Naim Qassem
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Qassem: Miqati Govt for Entire Lebanon whether Everyone Joins or Not
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Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem on Thursday noted that "abidance by the Constitution and the Taef Accord is the logical solution during this period."
He stressed that his party supports the implementation of the Taef Accord as well as national partnership.

Qassem Optimistic about Success of Syrian-Saudi Initiative before Indictment
Hizbullah deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem expressed optimism that the Syrian-Saudi initiative would solve the Lebanese crisis before the international tribunal issues its indictment in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination case.
“There is still an opportunity to find a solution but the door will not remain open forever,” Qassem told As Safir newspaper in remarks published Saturday.
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