Walid Jumblat
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Jumblat Says Political Vacuum Falls Back on Majority

Sources close to Progressive Socialist party leader Walid Jumblat have reiterated that the lawmaker’s remarks on Hizbullah’s rejection to form the cabinet did not intend to “harm” the party.

Sources told As Safir and An Nahar newspapers on Monday that Jumblat “sought to push the cabinet formation forward, since the current vacuum is having bad repercussions on the new majority and the country.”

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Jumblat: Are We Supposed to Believe that Aoun’s Demands are Behind Delay in Govt Formation

Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat has informed the leadership of the Progressive Socialist Party that he cannot stand idly by in the face of the cabinet formation impasse, wondering whether he was supposed to believe that Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun’s insistence on getting one or two portfolios was the real reason behind the delay, sources close to Jumblat said.

“An ordinary citizen would not believe that, so how is Jumblat supposed to believe it,” the sources told pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat in remarks published Sunday.

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Hizbullah Accepts Jumblat’s Remarks and his ‘Good Intentions’

Hizbullah parliamentary sources said Saturday that Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has blamed Hizbullah for the government deadlock out of his keenness on the quick formation of the new cabinet.

The sources said that they accept his remarks because they know that he has “good intentions.”

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Jumblat Confirms Blaming Hizbullah for Deadlock Out of Keenness on Resistance, Stability

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has confirmed that he blamed Hizbullah for the cabinet impasse out of his keenness on the resistance and its achievements.

In a statement posted on his party’s website, the Druze leader admitted to saying that Hizbullah did not want the government to be formed and was putting Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun at the forefront.

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Jumblat on Liberation Day: Resistance is the Best Way to Deter Occupation

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat addressed the Lebanese on the occasion of Liberation Day, greeting all the “martyrs” and those who fought for freedom.

“Greetings to the thousands of martyrs” who adopted the cause of “the resistance politically, militarily and intellectually,” al-Liwaa newspaper quoted the PSP leader as saying.

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Jumblat: Feltman Visited Beirut to Coordinate Efforts to Issue U.N. Resolution on Syria

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has unveiled that U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman sought during his visit to Beirut last week to coordinate with Lebanese officials attempts to issue a U.N. Security Council resolution against Syria.

Jumblat told Hizbullah’s al-Manar TV on Monday night that he disagreed with Feltman on his view and stressed to him that “any decision to isolate Syria would not do any good.”

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Miqati Rejects Cabinet of ‘Cantons’ amid Freeze in Contacts

Premier-designate Najib Miqati has stressed that he would not form a government of “cantons” or grant portfolios to political parties in order to turn them into “feudal” entities.

“I told everyone without exception and not only the general (Michel Aoun) as is being rumored, to give me lists of portfolios that they are seeking and lists of names that they suggest so that I would distribute the portfolios on the names in accordance with my authorities and the authorities of the president,” Miqati was quoted as saying by al-Akhbar daily on Tuesday.

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PSP Calls for Ending Cabinet ‘Joke,’ Laments Lost Opportunity

The circles of Progressive Socialist Party chief Walid Jumblat have stressed that the Druze leader has repeatedly called for an end to the government “joke.”

In remarks to As Safir daily on Tuesday, the circles said: “It seems that no one has heard” Jumblat’s cry.

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Miqati to Launch New Round of Consultations to Break Cabinet Impasse

Premier-designate Najib Miqati is expected to launch in the next few days a new round of consultations aimed at forming the new government in coordination with Speaker Nabih Berri, Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat and Hizbullah.

March 8 sources told An Nahar newspaper on Monday that Miqati would play an essential role in reviving the consultations that reached a standstill last week over allegedly growing demands by Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun.

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Jumblat Urges Assad to Introduce Radical Change to Deal with Challenges Facing Syria

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat urged Syrian President Bashar Assad to take “immediate measures that could introduce radical change” to confront the challenges facing Syria.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa magazine: “These changes will help fulfill the people’s legitimate demands and prevent Syria from falling victim to division.”

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