Samir Geagea
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Geagea Slams Hizbullah over Reports of Involvement in Battles in Syria

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea expressed concern on Thursday over reports saying that Hizbullah fighters are deeply involved in battles on Syrian territories.

Geagea wondered if Hizbullah is seeking to make the Syrian crisis slip into Lebanon and inflict further division between the Lebanese.

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Geagea: Saudi Arabia Had Nothing to Do with Salam's Nomination but Influenced Jumblat's Stance

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea asserted on Monday that Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with nominating Beirut MP Tammam Salam to head the new cabinet, revealing that Riyadh had only influenced Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat's stance.

"March 14 is the party that named Salam,” Geagea stated in an interview on MTV.

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Geagea Considers Salam Candidacy 'Molded Locally,' Praises March 14 Decision

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea hailed the decision taken by the March 14 alliance to name Beirut MP Tammam Salam to the premiership, describing the choice of his nomination as “manufactured locally.”

“Salam is a moderate person and has characteristics that we are desperately in need of,” Geagea said in comments to al-Akhbar newspaper.

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Opposition to Announce Candidate for PM's Post at Center House Meeting

March 14 opposition alliance lawmakers are scheduled to hold a meeting at the Center House to take a final stance on the person they will name for the premiership during the binding consultations at Baabda palace, informed sources said Wednesday.

While the sources did not reveal to An Nahar newspaper when the meeting will be held, high-ranking al-Mustaqbal movement officials told As Safir that the final decision on the opposition’s candidate will be made on Thursday night.

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Geagea Says Failure to Adopt Baabda Declaration by Upcoming Govt Topples Dialogue

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed on Tuesday that the failure to adopt the Baabda Declaration as the policy statement of the new government will obstruct the resumption of the national dialogue between the rival parties.

“The ministerial statement of any cabinet should be clear in this regard,” Geagea said in comments published in An Nahar newspaper.

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Geagea: Elections Require Neutral Government

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea congratulated on Sunday the Lebanese people on the occasion of Easter, saying that they received a “small gift” on the occasion which was the government's resignation.

He told Free Lebanon radio: “The elections should not be canceled and they require a neutral government that can ensure that they are held.”

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Geagea Calls For a 'Neutral' Cabinet

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea reiterated calls to form a “neutral” cabinet to supervise the upcoming parliamentary elections, and to choose a new premier who is not a candidate for the polls, the As-Safir daily reported on Saturday.

“Holding the parliamentary elections is a prime target even if technical reasons led to some delay. We want a cabinet of elections, and it cannot be but a neutral one that includes technocrat ministers specialized in addressing the economic and living situation,” said Geagea in an interview with the daily.

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Geagea Says March 14 Stance on Govt. within 2 Days, Rules Out Vote on Orthodox Law

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Tuesday noted that his recent stance on participation in national dialogue was “personal” and does not reflect March 14's viewpoint, revealing that the coalition will clarify its position over the formation of a new cabinet within the next two days.

In an interview with the Central News Agency, Geagea called on Speaker Nabih Berri to “hold a plenary parliamentary session to approve the draft law” linked to extending the term of Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi.

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Geagea Suggests Forming Govt. of March 14 Figures, Centrists: March 8 Not Seeking Lebanon's Interests

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted on Monday that the March 8 camp's stint in government over the past two years demonstrated that it does not seek Lebanon's interests.

He therefore suggested during a press conference the formation of a technocrat government comprised of March 14 officials and centrists.

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Geagea: Cabinet Must be Formed Before Holding Dialogue Sessions

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea criticized on Monday the calls urging for dialogue after the premiership's resignation, and stressed the necessity to form a cabinet before anything else is done.

“Following the resignation of the cabinet, everyone started to praise the benefits of dialogue which we don’t need right now. We cannot lose any minute taking into consideration the difficult situation Lebanon is going through,” said Geagea in an interview with the daily al-Akhbar.

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