Walid Jumblat
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Bassil Says Shebaa Attack Occurred on Lebanese Soil, Warns of Division

Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil accused on Thursday Israel of “manipulating stability and using the takfiri attacks to change the balance of powers,” considering that the resistance's operation in the Shebaa Farms occurred on Lebanese soil.

“The ministerial statement states the liberation of the Shebaa Farms and the occupied Lebanese territories with all the possible means,” Bassil said in an interview with al-Akhbar newspaper.

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Abou Faour Says 'Sacrifices' Should be Made to Release Abductees

Health Minister Wael Abou Faour expressed hope that the case of the abducted soldiers and policemen would witness a breakthrough in the upcoming days, stressing that “sacrifices” should be made.

“The cabinet will continue the serious negotiations that should lead to the release of the abductees,” Abou Faour told reporters at the Grand Serail after meeting with Prime Minister Tammam Salam.

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Hariri, Gemayel Meet in Paris: Priority is for Presidential Elections

Kataeb Party Leader Amin Gemayel stressed that coordination is ongoing with his party's key March 14 ally al-Mustaqbal Movement, revealing that priority at this stage is to safeguard Lebanon from the repercussions of the dramatic developments in the region.

“I agreed with head of al-Mustaqbal movement MP Saad Hariri on the importance of staging the presidential elections swiftly,” Gemayel told al-Joumhouria newspaper published on Tuesday.

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Gemayel to Meet Hariri in Paris as Jumblat Arrives for 'Private Trip'

A meeting is expected to be held in the French capital Paris between Kataeb Party chief Amin Gemayel and al-Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri.

Al-Joumhouria newspaper reported on Friday that the two leaders will hold talks in Paris although no prior appointment was arranged with Hariri.

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Hizbullah Delegation Meets Jumblat, Stresses 'Need to Elect President ASAP'

A Hizbullah delegation held talks Wednesday with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat and stressed “the need to elect a new president as soon as possible.”

“The atmospheres are positive and we're all seeking to pull Lebanon out of the current dilemma with the least cost possible,” MP Mohammed Raad announced after the meeting with Jumblat at his Clemenceau residence.

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Jumblat Calls for Exchange between Arsal Captives, Roumieh Prisoners to End Abduction Ordeal

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat called on Wednesday for a swift exchange between the Arsal captives and Roumieh prison Islamist inmates, holding former Internal Security Forces personnel responsible for the “self-rule” at the facility.

“The government and crisis cell should follow up any exchange process with the kidnappers,” Jumblat said in an interview with An Nahar newspaper.

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Report: Geagea Shunned Helou but Jumblat to Contact LF Chief

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat has so far excluded Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea from his visit to top Lebanese officials after the latter refused to hold talks with presidential candidate Aley MP Henri Helou, a report said Tuesday.

Helou, who is the centrist PSP's candidate for the presidency, had contacted the LF leadership to set a date for a meeting with Geagea, al-Akhbar daily quoted PSP officials as saying.

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Jumblat Calls for Protection of Refugees Amid Spike of Violence against them

Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat called on Sunday for the protection of Syrian refugees against violence sparked by the killing of Lebanese soldiers kidnapped by jihadists.

During a visit to the West Bekaa town of Ain Ata, Jumblat urged the Lebanese army to carry out its responsibilities and protect Syrian refugees.

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Gemayel Deems Presidential Polls a Priority, Says No Legislation amid Vacuum

Kataeb Party leader Amin Gemayel stressed on Friday that the election of a new head of state is a priority that should precede legislation, acknowledging difficulties in resolving the political impasse.

He stressed in comments published in the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that the current parliament should only convene to elect a new president, clarifying that his party rejects to meet to discuss draft-laws in the absence of a president.

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Berri Refuses to Challenge Extension of Parliament's Term: Polls to Facilitate Election of New President

Speaker Nabih Berri stressed on Friday that he will accept the extension of the parliament's term if a new head of state was elected, ruling out that he would challenge the decision to prolong the legislature's tenure.

“I would accept the extension of the parliament's term only if a serious and real agreement to elect a consensual president preceded it,” Berri said in comments published in local newspapers.

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