusing on merging the proposals of the alliance’s different parties on the strategy pending an agreement over their joint vision on the situation in the country, including Hizbullah's assistance to keep its fighters in Syria.

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Geagea Strongly Opposes Formation of All-Embracing Cabinet

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea reiterated on Monday his rejection to the formation of an all-embracing cabinet, stressing the importance of carrying out the presidential elections on time.

“We are passing through a delicate stage and only five months separate us from the presidential elections deadline... The only reasonable thing is to form a cabinet that aims at achieving Lebanon's highest interest without March 8 and 14 alliances,” Geagea said in an interview with al-Akhbar newspaper.

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Berri Proposes 8-8-8 Cabinet Formula along with Political Settlement

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat had recently revived talks over the possible formation of a 24-member cabinet that would see each of the political camps obtain eight ministers, reported As Safir on Monday.

He had recently made the proposal to Speaker Nabih Berri who explained that such a cabinet would be formed along with reaching a political settlement and the resolution of various disputes that would appease all sides.

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Report: Al-Rahi Backs off from Support for Nonpartisan Cabinet after Berri Warning

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi has backed off from his support for a so-called neutral government over fears that further divisions among the rival parties could affect the presidential elections, pan-Arab daily al-Hayat quoted sources as saying.

The March 8 alliance has been calling for a government in which it would get nine ministers along with March 14 and centrists six.

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