Walid Jumblat
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Berri 'Concerned' over Delay of Saudi Grant, Says No One Will Appeal Extension

Speaker Nabih Berri on Thursday voiced concern over possible further delay of the $3 billion Saudi grant to the Lebanese army, following similar remarks by Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat.

“There are concerns that the Saudi grant might be delayed or called off despite the dire need for it, and delay would strip it of its value,” Berri said in remarks to al-Manar TV.

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Jumblat Calls for Resolving Naameh Landfill Issue, Ending Residents Suffering

Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat on Monday called for the closure of the Naameh garbage landfill, pointing out that its residents have been enduring environmental hazards and this issue is "no longer acceptable."

He threatened to "expose" facts in case the government did not end this problem.

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PSP Chief Calls on Politicians to Safeguard Army

Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat urged the Lebanese on Sunday to maintain their national unity, calling on politicians to grant the army the “needed political cover.”

“We should maintain our national unity and back the army, which is facing a brutal battle,” Jumblat said from Khaldeh, south of Beirut, the first stop of his tour in the area.

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U.N. Envoy Meets Saniora, Reiterates Importance of Stability in Lebanon

United Nations Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura continued on Friday his tour on Lebanese officials on his second day of visit to Lebanon, stressing the international community's determination to maintain stability in the country.

The U.N. official discussed with head of al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc Fouad Saniora the general situation in Lebanon and the region.

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Jumblat Holds 'Frank' Talks with Geagea but 'Nothing New' in Presidency Issue

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Friday reiterated his support for his presidential nominee MP Henri Helou as Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea announced that there is “nothing new” in the issue of the stalled presidential vote.

“Talks were frank and positive ... and there were points of agreement and contention, but in the end we only have the choice of dialogue,” Jumblat said following talks with Geagea in Maarab.

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Moqbel to Discuss with Iranian Officials Military Assistance despite Veto

Defense Minister Samir Moqbel is expected to discuss with Iranian officials in Tehran over the weekend a recent pledge to give military assistance to Lebanon to help its fight against extremists.

Moqbel is not entitled to sign any agreement or make any commitment to the Iranian grant, As Safir daily reported on Friday.

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Asir to Mustaqbal Supporters: Hariri Has Put You in Confrontation with Jihadists

Fugitive Islamist cleric Ahmed al-Asir on Wednesday warned the supporters of al-Mustaqbal movement in Lebanon of a possible “confrontation” with the militants of the Islamic State group and al-Nusra Front, in an apparent response to remarks by former premier Saad Hariri.

“Hariri has implicated his movement's leadership and members in a war against the jihadists, at a time (Progressive Socialist Party chief Walid) Jumblat is seeking to preserve his sect by saying that al-Nusra Front is not terrorist,” Asir said on his official Twitter account.

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Berri Downplays Army Defections, Says Investments and Terrorism Don't Coexist

Speaker Nabih Berri expressed belief on Wednesday that the latest defections of Lebanese soldiers would not affect the military institution, stressing a drop in investments during war.

Sneaking to reporters on the sidelines of the World Investment Forum 2014 in Geneva, Berri said that the announcement of several soldiers that they were joining the ranks of Syria-based jihadists were limited cases that did not affect the army or soldiers.

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Jumblat Rejects Iran Grant, Coordination with Syria as He Refuses Terrorist Label for Nusra

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Tuesday rejected any military coordination between the Lebanese and Syrian armies and warned that the proposed Iranian grant would create “obstacles” for the country.

“It is inevitable to reach an internal settlement in order to preserve the military institution and address the repercussions of the Syrian war on Lebanon,” Jumblat said in an interview on OTV.

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Jumblat Slams Anti-IS Coalition as 'Lie': Fragmentation of Syria Protects Israel

Leader of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblat on Monday dismissed the U.S.-led coalition to counter “terrorism” in Syria and Iraq as a “lie.”

"The Arab situation began to deteriorate since the 2003 calculated conspiracy to invade Iraq,” Jumblat said in his weekly editorial in the PSP's al-Anbaa electronic newspaper.

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