مشروع قرار سعودي للامم المتحدة يدين تدخل حزب الله في سوريا

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دانت الممكلة العربية السعودية تدخل كافة المقاتلين في سوريا، بشكل خاص تدخل حزب الله، وذلك في مسودة مشروع قرار ستتقدم به للجمعية العامة للامم المتحدة.

وكشفت تقارير اليوم الجمعة أن مسودة مشروع القرار تضمن إدانة السعدوية "لتدخل كافة المقاتلين في سوريا، بمن فيهم أولئك الذين يحاربون لدعم النظام السوري، وبشكل خاص تدخل حزب الله"، مشددة على ضرورة دعم تطلعات الشعب السوري.

ويشارك حزب الله بالمعارك داخل سوريا الى جانب النظام ، إذ كانت القوات النظامية مدعومة بعناصر من حزب الله استعادت االسيطرة على بلدتي الحسينية والذيابية جنوب دمشق، بعد معارك ضارية استمرت نحو اربعة ايام، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

يذكر أن البلدتين تقعان على مقربة من بلدة السيدة زينب التي تشهد معارك بين قوات النظام والتنظيمات الموالية لها ومقاتلي المعارضة. ويقول الحزب أن مشاركة مقاتلين منه في المعارك هو سبيل في "الدفاع" عن مقام السيدة زينب.

وكان حزب الله قد شارك بمعارك القصير في ريف حمص منذ أشهر، ما استدعى تنديدا داخيا وخارجيا واسعا.

يشار الى ان اليوم الجمعة، اعلنت الخارجية السعودية اعتذار المملكة عن قبول عضويتها في مجلس الامن غداة انتخابها لشغل مقعد غير دائم في الهيئة الدولية، وذلك بسبب "ازدواجية المعايير" في المجلس وفشله خصوصا بحسب الخارجية في حل القضية الفلسطينية والنزاع السوري وجعل الشرق الاوسط خاليا من اسلحة الدمار الشامل.

التعليقات 16
Thumb primesuspect 16:29 ,2013 تشرين الأول 18

God bless Lebanon's allies 4 their wisdom.

Declaring all foreign fighters terrorists is an important step.

Thumb mckinl 17:04 ,2013 تشرين الأول 18

First of all the KSA is not an ally of Lebanon. The KSA merely toy with Lebanon as a cat does with a mouse. They treat Lebanon as a tyrant treats a servant.

If all foreign fighters are terrorists then the KSA is guilty of sponsoring terrorism not just in Syria bit all over the middle east, the Caucasus, Pakistan, Afghanistan and around the world.

Thumb primesuspect 01:46 ,2013 تشرين الأول 19

¡March 8 terroristas would need a visa 1st. Not sure my embassy would grant them 1!

Thumb geha 16:39 ,2013 تشرين الأول 18

KSA is just starting to show its teeth and it is going up in crescendo. already Russia is weary of the KSA refusing to take the seat at the security council over the non resolution of the Palestinian issue and the inaction the Syrian regime use of chemical weapons.
the US and Russia are going to find out soon they cannot keep doing what they are doing.

Thumb mckinl 16:59 ,2013 تشرين الأول 18

@ geha ~ "KSA is just starting to show its teeth ..."

And the teeth of the KSA are dripping with the blood of innocent Muslims and Christians as they fight their "holy war" for Wahhabism ...

The hypocrisy of the KSA is beyond description at this point. The other nations of the world must be muttering under their breath at their arrogance.

Thumb geha 18:21 ,2013 تشرين الأول 18

you are even funnier than your friend ft :)
please continue: you both make me laugh.
the only arrogance here is that of hizbushaitan and iran, and that will end badly for them. your masters are the only ones constantly threatening other and killing, murdering, stealing, dealing with narcotics, bombing, and so on.
so please keep making us laugh :)

Thumb geha 18:18 ,2013 تشرين الأول 18

I will stay in Lebann, but you can stay in iran as this is the only place you like :)

Thumb mckinl 16:49 ,2013 تشرين الأول 18

LOL !!!!!!!

The KSA condemning foreign fighters in Syria while they send tens of thousands of jihadists there !!!

Is the KSA that arrogant that they can hope to hide their crimes behind falsehoods, fabrications and obvious lies ???

Thumb primesuspect 18:35 ,2013 تشرين الأول 18

He'll kneel and beg 4 4giveness like he did w/ the giraff. Wat a puppet the caporal.

Default-user-icon hanoun (ضيف) 18:42 ,2013 تشرين الأول 18

un resolution condemming foreign fighters all foreign fighters including HA
and most important thing the same resolution should condem countries who are interfering with their billions that buys arms and terrorists and foreign intervention

Thumb fero 00:55 ,2013 تشرين الأول 19

saudia Arabia now is just trying to have any sort of moral victory for themselves since there plan to back wahabi extremist rebels in Syria did not work, then planning to force a western attack did not work. so now they will make this resolution and say that they won sometning..well they can go right ahaead I highly doubt hizbullah in particular cares about anything that they do...because I guarantee you this if hizbullah was fighting against bashar they would be praising them night and day just like they praise the al Qaeda rebels who cut out the hearts of men and eat them

Default-user-icon Wartanouj Mastaklo (ضيف) 01:22 ,2013 تشرين الأول 19

So the Saudis want to condemn themselves now! If anything, they should blame the Qataris, the Turks and themselves for messing up another cause. They are better off hanging themselves in honor, but they have none!

Thumb haile.selassie. 01:52 ,2013 تشرين الأول 19

funny Saudis they start talking to the international community after they figure out that their billions of dollars spent on unprofessional morons in Syria had been spent for nothing because Hizbullah and the SYrian army is destroying them big time

Thumb primesuspect 02:08 ,2013 تشرين الأول 19

Hola Tonino ¿Que tal?

¿Does she come 2 us room or u go 2 her in her closet/room?

Missing VINCENT 03:14 ,2013 تشرين الأول 19

KSA, you may take this position only because H.A. is openly fighting in Syria, and unfortunately it is very difficult for the the rest of us to link your money and support with clear and convincing evidence to the real terror organizations.

Default-user-icon Frank (ضيف) 03:53 ,2013 تشرين الأول 19

Saudi Arabia is nothing but a nest and source of the most purest evil & filth this planet has to offer. Hizbollah defends true values and morals particularly those which are Lebanese and fights our enemies which are the Zionists. What is Saudi Arabia doing? What have they done for the Lebanese and the Palestinians? What have they done in relation to occupied Palestine and the Palestinians? What have they done other than endorse fundamentalism and Islamism? Nothing...you need only look at their nation to see for yourself what they have to offer others. A desert kingdom which doesn't even allow women to drive...say no more.