Berri Proposes 8-8-8 Cabinet Formula along with Political Settlement

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat had recently revived talks over the possible formation of a 24-member cabinet that would see each of the political camps obtain eight ministers, reported As Safir on Monday.

He had recently made the proposal to Speaker Nabih Berri who explained that such a cabinet would be formed along with reaching a political settlement and the resolution of various disputes that would appease all sides.

The amended formula would grant eight ministers to each of the March 8, 14, and centrist camps, he told As Safir.

Berri refused to disclose further details about the proposal.

Asked by the daily if it includes a so-called “decisive or key minister” for both of the March 8 and 14 camps, the speaker replied: “My suggestion has nothing to do with this issue.”

“All I can say is that the proposal aims to resolve disputes related to the 8-8-8 lineup,” he added, while not abandoning his support for the 9-9-6 formula that grants the March 8 and 14 camps nine ministers and centrists six.

Moreover, he questioned the March 14 camp's insistence to keep Hizbullah out of a new government, saying: “Its elimination means the elimination of AMAL and therefore the majority of the Shiite sect.”

“Can the camp tolerate the repercussions of such an action?” he asked.

Since his appointment in April, Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam has faced obstacles in the formation of a new government due to the conditions and counter-conditions being placed by the rival March 8 and 14 camps.

Comments 38
Missing coolmec 06 January 2014, 09:40

make concessions? hell no our politicians will never make concessions as personal interest and personal prestige come before the country's interests
God help Lebanon

Thumb lebnanfirst 06 January 2014, 09:47

My original comment was mysteriously deleted by Naharnet moderator(s) though for the life of me I can't figure out why. Anyway, I wrote a new one below.
Unfortunately you are correct although heretofore it was M14 doing all the concessions. Time for HA to exercise some humbleness and concede if they want Lebanon to start pulling itself out of the whole they put it in. God help Lebanon indeed.

Missing coolmec 06 January 2014, 09:51

I did notice the deletion of your comment. I wonder why?
Answering your comment. I am neither M8 nor M14 I hold both of them responsible for the gradual decline of the country.
What scares me though is the immense polarization of the Lebanese citizens who are continuously blaming each other for the country's ills while neither party is attempting to salvage Lebanon
How sad

Thumb lebnanfirst 06 January 2014, 10:00

In principle I agree with you that both M8 & M14 have contributed to our countries deteriorating situation. Given that the Lebanese are political animals, and that M14 has been at the receiving end of political assassinations I would rather side with them than HA and M8 especially that HA's philosophy is one of a dictatorial theocracy that I can not accept under any circumstances.

Thumb lebnanfirst 06 January 2014, 09:43

It is time for M8 to make concessions this time around. Enough bullying by HA et al, most Lebanese are tired of their adventures and holier than though attitude. Their foray in Syria backfired and is causing Lebanon great harm. Time to show some humbleness and for Berri to accept democracy instead of firing one threat after the other. Enough already, back off and let Lebanon breath.

Thumb lebnanfirst 06 January 2014, 10:08

Hopefully the 8-8-8 formula will stick this time although if it contains a "king minister" we will be back at square one.
We have had enough of HA and Berri's مكابرة.

Thumb mckinl 06 January 2014, 11:16

Everybody knows that M14 will never consent to any cabinet with HA membership ...

They have made that very clear. They only propose a technical cabinet as a ruse that no one really wants.

M14 wants to run the government and if they can not have that they want to see Lebanon pushed over the edge.

As long as the M14 leaders get their KSA checks they are willing to sacrifice Lebanon ... even their own party members.

Missing lebcan 06 January 2014, 17:13

You Say ..."M14 wants to run the government and if they can not have that they want to see Lebanon pushed over the edge."

I say the same words you say but in the place were you say its M14 I say its Hizbshytan!!! ONLY I'm not even going to mention Amal, M8 because they are totally controlled by Hizbshytan and Iran...

Missing coolmec 06 January 2014, 10:11

I think no formula will work if both sides don't compromise meaning both sides should put the country's interests ahead of personal interests

Missing lebcan 06 January 2014, 17:14

M14 compromised every time ... M8 have been getting what they want for to long... its time for M8 to really compromise.

Missing coolmec 06 January 2014, 10:28

Hello dogkiller
how are you today my friend?

Thumb ice-man 06 January 2014, 10:28

OMG.... I hope the_roar is fine.....

Missing coolmec 06 January 2014, 10:29

you comments are always true and blunt. keep it up my friend

Missing coolmec 06 January 2014, 10:36

hummm I think Naharnet just deleted dogkiller's comment. I don't see it anymore

Thumb habib 06 January 2014, 11:15

Ye3ni mafi telet lem3atel

Missing aounophobia 06 January 2014, 11:56

Is the current government not a de facto one? we all know the story with the "black shirts"

is the current government not eliminating the sunni sect? (and part of the christians too). and they are the ones that won the parliamentary elections "fo2 el dakke"!

so again we always come back to double standards as usual

Missing coolmec 06 January 2014, 12:06

ya aounophobia
double standard, triple standard, multiple standard...
welcome to Lebanese

Thumb mckinl 06 January 2014, 12:21

Unfortunately Saudi money sows the seeds of evil even in Lebanon.

Thumb lonerider 06 January 2014, 13:52

KSA interests now are to keep the war in Syria going until Assad is ousted. Therefore, the instructions to M14 are not to compromise at any cost. Geagea said it himself a couple of weeks ago. So no matter how many proposals M8 offer, M14 will counter with some ridiculous demand like no Hizbollah in government or a neutral government. However, as the terrorist elements from KSA are getting their butts whipped in Syria, and soon their will be a political solution there, we will see a small but decisive war in Lebanon between Hizbollah, LAF against the remaining KSA terrorists. It will be at that time that KSA will come to the table and " lead" the compromise insisting they have been pushing for a solution all along.
KSA is the evil of all evil in this world.

Thumb proudm14 06 January 2014, 14:12

neutral government = ridiculous demand

the intelligence of an M8 supporter my friends

Thumb lonerider 06 January 2014, 15:22

Don't be so proud sir. You lack the insight that there is no such thing as a neutral government. All Lebanese must be represented when decisions are made for the entire country. That is just over your head.

Thumb ice-man 06 January 2014, 15:30

Should Bandar go?

Thumb proudm14 06 January 2014, 15:43

it is over your head that a technocratic government can serve our interests just fine...all Lebanese. The ministers themselves do not necessarily have to be neutral, but the cabinet can be comprised of non-party members who are professionals in the respective field for that particular portfolio.

there is nothing hard to understand about this, lonerider.

Thumb proudm14 06 January 2014, 15:45

in any case we have been in deadlock since 2005 and we have tried 2 unity governments like the one you are proposing, and one M8 government which has brought the entire country to its knees. it is time to try something new. A government split 50/50 between bitter rivals will get us nowhere.

Thumb proudm14 06 January 2014, 16:26

like usual, throw some facts into an M8'ers face and he doesn't reply. back the sewers he scampers.

Thumb lonerider 06 January 2014, 16:44

Unlike you proud, I have a job do I cannot sit in front of a computer 24/7 to respond. You sound exactly like anonytexusa btw. He is always on 24/7 so I believe he changed his avatar or something.
In any case, what is there to respond to? You are not understanding that a neutral government is impossible in Lebanon just like your other avatar Anony didn't. Let's just agree to disagree and not resort to name calling, sir.

Thumb proudm14 06 January 2014, 16:46

you have a deal, madam.

Thumb lonerider 06 January 2014, 16:48

You just couldn't help your self could you. Very gentleman like. No problem. Let's move on.

Thumb proudm14 06 January 2014, 16:51

you spent a paragraph passive-aggressively accusing me of being another poster. i thought it fitting to call you a woman since that is how you were acting.

Thumb lonerider 06 January 2014, 19:07

lol, wallah made me laugh. Youre not only a racisist but a sexist also.

Missing lebcan 06 January 2014, 17:21

neutral government = ridiculous demand
as proudm 14 says!!!

Thumb -phoenix1 06 January 2014, 14:12

Obviously, neither M8 nor M14 wish to see a neutral cabinet of technocrats see the day. Why one must ask? The first reason is that such a cabinet will prove within a very short time, that it could do the task and work that both M8 and M14 failed to do. The M coalitions did not fail simply because they are incompetent, no, they failed because they want to leave the nation as it is since they know that this is their only way to survive. Both Ms know that a technocrat cabinet will solve our problems, and this is the problem, when a reduced cabinet can solve, the parties will dissolve. Only brain dead people will accept what both Ms want to explain to the contrary.

Missing watan-libnan 06 January 2014, 15:51

Does anybody think that the people who are running the country aren't happy with the situation at it is now don't kid yourselves they wan't you to think that without them there would be kaos they are all a bunch of theives i hope the saudis don't hand over the 3 billion just yet as you can bet that money won't go where it is supposed to

Missing lebcan 06 January 2014, 17:20

You mean you and Hizbshytan Crave...
If we crave war how come we build nice streets and buildings in our lands and you guys live like the Palestinians as though you are careless of you're land and life here...
Don't get me wrong I love the Palestinians and God willing they will go back and make a great country for themselves... and they know Lebanon is not home for them... but is it you home???...or is it IRAN??? hmmmm

Thumb beiruti 06 January 2014, 17:56

Under the constitution, it is the Prime Minister in concurrence with the President of the Republic who proposes a Council of Ministers. Berri, as Speaker, has the sole role of calling the Parliament to session for the purpose of casting a vote of confidence or no-confidence on the choices made in the Executive Branch.

His proposal here is outside of the constitution and more reflective of Shiite usurpation of power in Lebanon than of any legitimate powers under the Constitution delegated to the Speaker's Chair.

Thumb beiruti 06 January 2014, 18:00

888 or 996, its the same difference. So instead of 9 M14 and 9 M8, there are 8 to each and each gets one of the "neutrals" which is 996 dressed up like something else.

And its all window dressing meant to cover the underlying fact that Hezbollah is running the country. It has the government but needs a convenient multi-confessional cover for its de facto control. The other confessional parties do not want to cooperate, save Jumblatt who will do anything to help stability as long as he is a keystone in holding everything stable.
Worse, HA through Berri has issued threats to those other parties, whose cover HA needs, that unless they cooperate, Hezbollah will start a car bombing assassination campaign against them.
Is it no wonder that M14 has decided not to meet in public anymore.

Default-user-icon MovingOn (Guest) 07 January 2014, 04:16

M8 and M14 are getting weaker day by day. No more wheeling and dealing. Your time is up M8 and M14. You were true failures. Lebanon and the Lebanese no longer need you. It's time for a neutral government that distances Lebanon from regional wars. You are grasping at straws. The 888 formula won't work. It will ensure the status quo and that's not acceptable. You should be lucky if you get 2 seats each with NO veto power.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 07 January 2014, 07:26

The political settelement is to send Nasrallah to jail , prosecute and hang all those involved in the serial killings at leat since 2005, and ban Hizbollah !