Walid Jumblat
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Jumblat’s Moves Have No 'Blessing'

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has said that he didn’t hold talks with Syrian President Bashar Assad during his last visit to Damascus for the simple reason that he didn’t have any appointment with him.

When asked by An Nahar daily published Sunday about the reasons for not meeting with Assad, Jumblat was surprised by the tumult on the issue, saying: “There was no appointment with President Assad during this visit.”

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Al-Jisr Denies Saying Hariri Met Jumblat in Turkey

Al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Samir al-Jisr on Friday denied telling al-Joumhouria daily that former premier Saad Hariri and Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat had held talks in Turkey last weekend.

In the remarks attributed to him by the newspaper, al-Jisr allegedly wondered why people would be surprised if two high ranking officials met. "Al-Mustaqbal movement has kept a thin thread with Jumblat," the daily quoted him as saying.

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National Struggle Front: No Political Intentions Behind Skepticism on Electricity Draft Law

National Struggle Front leader MP Walid Jumblat has denied that a decision by his MPs to accept the postponement of discussion on a controversial draft-law on electricity was aimed at accusing Change and Reform bloc leader Michel Aoun of seeking to squander funds.

Jumblat was referring to the heated debate in parliament on Wednesday over the draft law proposed by Aoun to allow the energy ministry to raise a $1.2 billion fund to build power plants.

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Jumblat Not Worried About Syrian Regime’s Fate

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has stressed after returning from Damascus that he wasn’t worried about the fate of the Syrian regime.

In remarks to As Safir daily published Thursday, Jumblat said that he was relieved after his visit to the neighboring country. He added that the situation in Syria was improving.

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Jumblat Holds Talks in Syria on Latest Political Developments

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat held talks on Wednesday with Mohammed Nassif, the assistant to the Syrian Vice President, in Damascus, reported the PSP media department.

It said that the meeting was “marked by frankness and understanding and it was an occasion to exchange ideas over the latest political developments.”

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Geagea Tells Hariri to Stay Abroad, Says Jumblat is Like Master Sergeant Schultz

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea advised former Premier Saad Hariri to remain abroad over security fears and described Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat as Master Sergeant Hans Georg Schultz of an American TV sitcom.

Schultz was known in the Hogan's Heroes sitcom of simply looking the other way, repeating "I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing!"

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Jumblat Pessimistic over Developments in Syria

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat expressed pessimism over developments in Syria, saying that the international evaluation of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s alleged reforms isn’t very optimistic.

High-ranking sources quoted Jumblat as saying: “I fear for Syria as a whole.”

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Government Tasks Security, Judicial Authorities with Preventing Arms Smuggling to Syria

Cabinet members have agreed on urging security forces in preventing arms smuggling form Lebanon to prevent the country from becoming a safe haven for smugglers seeking to strike the security and stability of Syria, media reports said Tuesday.

As Safir newspaper said that Ministers Ali Hassan Khalil, Mohammed Fneish and Ali Qanso stressed during a cabinet session held at the Grand Serail on Monday that “every person has the freedom to express his political stance but this should not turn into participation in the plot against Syria.”

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Jumblat: Mubarak Trial Proves History is Unforgiving, Everyone Must Derive Lessons from it

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stated on Tuesday that former Egyptian President Hosni Muabarak’s trial demonstrated the “inevitability” of the people’s victory in their quest for freedom, dignity, justice, and democracy even if this struggle endured major difficulties and sacrifices.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa magazine: “The trial demonstrated that history is unforgiving and several figures should derive lessons from this experience.”

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Jumblat Lauds Turkey’s Stance from Lebanon, Arab Causes

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat said Monday that he discussed with Turkish officials the situation in Lebanon, the events in Syria and the inter-Palestinian reconciliation.

In remarks to As Safir daily following his return from Turkey, Jumblat lauded the Turkish stance from all issues.

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