توقيف سيارة في وادي حميد تقل 4 سوريين بحوزتهم أسلحة
Read this story in Englishأوقف الجيش عصر اليوم الأربعاء في وادي حميد بعرسال سيارة قادمة من سوريا تقل اربعة سوريين بحوزتهم ذخائر.
وقالت قيادة الجيش مديرية التوجيه في بيان صادر عنها: "في اطار مهمة ضبط الحدود اللبنانية - السورية، أوقفت قوى الجيش، قبل ظهر اليوم، في منطقة وادي حميد - عرسال، سيارة نوع Geely كحلية اللون، قادمة من الاراضي السورية بطريقة غير شرعية".
وأفادت أنها "تقل أربعة اشخاص من التابعية السورية في حوزتهم كمية من البنادق والمسدسات الحربية والذخائر والاعتدة العسكرية، بالاضافة الى عدد من الرمانات يدوية"
وقد تم تسليم الموقوفين بحسب الجيش مع المضبوطات الى المراجع المعنية، وبوشر التحقيق باشراف القضاء المختص.
يشار الى أن في آواخر أيلول أوقف الجيش أيضا شاحنة محملة بأسلحة في عرسال وكان متجهة إلى الأراضي السورية، ولكن تبين انها الذخائر غير صالحة للإستعمال.
Arsal should be cordoned off with army troops and the rest of lebanon protected against it.
God Bless the LAF and ..--wolf's..-- son for confiscating this weapons-laden vehicle coming from Syria to cause harm and chaos in our beloved country. God Bless the army for aiding, assisting, and protecting the behind of the Islamic Secular Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army). Those who fired at the army today in Baalbeck came from Arsal, the hub of terror and conspiracy. I am proud of our resistance and the army as they hand in hand fight terrorism and cocaine.
My son the feet fumes are making you disoriented, these are arms coming from Syrian into Lebanon like the Samaha Mamlouk ones, in a truck driven by Syrians like the Tripoli bombs, as Mr the president Bashar al Assad said just yesterday the problem is the arms going from Lebanon to Syrian not the other way around, so you should be saying BOMB SYRIA NOW!!!
Damn those feet fumes, my son has forgotten about the Jaafars who murdered the Lebanese army soldiers in an ambush in Riyak three years ago, they are still free and can be found walking free around Baalbek unconcerned by the arrest warrant. After the attack that killed four Lebanese army soldiers they fled to Syria where they were arrested then released. How about the murderer of Samer Hanna the Hezb handed a patsy instead of the murderer and even the patsy barely served any time.
shouldn't the LAF go ahead and tackle other arms transports? i mean the shia kind that is used against civilians on 3 different fronts?
Weapons exiting Lebanon? good riddance, with our blessing. Weapons entering? That's
a different story..
hehehe indeed. resistance weapons are welcome, terrorist ones are not. live with and eat your hearts out.
on a more serious note, it seems the flux of weapons has been inverted; they used to import them into syria, now they are bringing them back here.
when we add this to the announcements made by geagea and prince faisal of a civil war, it could mean it is about to start. seems like they realized they failed taking over syria, so they're going to try with lebanon.
no lebanese can wish for it, but if they decided it to bring the war to us, then we will have no choice but to come out and play.
Anonymetexasusa... Put aside your obvious hatred and constent attack on hezballah, but why do you always justify every criminal and terrorist act on Lebanese terroritory by blaiming Hezbollah and not the Al Quiada supporters? They are the biggest evil in this world that attacked the USA on 9/11 and believe that all civilians (including children) are legitimate targets. They are evil baby killers, that celebrate the murder of Syrian christains and any non salafist Muslims. These terrorist now roam freely in Lebanon.
They are the biggest threat to Lebanon... Not hezbollah!
It's uncanny ado you are describing what the Syrian army did in Lebanon although the Syrian army was less selective and more inclusive, as for the Al Quaida supporters that would be Assad who was sending them by the thousands to Iraq through his border.
God bless the Lebanese army for protecting against the terrorist schemes of the Saudis, the FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists, and their February 14 coalition puppets.