سلام ينفي "بحث صيغة 9-9-6" لتشكيل الحكومة
Read this story in Englishنفى الرئيس المكلف تمام سلام، أن يكون اي فريق من الافرقاء قد فاتحه بصيغة 9-9-6 لتشكيل الحكومة العتيدة، معلناً أن التأليف لا يزال مكانه.
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الاخبار"، الثلاثاء، قال سلام "لا جديد بعد" في الملف الحكومي، مضيفاً أن "الجميع يطرح أفكاراً، وذلك ليس جديداً، لكن التأليف لا يزال يراوح مكانه".
وتابع "لا حلحلة بعد ولا العقبات أزيلت من الطريق".
أما عن موقفه من صيغة 9-9-6، فقال "لم يفاتحني بها أحد. قد تكون هذه الصيغة موضع تداول في مكان أو في آخر، لكنها لم تصل إلي".
وأردف "البازار مفتوح على آراء واقتراحات كثيرة، لكن وفرتها لم تجعل منها جدية وفعلية".
وأضاف سلام قائلاً "جميع الناس، يعرفون أن العقدة ليست عندي، بل لدى أولئك الذين يضعون العراقيل. الناس يعرفون أيضاً كم أتحمل ويتحمل رئيس الجمهورية من جراء تأخير تأليف الحكومة".
يُذكر أنه وبعد استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي في آذار الفائت، تم تكليف سلام تشكيل حكومة جديدة الا أن جهوده لم تنجح في ذلك، في ظل تمسك كل فريق بمطلبه، وكان سلام قد أعلن أن "الشهية السياسية" تؤخر عملية تأليف الحكومة.
Roar I agree with your formula , but what would happen if this does not occur ? Which I'm sure it won't !
I would prefer for a " Military Rule " ? Or maybe a Coup ?
ENOUGH OF THIS BS ! All you Politicians have had too much of a free run , ENOUGH ! What B.........S
How is the President considered part of M14 when he signed in favor of the Mikati/M8 government in 2011??? If he was really part of M14 then he would have blocked it... And if he is really M14 he would immediately sign any government proposed by M14.
Just because you don't like the president, doesn't make him an M14er!
how about the pm designate comes up with whatever cabinet he wants and puts it up for a vote of confidence.. you know.. that constitutional thing..
why does it have to be half and half? why does the cabinet be an exact copy of the parliament? why does anyone have veto power??
like I said.. make a cabinet and send it to the parliament.. if it passes.. great.. if not.. we haven't moved an inch anyways...
roar.. the constitution states that the PM along with the president will make up the cabinet to be sent to parliament for a vote of confidence..
if we are going to keep coming up with reasons as to why this should happen we will never get anywhere.
the govt should NOT be a mini parliament and divided to reflect parliamentary weights...
this guy was voted in as pm.. he has the right to compose a cabinet of his choosing as long as it conforms to our constitution.. and send it to parliament for the vote.
that is where each bloc will vote in favor of or against.\if it garners the majority of the votes it is legal and constitutional.
end of story.
Like I said. If it doesn't gain the vote of confidence then that's it. He either tries again or steps down.
Where I have a problem with the 12-12 is the same as what happened in every other "national unity" govts. Nothing but national failure. We have experienced that in 2 govts. And I was actually happy m14 did not join mikatis govt. it is obvious we have no national unity. So why have a national unity govt?
Let us assume next elections one or the other team wins over 50 % of parliament. I am all for them, be it m8 or m14, forming their own govt. (which m14 were denied twice) and held accountable for their actions. Who do we blame in a national unity govt when things go wrong?
8=aktar min 14mars
ktir mahdoumin 3anjad, zabat ma3ak lehseb bass kharabtelna baytna :p
"Salam came with orders from KSA" oh? really. which orders? when? any source that make you say that or just pure M8 inventions as usual...
why did M8 agree with the choice of salam if he takes his "orders" from saudi? are M8 masochistic people?
see how illogic you can be the roar just to try and look smart as usual....
any formula will fail.... the politicians are too busy defending their businesses so they have no time to waste with lebanon's affairs! LOL
the citizens can die they don't care!