مسؤولون لبنانيون يهنئون بعودة مخطوفي أعزاز سالمين الى ذويهم
Read this story in English![W460](http://images3.naharnet.com/images/96731/w460.jpg?1382259228)
هنأ رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ومفتي الجمهورية الشيخ محمد رشيد قباني، بعودة مخطوفي أعزاز سالمين الى ذويهم، بعد 17 شهراً على خطفهم.
من جانبه، اتصل سليمان بالشيخ عباس زغيب المكلف من قبل المجلس الاسلامي الشيعي الاعلى بمتابعة ملف مخطوفي اعزاز، مهنئاً بالافراج عن المخطوفين، واطمأن الى صحتهم، وطلب نقل تحياته اليهم.
بدوره شكر زغيب باسمه وباسم الاهالي سليمان على الجهود التي بذلها وعلى الاتصال الذي اجراه.
وأمل سليمان النجاح في اطلاق المطرانين المخطوفين في اقرب وقت.
من جهته، ابدى قباني ارتياحه وسروره بإطلاق سراح المخطوفين نتيجة "لمساعي المخلصين في الدولة اللبنانية والجهود التي قام بها المدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم للإفراج عن المخطوفين". وهنأ المخطوفين وذويهم بعودتهم الى ديارهم سالمين امنين.
الى ذلك، دعا قباني الى "اطلاق سراح المطرانين المخطوفين بولس يازجي ويوحنا ابراهيم"، آملا في التوصل الى الافراج عنهما. ودان عمليات الخطف والتعدي على "حرية الاشخاص من أي طائفة أو مذهب او فريق سواء كان في مجال الصراعات الجارية او لقاء فدية، فهذا عمل ينافي الاخلاق والقيم الدينية".
وأفرج السبت، عن طيارين تركيين (خطفا في آب الفائت) والمخطوفين اللبنانيين التسعة بعد 17 شهراً من خطفهم واثنين آخرين في منطقة أعزاز بسوريا اثر عودتهم من رحلة حج الى ايران، وكان قد أفرج عن اثنين من المخطوفين حسين علي عمر، اواخر آب 2012، وعوض ابراهيم في أيلول 2012.
ويُذكر أنه في 9 اب خطف مسلحون طيارين تركيين بعيد خروجهما من مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي. وتبنت مجموعة تطلق على نفسها اسم "زوار الامام الرضا" عملية الخطف، مطالبة انقرة الداعمة للمعارضة السورية، بممارسة نفوذها على لواء "عاصفة الشمال" لإطلاق الحجاج التسعة.
ومن الجدير بالذكر، أن وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية (سانا) أعلنت في نيسان أن "مجموعة ارهابية مسلحة قامت باختطاف المطران يوحنا ابراهيم رئيس طائفة السريان الارثوذكس وتوابعها، والمطران بولس يازجي رئيس طائفة الروم الارثوذكس وتوابعها، اثناء قيامهما بعمليات انسانية في قرية كفر داعل في ريف حلب".
الى ذلك، اتصل سليمان بنظيره التركي عبدالله غول وهنأه بعودة الطيارين التركيين سالمين، وشكر له الجهود التي بذلها لتحرير المخطوفين اللبنانيين.
كذلك هنأ رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع بعودة المخطوفين، مشدداً في الوقت عينه على ضرورة العمل لاطلاق سراح المطرانين المخطوفين في سوريا.
ولفت في بيان، الاحد الى أن "ما يدعو إلى الاستغراب الشديد فهو موقف السلطات اللبنانية من قضية مئات المخطوفين والمعتقلين في السجون السورية، وهم مواطنون كسواهم من المواطنين اللبنانيين. وشدد على انه على "السلطات اللبنانية ان تتعاطى بالمساواة بين المخطوفين والمعتقلين، ﻷنها ليست لفريق دون آخر".
في هذا السياق، تلقى وزير الخارجية بحكومة تصريف الاعمال عدنان منصور إتصالا هاتفيا من نظيره السوري وليد المعلم، هنأه فيه بإطلاق سراح المخطوفين وعودتهم سالمين إلى لبنان.
وشكر منصور سوريا عبر الوزير المعلم على موقفها وتعاونها الذي أفضى إلى إطلاق سراح المخطوفين من أعزاز.
وأكد المعلم "أن سوريا لن تدخر أي جهد في كل ما يساعد لبنان".
100% shab. They go crying to Lebanon's government when the HA spies are kidnapped. And when the government put all the efforts to release them, they raise HA and Syria flags. This is the most disgusting trait of this kind of people. They are ungrateful. Gross.
But look at the bright side: We wont have to hear their news every day.
seems FT has not watched TV yesterday where we could see the flags of syria much much bigger than those of lebanon which were scarce...
poor FT always in denial... useless thing he is....
what about the first words of the "pilgrim" inviting people to kill sunnis... i guess he did not hear that too...
"he reality is otherwise. a few idiots with syrian flags are no different "
funny but it has become a recurrent thing each time we see your militia friends demonstrate in the streets of dahiye... i guess they are becoming more and more idiots! LOL!!!
and the picture here is what everyone saw yesterday on the tv channels!!! so please avoid your BS because you look ridiculously desperate to justify the unjustifiable....
i bet it was you brandishing the syrian flag!!!
FT. The difference between you and us is that we indeed think that those idiots waving Nusra flag are ennemies of the state, as much as those assisted folks brandishing HA or the Assadist flag.
Because Nusra is an ennemy of Lebanon, Assad is an ennemy of lebanon, and HA is an ennemy of a state in Lebanon.
As for you, you are so blinded by Nosra fear and sunni hate that you fail to see the damage Assad and HA do to Lebanon.
Ft. Maybe I got carried away by calling u sunni-hater. However Check ur line of postings. You see black and white. You never condemned anything HA did, and never praised anything M14 did.
lebanon_first you should be ashamed of yourself. shab calls your countrymen "Pure inbreed filth" on what appears to be a sectarian basis, and you tell him "100% shab"?
the question is why carry and wave other country's flag on your own soil. So many Syrians flags, it was organized by some political party for sure. shame on them. Lebanese should raise and wave the Lebanese cedar flag and nothing else.
What flags do you think will be raised in Turkey when the two released Turks head home???????? Nothing but Turkish flags I can bet on that.
Hariri photo should never be above national flag. HA flags should not be brandished.
The flags of our ennemies, the Syrian and Israeli flags should be banned and those waving them should be imprisonned.
I posted back in support of parts of your post, however thinking abt it, hariri pic above the Lebanese flag is a misdemeanour. Waving israeli or Syrian flag is treason.
But did hariri wave a war on Israel/Syria? Did hariri abduct any1? Did hariri participate in the long Lebanese civil war? Did hariri kill the shia opposant in front of the iranian embassy? Is hariri building illegal houses in dahya or elsewhere? Did hariri abduct the MEA employee 2 years ago on the highway? Finally, did hariri blow up his father's car and kill dozens of pedestrians?
the_roar, what "national Flag" are you talking about... last week you posted over and over that the Iranian militia are the "only brave men of Lebanon" and that they should rule the country. You are a pathetic windbag.
Hariri should return to Lebanon, he can not lead from abroad... but he will also not be able to lead if he gets blown up by a car bomb, You know like the ones that have killed so many other anti Assad leaders. Hariri could return and and dig an under ground bunker in Beirut, smuggle 50K rockets into Lebanon, ask the Saudi's to arm, pay and command a militia to help "Resist" the Israelis. Then Hariri could telecast his speeches, like the great Iranian patriot Nasrallah does.
He'd get all u said puppeteer I na blink of an eye. But m14 fights back with words, parliamentary speeches, by abiding 2 the constitution.
If hariri would get his own milicia, he'd be behaving like the primitive monkey.
M14 goes forward, M8 backward...
Why is it that the same idiots that are always complaining about Naharnet... are always on Naharnet posting?
i don't see the pb of waving a party's flag during a party's meeting. but waving it along with foreign flags is scandalous... be it saudi or syrian, iranian ones....
That is your reality the_roar and your comments prove how much of a windbag you are. You go from complaining about every sect having their own posters and billboards and on the next post you endorse a sectarian militia controlling the country. You are the one who needs an "education about national patriotism"... but then again we all know you are the bravest, smartest most patriotic man on earth.
hahahaha the news of their release was already good, it became better seeing how bitter it made you guys :)
a "patriot" would abide by its countries laws, hezb don't (ex. baabda declaration...)
a "patriot" would not pledge allegiance to a foreign country.it is the only party that did that!
a "patriot" would not decide of peace or war in the place of the state.
so you see many examples prove that your militia is not "patriot" but follows its own rules dictated by a foreign country's agenda...
lebanonforever: you're just lying to yourself by ignoring they are lebanese.
you cannot decide they are not lebanese because they dont fit "your" standard and therefore justify their being killed/kidnapped.
furthermore, everybody knows the pilgrims were pilgrims, just regular people who's only crime was passing by the wrong place at the wrong time, yet what you guys did was try to assimilate them to HA combatants because of their religion.
fanatics, as you say, are not those who vote you down, but rather those who go by the "HA supports assad, HA is shia, therefore it's okay to kill/kidnap shias" ideology