Gemayel asks Nasrallah to 'open land' instead of 'opening sea' to Syrians


Kataeb leader MP Sami Gemayel has accused Hezbollah of obstructing the return of Syrian refugees to their country, ahead of a parliament session that discussed Wednesday the refugee crisis ana a 1 billion euros EU donation to Lebanon.

"We urge (Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan) Nasrallah to open the land borders for the Syrians to return," Gemayel said, accusing Hezbollah of controlling the Lebanese-Syrian borders.

Nasrallah had urged Lebanese authorities to open the seas for migrant boats to reach Europe, amid soaring anti-Syrian sentiment and accusations the West is seeking to keep refugees in Lebanon.

"Nasrallah is controlling the illegal crossings and is heading the government with its allies," Gemayel said. "The government’s decision is in Hezbollah and Nasrallah's hands," he added.

Gemayel said Nasrallah can close the border to Syrian refugees coming to Lebanon and open them for the refugees to return to Syria. "In my opinion, this would be easier than opening the seas," he charged.

In a televised address Monday, Nasrallah called for "a national decision that says: we have opened the sea... whoever wants to leave for Europe, for Cyprus, the sea is in front of you. Take a boat and board it."

Comments 1
Thumb Mystic 16 May 2024, 14:02

Gemayel too afraid to displease his European masters, let the refugees swarm Europe, they do not want to go back to Syria through any crossings, let them take their chances at sea, learn from Turkish Erdogan, open the tap to stream refugees to Europe until the EU raises the 1 billion donation to triple the amount.