سيارة المعمورة تزن 50 كيلوغراما من المواد المتفجرة وسليمان يهنئ الجيش على كشفها
Read this story in Englishتبين أن السيارة التي ضبطها الجيش بعد ظهر الإثنين في المعمورة بالضاحية الجنوبية مفخخة بحوالى 50 كلغ من المواد المتفجرة، في حين هنأ رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الجيش على كشفها.
وقالت قيادة الجيش في بيان جديد بعد ظهر الثلاثاء أنه "تبين أنها تزن حوالى 50 كلغ من المواد المتفجرة، وهي عبارة عن 3 ألغام و6 قنابل عنقودية جميعها مضادة للآليات، وكمية من مادة الـ "تي.ان.تي" وحوالى 20 كلغ من بودرة الألومينيوم المقوّى بمادة الكبريت الأصفر والصواعق الكهربائية".
ويضاف إلى ذلك "شبكة من الفتيل الصاعق طول 22 متراً موصولة إلى أقسام العبوة المتوزعة في عدة أماكن من السيارة، وتبين أن السيارة المذكورة قد بيعت سابقاً لعدة أشخاص".
وأعلنت قيادة الجيش أن التحقيقات تستمر "بإشراف القضاء المختص لكشف المتورطين في هذا العمل الإجرامي" داعية "المواطنين في مختلف المناطق اللبنانية إلى الإبلاغ الفوري عن أي حالة مشبوهة حفاظاً على أمنهم وسلامتهم".
إلى ذلك هنأ رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الجيش اللبناني على كشف السيارة منوها بالجهود التي بذلت.
ورأى أن ن "العيد بالنسبة الى الضباط والعسكريين يكتسب معناه الحقيقي لديهم عندما تكون التضحية في سبيل الوطن وسلمه الاهلي، وليس التضحية المجانية بالمواطنين الابرياء خدمة لمخططات هدفها تخريب حال الاستقرار التي نسعى ونحرص جميعا للحفاظ عليها".
وكانت قد أعلنت قيادة الجيش مساء الإثنين أنه "على أثر الاشتباه بسيارة نوع جيب "غراند شيروكي" كحلية اللون مركونة في محلة المعمورة - الضاحية الجنوبية، فرضت قوى الجيش طوقا أمنيا حول المكان، وتم استدعاء عدد من الخبراء العسكريين المختصين، حيث تبين أن السيارة المذكورة مفخخة بكمية من المواد المتفجرة".
يذكر أن تفجيرا استهدف منطقة بئر العبد في التاسع من تموز الماضي ما إلى أدى إلى وقوع 53 جريحا على الأقل.كذلك وقع تفجير دام أكثر في الرويس بالمنطقة عينها ما أدى إلى مقتل 27 شخصا وسقوط أكثر من 280 جريحا.
وعمدت قوة امنية مشتركة بالإتفاق مع حزب الله على الإنتشار في الضاحية لحماية الأمن فيها، بعد ثلاثة أسابيع من انتشار قوات الحزب فيها.
"Only intelligence services take the time & have the network to buy & sell cars several times in a bid to throw investigators off their trace & only intelligence services do such due diligence work to remove any link to them"
Maybe it was a terrible car.
And the cheapest. Falsifying identification documents is a breeze anyway.
If it was stolen, the security forces would have definitely been on the lookout and therefor more likely to foil their plans; falsify documents/buy the cheapest car you can get/fill it with anything you have lying around and send it in.
anonymetexasusa, consider the following points:
1. there is no mention as to when the car was bought
2. there is no mention as to how long a time a car is needed to be rigged by takfiris/terrorists/etc.
3. there is no indication that intelligence agencies can't rig a bomb in under 48 hours the way this has been done or in general.
4. I do not know how long a time it takes for a car theft to be reported
5. I'm more or less sure the deployment in and around HA strongholds would be some of the first to be noted by such relevant things
6. there is no indication that terrorists cannot take more than 48 hours to rig bombs, which is possible in this case due to logistics probably. etc.
anonymetexasusa, still, it can't be said it wasn't a terrible car and hence chep, and neither could it be said that they didn't use the same technique as the Tripoli bombings since apparently they have a handful of defected intelligence officers/colonels/general on their side for help.
I'm also a bit surprised the mines didn't go off while they were being transported on the terribly bumpy roads they drove on hah.
stupidest argument ever. you may have a fish's memory, forgetting an event each time a new one happens, but most people have memory.
then, if u want this 2 be done 2 foreigners, other countries should do this 2 lebanese abroad. DNA samples can be tampered with.... rIsKy BuSiNeSs
Personally, I think an intelligence agency was behind this. They've been doing it for years, we've just recently had the will power to combat it... Or maybe it's just because they're targeting hizballah areas now too.
Either way, like they said before, the same people are behind both the dahyi and tripoli blasts...
And btw I do believe that Qaida is also run by intelligence agencies. The jihadists/tikfiris are trained and funded by politicians and kings.
anonymetexasusa, yeah I know. What I said regarding the mines was that I was surprised how the mines didn't explode while they were being transported through the bumpy roads, because if you've been to Lebanon lately, they're in terrible, terrible shape. I also know they were probably disabled; let's not get too pedantic.
anony any terrorist organization can appoint people to buy and sell one another it does not need such sophisticated networks. however if you read it in arabic it says that it contained 2anebel 3an2oudiyyeh as well and who is the best producer of suck weaponry??? Israel :)
A lot of missing info in the article.
1- how was the car found? I inferred from the army statement that neighbors saw suspicious activity and reported it. But this is not clear.
2- Was the car rigged to explode or was it merely transporting explosives to another region. Again, I think it was rigged to explode, but we cant be sure.
I am sure that some military secret service types are right now scanning CCTV feeds. I am in principle against the death penalty. However in our case, I think we should declare martial law and allow public hanging of terrorist acts, especially for syrians and pals terrorists.
This is a fake car bomb, planted in Hezollahland in order to get sympathy, as if to say........ "Look! We are targeted too!"
They are using this to justify their war crimes in Syria.
And they are using this to somehow try to show that M8 are targeted by terrorists, not just M14 areas. Which is a big lie because we know who is behind all the bombs and assassinations.
Why are they so good at defusing bombs before they explode in Hezbollahland (save for one exception)??
See the article below to see how many other crimes were not stopped nor solved against M14 targets......