Walid Jumblat
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Jumblat Urges Reviving 'National Aspect' of Presidential Vote instead of 'Limiting it to Christians'

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Sunday called for “thinking of new solutions to overcome the current situation” in the presidential crisis, calling for “reviving the national aspect of this juncture instead of limiting it to the Christian parties.”

“In the face of the procrastination and obstinacy in the stances of the political forces towards the issue of the presidential election, after long months of presidential void, and given the rise in the intensity of the regional conflicts around Lebanon, it has become necessary to think of new solutions to overcome the current situation,” said Jumblat in his weekly editorial in the PSP's al-Anbaa electronic magazine.

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Abou Faour Hopes Health Ministry Campaigns become 'Reformist Approach'

Health Minister Wael Abou Faour expressed hope on Sunday that his food safety and medication campaigns would develop to become a “comprehensive reformist approach.”

“The campaign was the policy of one ministry but turned into an approach adopted by the cabinet,” Abou Faour pointed out.

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Report: Jumblat Postpones Resignation at Berri's Insistence

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat has backed down from his decision to resign as a lawmaker at the request of Speaker Nabih Berri, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Saturday.

A parliamentary source revealed that Berri had asked Jumblat to postpone his resignation to May in order to allow the government to take the necessary arrangements to hold by-elections.

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Report: Jumblat Requests to Delay his Testimony before STL

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat reportedly requested the Special Tribunal for Lebanon to delay his testimony before the tribunal in former Premier Rafik Hariri assassination in February 2005.

According to al-Akhabr newspaper published on Thursday, Jumblat filed a request before the STL to make him the last witness.

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Jumblat Fears Lebanese No Longer Concerned with Presidential Crisis, Urges Accord on 3rd Candidate

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat expressed distress over the ongoing presidential stalemate as the Lebanese no longer sense the vacuum at the state's higher post due to the rift between the rival Christians.

He pointed out in an interview with al-Akhbar newspaper published on Wednesday that the Lebanese are more concerned with the daily crises.

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Angered Servicemen Families Vow to Escalate as Officials Fail to Soothe their Distress

The families of abducted servicemen vowed on Tuesday to step up endeavors within 24 hours to press the state to “seriously” deal with the case of their sons, who were taken hostage by Islamist militants seven months ago.

“Even people will be targeted with our endeavors... we will not only close roads,” the relatives told reporters gathered near their camp site in downtown Beirut's Riad al-Solh square.

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Foreign Ministry Condemns Damascus Bombing, March 14 Calls for Protecting Lebanon

The foreign ministry denounced on Monday the deadly terrorist attack that targeted Lebanese pilgrims in the Syrian capital a day earlier.

In a statement, the ministry condemned the bombing that left nine people dead and at least 20 injured as the visitors traveled in a bus in Damascus.

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Jumblat Plays Down Reports of Imminent Parliamentary Resignation

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Saturday poured cold water on reports claiming that his resignation from parliament has become imminent.

“I will resign from my parliamentary post at the appropriate time,” Jumblat announced on his Twitter account.

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Jumblat Says Abiding by Dissociation Policy Difficult amid Circumstances

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat lamented on Friday the Baabda Declaration, stressing that abiding by the dissociation policy is no longer possible.

“Implementing the declaration among the circumstances (the country is passing through) is impossible... We should be patient,” Jumblat said in an interview published in An Nahar newspaper.

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Jumblat Warns Lebanon Can't Bear New War, Lauds Hizbullah Retaliation from Syria

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed on Thursday that Lebanon couldn't endure the repercussions of a new war, expressing belief that Israel can't afford to engage in any battle at this stage.

“Hizbullah acted in a smart manner by retaliating to the Israeli airstrike in Quneitra from Syria and not Lebanon,” Jumblat said in comments published in al-Mustaqbal newspaper.

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