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FPM says opposition showing positivity as Azour chances reportedly surge

The Free Patriotic Movement said Friday that the opposition is showing "positivity" regarding presidential candidates and that this positivity "will soon apply to the approach and program."

"We have been showing positivity since last July," the FPM said in a statement. "What has changed is the positivity that the opposition forces have started to show."

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Opposition, Change and independent MPs urge end to Hezbollah arms

The MPs of the Lebanese Forces, the Kataeb Party and the Tajaddod bloc in addition to Change MPs Waddah al-Sadek, Mark Daou and Michel Doueihi on Friday slammed Hezbollah’s latest military drill, saying it “provoked the majority of the Lebanese and the content of the Jeddah Arab Summit declaration.”

“Through this drill, it wanted to tell the Lebanese, Arabs and the world that its sovereignty is above that of the Lebanese state, that the state has no sovereignty over its territory, and that there can be no decision in Lebanon that defies its will and the will of the regional axis it belongs to,” the MPs said in a statement.

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US says refugees can't return now, won't interfere in presidential file

The Syrian refugees cannot return to their country from Lebanon due to the inappropriate circumstances and the absence of a political solution, U.S. State Department Arabic Spokesperson Sam Werberg said.

The return decision must be in the hands of the refugees, Werberg added, in remarks to Lebanon’s al-Jadeed television.

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Nasrallah calls for presidential dialogue without 'preconditions'

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Thursday noted that “further dialogue and contacts” are required in the presidential file.

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Jumblat resigns after 46 years as PSP chief

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat on Thursday announced his resignation as PSP chief, a post he has held since the 1977 assassination of his father Kamal Jumblat.

Jumblat also resigned from the PSP’s leadership council and called for an electoral convention on June 25 as per the party’s constitution and bylaws, the PSP’s al-Anbaa news portal reported.

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Bou Saab: Presidential efforts fruitless but communication ongoing

Deputy Speaker Elias Bou Saab has lamented that the latest efforts to break the presidential deadlock have been fruitless while noting that “communication is still ongoing.”

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Bassil: Alliance with Hezbollah has entered different stage

Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil has confirmed that “the alliance with Hezbollah has become in a different stage.”

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Berri wants swift election of president who can talk to Syria, Arab countries

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri said Wednesday that Parliament's doors are not closed to legislative and electoral sessions.

"We hope that a president will be elected as soon as possible, which can only happen when parliamentary blocs show a sincere will to reach an agreement and overcome obstacles," Berri added.

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Salameh attends questioning session over Interpol red notice

Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh arrived Wednesday at the Justice Palace to appear before Attorney General Judge Imad Qabalan over an Interpol red notice issued against him in France over corruption charges.

The Lebanese Judiciary also received an arrest warrant from Germany, and cabinet on Friday will decide whether or not to dismiss Salameh from his post.

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FPM, Atallah say talks ongoing with LF, opposition

MP George Atallah of the Free Patriotic Movement has noted that presidential negotiations between the Lebanese Forces and the FPM “have not stopped,” contrary to the latest statements and reports.

“There is a common concern between the two parties and the two leaderships are following up on this communication,” Atallah told LBCI television.

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