Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said it was pointless to build a state that could be damaged by war in the future, lamenting that the political situation in the country wasn't stable yet.
In an interview published in the first issue of Maraya Al Jebbe magazine, Geagea said: "The situation in Lebanon hasn't been stabilized yet and if there is no stability and we don't get a state with clear features, then builders are in vain getting tired."
Full StoryIn the wake of the recent deadly attacks against Christians in Iraq and Egypt, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Monday called on Arab League chief Amr Moussa to "declare a state of emergency to protect Christians and prevent a worldwide conflict between Muslims and Christians."
In an interview on MTV, Geagea called on Arab states to "agree on taking firm decisions to defend Christians where they are being targeted."
Full StoryLebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated that the decision to "transfer what they call they 'false witnesses file' to the justice council is an attempt limit the Special Tribunal for Lebanon's functioning."
He told Nile Live Egyptian television that Hizbullah and its allies are insistent on boycotting Cabinet as long as the government does not take a certain legal measure that limits the STL's jurisdiction, adding: "The solution does not lie in surrendering to the other camp's conditions … if we surrender to Hizbullah and its allies, then we are taking Lebanon to a major disaster," he said.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said Friday that the delicate situation Lebanon was going through warranted the Christian meeting in Bkirki.
"We are facing challenges, most importantly the explosive situation in the region which will leave an impact on us as Lebanese it we do not act," Geagea told reporters following the meeting held under Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir.
Full StoryAround one hour after Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah called on the Lebanese to boycott the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized Nasrallah's televised speech, describing it as "very dangerous."
Geagea described Nasrallah's stances as threats against the Lebanese State, noting that the State is "the side mainly dealing with U.N. investigators."

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Michael Williams noted Thursday that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon "may affect Lebanon's stability."
He pointed out however that there are other factors that may also target the country's stability, such as the tensions with Israel, adding: "We are trying to calm the situation and deal with the facts."