مواجهات في بشري بين أنصار جبران طوق والقوى الامنية احتجاجا على ازالة مخالفة بناء
Read this story in Englishشهدت بشري مواجهات بين أنصار النائب السابق جبران طوق والقوى الامنية التي حاولت إزالة مدرج أقامه النائب في غابة الأرز، تخللتها قطع طرقات واطلاق قنابل مسيلة للدموع من قبل الاهالي.
وبعد إصرار الاهالي على منع قوى الامن من ازالة المخالفة، ناشد النائب طوق "اهالي بشري الخروج من الشارع وفتح الطريق المقطوعة تمهيدا لمعالجة الامر باطاره القانوني".
وقال: "اننا جميعا تحت القانون، ونشدد على ضرورة إزالة جميع المخالفات في بشري قبل إزالة المدرج"، موضحا ان
"المدرج أقيم لمناسبة اجتماعية وعلى ملكية خاصة، وهو لا يضر بيئيا ونريد تشجيره ليتناسب مع البيئة".
وأشار طوقإلى ان "جميع أهالي بشري يريدون الابقاء على هذا المدرج"، معتبرا ان "ما يحصل في بشري اليوم تصرف ميليشياوي"، وقال: "يهمنا ان لا يحصل مشاكل بين الأهالي والقوى الأمنية".
وإذ أكد "نحن لا نريد مشاكل، حمل طوق نواب بشري "مسؤولية ما وصلنا إليه اليوم".
وتعليقا على الحادث، أوضحت النائبة ستريدا جعجع أن "وزير البيئة اصدر قرارا بإزالة المخالفات المستحدثة قرب غابة الأرز، وعندما عملت القوى الامنية على ازالة المخالفات، قامت مجموعة تابعة للنائب السابق جبران طوق بمحاولة منعها".
واكدت جعجع مسادنتها مع جميع اهالي بشري للقوى الامنية، مطالبة اياها "بالاستمرار في مهمتها لأننا نريد أن تكون منطقتنا مثالا لسلطة الدولة والقانون".
وأضافت: "نحن مصرون في مدينة بشري ومنطقتها على التأكيد أن الدولة موجودة والكل تحت سقف القانون الذي يجب أن يطبق على الجميع من دون إستثناء".
وتابعت: "نحن نأخذ في الاعتبار من خلال الانجازات التي نقوم بها مع النائب إيلي كيروز، سواء على مستوى الطرقات والصرف الصحي والمدارس والجامعات، أهمية المحافظة على حماية البيئة وما تحويه من معالم حضارية تاريخية وجغرافية من وادي قنوبين إلى ارز الرب إلى جبران خليل جبران والقديس شربل".
وناشدت النائب جعجع الاهالي أن "يبادروا إلى فتح الطريق وترك الامور للدولة اللبنانية التي هي حمايتنا مع الجيش اللبناني والقوى الامنية".
Hezz are lebanese and have done more to protect lebanon than anyone else. Isreal would be building on land they dont own today, but who stopped that from occurring? What has your leader done to help prevent it?
rationalization for BAD or ILLEGAL behavior
typical for hizb iran supporters
Maybe start paying an electric bill too, or do you believe that if Israel invaded you wouldn't be paying those either
They backed up after giving them the intel that every "strong boy" from the ISF had 3 guns aimed and locked on his head. ISF and charbel knew for sure that a war will blast and they will loose for sure. Bcharre was inaccessible for Hafez's army for 30 years and before him the turks in history got fried before bcharree's gates. not to mention Deir el Ahmar and Ainata which are from bcharre and for it! those who stopped the ISF yesterday were max.5% of the population.
I wonder why for you and many others, the LF just needs to act to be wrong – really whatever they do. When Tawk cut two 200 years’ old trees, everyone blamed the Bcheranieh and the LF for not directly interfering. Actually since 2005, the LF never reacted to any incident except through government institutions. Now, while being blamed and alongside many environment activists, complaints were filed to the Ministry of Environment and a decision was taken to remove the illegal works of Tawk (not all private properties have building licenses, especially in the middle of our most precious landmark). Internal security forces’ task is to make sure law is enforced! And this is why they went to remove the illegal construction. Really it has nothing to do with Tawk.. I am from Becharre, I know for a fact that most of Tawk's men would not stand against a legal initiative taken by the LF, except for 10 paid thugs Pierre Daher insisted to show yesterday
I wonder why for you and many others, the LF just needs to act to be wrong – really whatever they do. When Tawk cut two 200 years’ old trees, everyone blamed the Bcheranieh and the LF for not directly interfering. Actually since 2005, the LF never reacted to any incident except through government institutions. Now, while being blamed and alongside many environment activists, complaints were filed to the Ministry of Environment and a decision was taken to remove the illegal works of Tawk (not all private properties have building licenses, especially in the middle of our most precious landmark). Internal security forces’ task is to make sure law is enforced! And this is why they went to remove the illegal construction. Really it has nothing to do with Tawk.. I am from Becharre, I know for a fact that most of Tawk's men would not stand against a legal initiative taken by the LF, except for 10 paid thugs Pierre Daher insisted to show yesterday
I think the government should start worrying about the peoples safety before the trees.... how many roads in becharre region have full safety?? how many cars in becharre have the registration paid and up to date??? How many buildings have been built with FULL authorisation??? How many people have registered weapons??? NOT MANY AT ALL... In my opinion as a Bcherani anyone that builds something for the people in his town is a good person and should not be disrespected in this manner!! atleast meet with them and come to a solution first before coming up their like a militia to demolish things that they dont even care about.. the ISF got what they deserved by going up there in that manner..