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Jumblat: Internal Division in Lebanese Govt. over Syrian Crisis Has Emerged

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat warned on Monday against attempts to create division among Syria and Lebanon’s Druze population regarding the former’s anti-regime demonstrations.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa magazine: “Internal division has also taken place within the Lebanese government” where some sides support the Syrian regime and others back the protests.

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Moussawi Slams Syria ‘Humanitarian Corridors,’ Calls for Dialogue in Lebanon

Hizbullah MP Nawaf Moussawi criticized on Monday calls for the U.N. Security Council to discuss the setting up of “humanitarian corridors” to allow an aid group to reach areas hit with the Syrian army crackdown.

“Where were these humanitarian corridors to aid the Palestinian people in Gaza that is still suffering from the (Israeli) siege?” Moussawi said.

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Iran Navy Ships Crew to Train Sailors in Syria

Two Iranian warships have docked at the Syrian port of Tartus, state television reported on Monday, adding that their crew would be training Syrian sailors.

"The two ships, one which is a supply vessel and the other a destroyer have docked in Tartus, a port city north west of Damascus, and as per a bilateral agreement they will be involved in training the Syrian navy," the report said, without indicating when the vessels went into port.

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Syria Frees Iconic Blogger Ghazzawi

The Syrian authorities have freed blogger Razan Ghazzawi, symbol of an 11-month uprising, and six other female activists arrested last week, a human rights lawyer said on Monday.

The women were released on Saturday, but were ordered to report to police daily in order to continue their questioning, the lawyer, Anwar Bunni, told Agence France Presse.

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China Paper: West Support for Syria Rebels May Spark Civil War

Western support for Syrian rebels could trigger civil war in the violence-hit nation, an influential Chinese newspaper said Monday, as it defended Beijing's decision to veto a U.N. resolution.

The U.N. Security Council resolution, which condemned a crackdown on protesters by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, would have cornered Damascus and led to worse violence, said a front-page commentary in the People's Daily.

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Syrian Activists Fear All-Out Assault on Homs

Activists fear an all-out assault Monday on Homs, with Syria's embattled regime building up troops around the flashpoint city and activating a security alert in Damascus after surprise protests.

The reported buildup comes as the top U.S. military officer, General Martin Dempsey, warned any intervention in Syria would be "very difficult" and that it was "premature" to arm the unrest-swept country's opposition movement.

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U.S. Army Chief Says Syria Intervention 'Very Difficult'

The top U.S. military officer warned Sunday that intervention in Syria would be "very difficult" and said it would be "premature" to arm the besieged country's opposition movement.

General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, told CNN that Syria was the focus of competing Middle Eastern states, notably Iran and Saudi Arabia, and posed different problems for the United States than Libya did.

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At Least 22 Dead in Syria as Troops Clamp Down in Damascus

Syrian security forces on Sunday killed at least 20 people across the country and flooded a tense neighborhood where a mourner was shot dead in the largest anti-regime rally seen in Damascus, activists said.

Regime troops killed nine people in the restive northwestern province of Idlib, nine in the central protest hub of Homs, one in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour and another in the southern province of Daraa, the cradle of the uprising, the Local Coordination Committees, the main activist group spurring protests on the ground, said.

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Iran to Export Power to Lebanon, Syria

Iran is to supply Lebanon, Syria and Iraq with electricity after an economic memorandum of understanding was initialed to this effect between the four countries in Tehran on Saturday, Iran’s official news agency IRNA reported on Sunday.

Senior Iranian energy ministry official Muhammad Bahzad, Iraqi Electricity official Adel Mahdi, Syria’s deputy energy minister Hisham Mushaffaj and Lebanese electricity official Najib Saleh put their initials on the MOU.

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Egypt Recalls Ambassador to Syria

Egypt decided on Sunday to recall its ambassador to Syria, the Foreign Ministry announced, as Arab states pile pressure on Damascus over its crackdown on dissent that has left thousands dead.

Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr recalled the Egyptian ambassador to Damascus "and it was decided that the ambassador will remain in Cairo until further notice," ministry spokesman Amr Rushdi said in a statement.

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