Walid Jumblat
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Jumblat Calls for End of Political, Sectarian Calculations over Waste Treatment Dispute

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat has called for the end of political and sectarian calculations in the government after the cabinet members failed to strike a deal on the treatment of solid waste.

“The road to the Naameh landfill will close on January 17,” said a decisive Jumblat in comments to al-Akhbar newspaper published on Friday.

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Jumblat Lashes Out at 'Elite Group' over Food Safety File

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat lashed out at corrupt officials on Tuesday, accusing them of trying to protect their interests at the wheat silos in Beirut's Port and other institutions, which harmed the health of citizens for decades.

“How can we hold them accountable for negligence, harm and uncountable diseases that they caused for citizens over the past few decades?” Jumblat wondered on Twitter.

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Jumblat Urges Reconciling National Interest with 'Syrian Refugees Dignity'

Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat called Monday for protecting the national interests while preserving the “dignity” of the Syrian refugees in the country, urging differentiation between those who are “running away from death” and those who are “coming to organize demagogic rallies in support of Syrian President Bashar Assad.”

In his weekly column in the PSP's al-Anbaa electronic newspaper, Jumblat criticized Lebanese authorities for obligating Syrian refugees to go through “complex procedures” on border crossings “without studying the measures thoroughly.”

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Report: STL May Summon Hizbullah MP as it Seeks to Add 6th Suspect in Amended Indictment

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is working on an amended indictment that will include the name of a sixth suspect in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, reported As Safir newspaper on Saturday.

In addition, the STL Prosecution may summon a lawmaker from Hizbullah's Loyalty to the Resistance bloc as a suspect to give his testimony before the court.

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Jumblat, al-Rahi Express Optimism over Mustaqbal-Hizbullah Dialogue

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat and Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi expressed delight over the dialogue between Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal Movement, which kicked off two days ago in Ain al-Tineh.

“I am without any doubt relieved for the dialogue between the two parties,” Jumblat said in comments published in An Nahar newspaper on Thursday.

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Jumblat Lashes Out at Negligence at State Facilities, Vows Food Safety Campaign to Continue

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat slammed on Wednesday the negligence and decay at state facilities, vowing that the food safety campaign will continue.

“The scandal that hit food storage areas at the Rafik Hariri International Airport shows that decay and negligence is affecting all state facilities,” Jumblat said a day after his aide, Health Minister Wael Abou Faour, lashed out at the “barn” and “death chambers for the citizens' health” at the facility.

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Jumblat Reveals New Proposal on Hostages despite Salam's Frustration

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed on Monday that Ahmed Fleiti, the deputy municipal chief of the border town of Arsal, had a serious proposal to resolve the hostage crisis despite reservations expressed by Prime Minister Tammam Salam over his role.

Jumblat told local dailies that Health Minister Wael Abou Faour had informed him that Fleiti has a “serious offer that would pave way for a solution to the cause of the captives after he visited the hostage-takers.”

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Government Seeking to Unify Efforts to Negotiate Release of Captive Servicemen

The state is seeing to unify efforts exerted in the file of the abducted Lebanese soldiers and policemen as it refuses to task the Muslim Scholars Committee with the negotiations with Islamist militants.

According to An Nahar newspaper published on Tuesday, the cabinet reportedly refuses to task the committee with the mediation despite welcoming any positive effort that would secure the release of the captive servicemen.

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Jumblat in Joint Statement: Legalize Hash in Lebanon

The controversial and outspoken Druze leader Walid Jumblat called in a "joint statement" on Twitter Saturday for the cultivation of marijuana to be legalized.

"It's time to allow hash to be grown and to overturn arrest warrants against people sought for doing so," the veteran politician wrote in Arabic on his Twitter account.

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Jumblat Urges Lebanon to Follow in U.S. Footsteps in Swap Deal

Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat called on the Lebanese authorities to walk in the footsteps of the United States, which in May released high-profile Afghan inmates in return for the sole remaining American military hostage.

“When a superpower such as the United States swaps a soldier with five high-profile Taliban (members), then small states such as us could make a similar sacrifice to bring back our soldiers,” Jumblat told As Safir daily in remarks published on Friday.

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