Walid Jumblat
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Arslan Resigns from Cabinet: Miqati Conspired against National Unity

Lebanese Democratic Party leader State Minister and MP Talal Arslan announced on Monday his resignation from the newly-formed government whose lineup was revealed earlier in the day.

He said during a press conference: “In line with my convictions, I announce before the Lebanese people my resignation from the government of the so-called Premier Najib Miqati whom I am not honored to be seated next to.”

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Assad May Task Jumblat with Mediating with Turkey

Thursday’s meeting between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat did not focus on the issue of Lebanon’s cabinet formation process, but rather at the possibility of tasking the Druze leader with “mediating between Syria and Turkey,” whose once warm relations have grown colder over Damascus’ violent crackdown on protesters, MTV reported Friday.

Meanwhile, OTV reported that Assad told Jumblat that “Syria has overcome the dangerous phase and that it has started to contain the situation caused by the conspiracy plotted by some major world powers and Arab states.”

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Syria: Suleiman’s Role in Govt. Formation Will Not Be Weakened

The Syrian leadership stressed to President Michel Suleiman that no side will in no way attempt to weaken his position or his pivotal role in forming a government, reported al-Liwa newspaper on Friday.

This message was delivered by caretaker minister Wael Abu Faour to the president from Progressives Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat who met with Syrian President Bashar Assad on Thursday.

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Berri Stresses Strong Ties with Jumblat, Optimistic about Cabinet Lineup

Speaker Nabih Berri expressed his optimism about the positive developments concerning the formation of the new cabinet, urging different parties to speed up the process.

The speaker’s visitors quoted him as saying that “if we continue moving in this manner, the government will be formed soon.”

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Jumblat Meets Assad: Forming New Govt Boosts Lebanon, Syria Stability

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat held talks Thursday with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, in the presence of caretaker Public Works and Transport Minister Ghazi Aridi.

During the meeting, Jumblat “voiced his hope that Syria will be able to overcome this critical period in its history through endorsing the reforms launched by President Assad,” according to a statement issued by the PSP following the Druze leader’s return to Beirut.

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Reports: Eight Officials Met in Parliament in ‘Calculated Step’ to Restore Ties with Berri

A meeting held in parliament between top March 8 officials was planned and aimed at consolidating the new parliamentary majority which hasn’t been able to form a cabinet since Premier-designate Najib Miqati’s nomination in January, media reports Thursday.

The meeting was held on Wednesday on the sidelines of a legislative session and gathered Speaker Nabih Berri, Miqati, Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun, Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat, head of Hizbullah’s Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad, Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh, head of the Lebanese Democratic Party MP Talal Arslan and chief of the Syrian Social National Party Assaad Hardan.

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Jumblat Confirms his Alliance with March 8, Meeting at Parliament was ‘Nice Coincidence’

National Struggle Front bloc leader Walid Jumblat said Wednesday that he confirmed his alliance with Speaker Nabih Berri and Premier-designate Najib Miqati during talks they held along with several MPs at parliament.

The Druze chief told al-Jadeed TV that the meeting he held with Miqati, Berri and MPs Michel Aoun, Suleiman Franjieh, Mohammed Raad, Talal Arslan and Assaad Hardan, all members of the March 8 forces, was a “nice coincidence.”

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March 14 Accuses Berri of Seeking to Widen Dispute with March 8

The March 14 forces are accusing Speaker Nabih Berri of seeking to revive the confrontation between them and the March 8 coalition by insisting on holding a parliamentary session on Wednesday.

An Nahar daily on Tuesday quoted March 14 parliamentary sources as saying that Berri’s “unconstitutional” move would pave way for a bigger conflict than the existing dispute between the two sides.

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Berri Says Dispute over Parliament Session Reflects ‘Veiled Dictatorship’

Speaker Nabih Berri said that he was surprised by the “fabricated” campaign against him, denying that he was after personal gains by insisting on holding a parliamentary session on Wednesday, As Safir reported on Tuesday.

He hinted that the dispute between the March 8 and 14 forces over the parliamentary session reflects the mentality of the “Emirate” that al-Mustaqbal movement officials have, which endangers the future of the democratic system and its institutions in Lebanon.

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Jumblat: I’ve Settled My Choices, No New Shift in My Political Course

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Monday stressed that there will be no “new shift” in his political alliances, in response to Tuesday’s remarks by Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, who said he had “heard that MP Jumblat has started to shift ground.”

“I have settled my choices and there will be no new shift in my political course,” Jumblat said in an interview with MTV.

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