14 آذار تعمل على انتزاع حكومة حيادية بدون مشاركة حزب الله فيها

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تتمسك قوى 14 آذار حتى الآن بتشكيل حكومة حيادية ترتكز على إعلان بعبدا كبيان وزاري، في حين ترفض مشاركة حزب الله فيها.

وقال منسق الأمانة العامة في قوى 14 آذار فارس سعيد لصحيفة "الجمهورية" أنه "لا يوجد شيء مبرمج إلى الآن، ولكنّ التوجّه هو نحو انتزاع حكومة حيادية ترتكز على "إعلان بعبدا"، ومن يرفض تضمين هذا الإعلان داخل البيان الوزاري فليذهب إلى تشكيل حكومة وفق أهدافه وتصوّراته".

وتساءل سعيد "لماذا لا يسارع 8 آذار إلى تأليف حكومة على قياسه وبشروطه طالما يعتبر أنّه انتصر بإلغاء الضربة العسكرية وربح المعركة الديبلوماسية وتحوّلت إيران إلى "جندرما" أميركا في المنطقة في مواجهة الإسلاميين؟".

كما سأل "لماذا لا يترجم هذا الفريق انتصاره في الحكومة؟" داعيا "رئيسَي الجمهورية والحكومة إلى تحمّل مسؤوليتهما بالتأليف فوراً".

بدوره قال مصدلار مطلع لصحيفة "النهار" في شأن مشاركة "حزب الله" "أقصى ما يمكن أن نصل إليه هو القبول بمشاركة الحزب في حكومة لا نشارك نحن فيها".

أضاف "لن نجلس مع "حزب الله" إلى طاولة واحدة في الحكومة فيما هو يقاتل في سوريا ودول العالم تعتبره إرهابياً ويريد أن يفرض على اللبنانيين شروطه. فليؤلف المعنيون بالتأليف، رئيس الجمهورية والرئيس المكلف، الحكومة التي يرونها مناسبة من دوننا وليفرضوها علينا. هذا أقصى ما يمكن أن نصل إليه ونحن نقول لهم ألفوها. لماذا كل هذا الانتظار؟".

وأوضح أن "مواقف قوى 14 آذار تعبر عنها البيانات الصادرة عن اجتماعات قيادة هذه القوى أو البيانات الأسبوعية الصادرة عن أمانتها العامة والتي تشارك فيها كل مكوناتها، وعدا ذلك نكون أمام مواقف شخصية أو حزبية وتالياً لا تعبر عن كل 14 آذار".

وفي السياق ذاته كشفت صحيفة "النهار" أن رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع سيطلق مساء الإثنين مواقف ضاغطة على الرئيس المكلف تمام سلام خصوصاً "كي يغادر مربع الانتظار الذي يقف فيه من نحو ستة أشهر ويشكل الحكومة"، وذلك خلال إطلالة تلفزيونية.

ولم ينجح حتى الآن تمام سلام بتشكيل حكومة رغم مرور ستة أشهر على تقديم نجيب ميقاتي استقالته.

وفي حين تتمسك قوى 14 آذار بحكومة حيادية يؤكد حزب الله على لسان أكثر من مسؤول فيه أن حكومة بغير معادلة "جيش وشعب ومقاومة" كبيان وزاري لن تتشكل.

وعند تمسك 14 آذار الشديد بإعلان بعبدا أصدرت رئاسة الجمهورية بيانا منذ ثلاثة أسابيع اعلنت فيه أن الإعلان لا يتطرق إلى سلاح المقاومة في محاولة لخرق المشهد الداخلي إلا انها لم تفلح.

التعليقات 14
Thumb Mordekaiser 10:24 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05


Thumb Mordekaiser 10:25 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

Yeah!!! Politics

Missing imagine-1979 13:12 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

U know guys, someday it will end in syria and assad wont be there anymore, after more than 100 thousands death it will be hard for him to stay... (Or for the other senario it will stay in a small part in syria but still it wouldn't viable) and then guys hezbollah wont have the support it use to..
The only constant is lebanon, the only support HA must search for is inside lebanon, in the same house that we taken them in, provided shelter and help in 2006... HA must be aware of this, stop treating the other as crap and as he was the revolution gard of lebanese islamic revolution (islamic resistance...)....

Missing imagine-1979 13:13 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

HA must be aware that no one can eliminate the other in lebanon, christian forces tried it before, secular forces (no all but most harakeh wataniyeh) did the same mistake and after them sunis... The only true solution for lebanon is a secular state in wish we all have same rights and same responssability... Federation is also an option but is it viable? Can we risk to provoque wages of dislacement? And would we really give up on lebanon as a country? Would it be really viable...
Yes hezbollah must get out of syria, back to lebanon, not to impose his wishes but mabe to help build a state... And this before it became too late....
Be realistic a litle man

Missing peace 13:40 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

hezbollah now has NOTHING to do in any gvt after showing how disresprectful they were of the last gvt decision of disassociation.....

Missing peace 14:00 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

hezbollah =
- weakening state institutions... making its sheep believe that only hezbollah act for them and that the state is inefficient
- axing everything on israel: no proposition and NO vision for lebanon prosperity... what are hezbis economical, social, environmental, educational propositions?
- blocking any decision that is against the party's interests...
- allying with israel: each one needs the other for their marketing purposes
- lies to the lebanese people: shebaa can be easily recovered if hezbis ask syrians to handle UN the official papers rpoving it is lebanese but do not want to for marketing purposes!
- lies to the lebanese people: claim to be lebanese while pledging allegiance to iran!
- threat to lebanese institutions and people : blackmail of the country thanks to their arsenal, if lebanese do not comply with their desires they take the streets...
- state within the state: nothing is decided without their approval
And so on..............

Missing imagine-1979 14:17 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

I know but i hope they will change, they have to change, we have no other option than to live together, hope they will wake up before it is too late, we don't need anymore wars and we have the capacity (knowhow and money; no we have "mawed awaliyeh"... This coutry desearve to leave in peace...

Missing peace 15:01 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

peace will come without hezbollah....

Missing imagine-1979 15:26 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

Peace must come with lebanese involved in it, certainly not with hezbollah as it is now (all u described) but with hezbollah as a political party obeying the same laws and having the same rights than any other lebanese party... We have to find a way to leave all together, there is no other solution....
PS: and after sending the accused protect to justice of course... But saddely no one seems to get that, sometimes it gets freaky how history repeats itself...

Missing peace 17:13 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

if hezbi becomes a lebanese party like any other abiding by the laws i see no problem....

Missing imagine-1979 15:26 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05


Missing imagine-1979 22:48 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

Bigjohn the gouvernement is not a table they sit on and discuss stuff, it is the excutive power of our country, how would this dxdcutive power bear the implication of HA in syria? How would he act on the international scene? What would be his position? Distantion polici with a part of the gouvernement sending thousand of fighter there? Like the crap of government we had until now? So why changing it if it was fine? It is just asking of march 14 to come to governement like they were when saad was in it (same gov thry brought down) with this time hezbollah not only controling the airport and talking about dismentelment of his telecom, but with hezbollab with a nationwide network, the airport and an army batteling in syria defending the same regime march 14 accuse for it's leaders assassination...
Where is the logic in it?

Missing imagine-1979 22:56 ,2013 تشرين الأول 05

Anyway hezbollah will do whatever it wants, so why not a governement of technocrates that can serve people concerns, social, economicsl, everyday stuff... And hezbollah / march 14 and whoever want can go on the tawlet hiwar ,di an account on facebook, open a blog or any stupid other way to waist their time and let us live a litle...
Tawlet el hiwar HA said it will not adress hos weapon inside lebanon and he did (yes they made him do "silah el ichara"..) , they agreed that they will take the arms of palestenian camps of jibril and co ;yet did they? Hezballah changed his mind... , they went to qatar to agree to form a coalition governement and not put it down: they did put it down, they went and agreed on baabda declaration; now they refute it.... Nit a waist of time?
I do agree they have to sit and find a solution, but this solution seems far away, why don't they just put a technocrate gov to deal with dayly issues and take their time alone in discussion?....
Any idea?

Default-user-icon Darbikon Mouminhon (ضيف) 03:04 ,2013 تشرين الأول 06

His master's voice, as always.