ريفي يتهم حزب الله بمد "الزمرة المسلحة" في طرابلس بالسلاح: المدينة ليست سلعة بيد النظام السوري وعلى الدولة التحرك

Read this story in English W460

شدد مدير عام قوى الأمن الداخلي السابق اللواء أشرف ريفي على أن "أمن طرابلس من امن لبنان وليس سلعة بيد النظام السوري وحزب الله، متهما في الوقت عينه الحزب بأنه يمد "الزمرة المسلحة" في المدينة بالاموال والسلاح، داعيا في هذا الاطار الدولة للتحرك فورا و بانصاف".

وقال ريفي في مؤتمر صحافي عقده اليوم الجمعة إثر الاشتباكات التي تشهدها المدينة منذ ايام: "طرابلس تعرضت لـ17 اعتداءً بعد 7 ايار المشؤوم وليس المجيد، رغم ذلك طرابلس تعلن سقوط المحور السوري – الايراني فيها".

ورأى ريفي أنه "لا يجوز ترك زمرة مسلحة تتعرض لامن المدينة"، مشددا على أن "امن طرابلس ليس سلعةً بين النظام السوري وحزب الله"، مضيفا: "طفح الكيل وما يجري ليس مقبولا بكل المقاييس ويجب ان يتوقف فورا".

وعليه، ناشد ريفي الدولة الى تحمل مسؤولياتها. وقال: "ان خرجت الامور عن السيطرة فالتاريخ لن يرحم احدا.

وإذ ذكر أن " النظام السوري جرب تركيع طرابلس وفشل وهدم البيوت وارتكب المجازر"، أكد ريفي أن "ما لم يستطع النظام السوري تحقيقه لن يحققه الآن عبر زمرة مسلحة".

وأردف بلغة شديدة اللهجة: "المسلسل يجب ان يتوقف والقانون يجب ان يطبق، وننتظر من الدولة المبادرة"، مؤكدا في هذا السياق الانحياز الى "منطق الدولة ورفض الامن الذاتي".

ولفت ريفي الى أنه "يخطئ من يظن ان المواجهة هي بين السنة والعلويين"، مشيرا الى أن ا"لمواجهة هي بين مجرمين تابعين للنظام السوري واهالي يالمدينة".

وأكد أيضا أن "طرابلس لا تقبل ان يتحول هؤلاء المجرمون الى قديسين جدد، وطرابلس لم تعد تستطيع التحمل ولن تقبل ان تكون شهودا على تدميرها"، موضحا أن المدنية " كانت دوما في حالة دفاع ولم تكن في حالة هجوم".

وتابع ريفي: "السلاح بالتبانة لا يحسب امام سلاح حزب الله وسرايا المقاومة". وقال: "نعرف خريطة توزيع المجموعات المتعاملة مع النظام السوري بطرابلس، وعلى الدولة ان تكون متساوية وعادلة مع جميع ابنائها".

وفي هذا السياق، رفض ريفي القول "ان في لبنان بندقية غير شرعية وطنية واخرى ارهابية، فيجب رفض جميع البنادق غير الشرعية".

وعليه، سأل "لماذا لم تبادر الاجهزة الامنية الى دهم أماكن وجود المشتبه بهم في تفجيري طرابلس؟ داعيا رئيس حكومة تصريف الاعمال نجيب ميقاتي ووزراء طرابلس الى الاعتكاف في المدينة.

كما اتهم ريفي حزب الله بأنه "يمد الزمرة المسلحة بالسلاح والتعليمات واموال كثيرة جدا"، لافتا الى ان في لبنان الدويلة هي المهيمنة على الدولة، وأن ثمة مؤسسات تدور بفلك حزب الله"، مطالبا الدولة ان "تكون منصفة مع الجميع".

وتابع: "لا يستطيع احد ان يهيمن على لبنان الا الدولة فقط لا غير، ولا يمكن لاي فريق ان يحكما مهما كانت قوته العسكرية"، معتبرا أن " الدولة التي لا تستجيب للنداء ليست دولة ولا تستحق الحياة ويجب ان يسقط المسؤولون الذين لا يقومون بواجباتهم".

ووختم ريفي"لن يستطيعوا ان يأخذونا الى خياراتهم وعليهم غصبا عنهم ان يحترموا خياراتنا".

التعليقات 35
Thumb geha 16:20 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

hizbushaitan wants to drive the country to civil war as a prevention to their fall here in Lebanon. they want to control all the state and if they can't they want to do it by force.
well their plans will not succeed and Lebanon will be their grave as it has been to all other invaders.
filthy Iranian militia!

Thumb mckinl 18:11 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

M14 pulling out all the stops

to get Lebanon into a civil war.

Sorry ... It ain't gonna work ...

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:13 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

hahahaha rifi is campaigning for a seat in parliament, who wants to bet he's going to be candidate in the next elections?

that explains the populism and demagogy here, but he'd better show some decency. if he wants to criticize jabal mohsen he should also criticize bab al tabbaneh, or else he's only being a sectarian mouthpice.

as for the resistance weapons, yes, they do not compare. HA's weapons are for defending the country, not waging sectarian wars like the extremists in tripoli. HA demonstrated over decades their discipline and commitment to national goals, whereas the new groups did not wait months before showing they are all about chaos and strife.

finally, if HA is arming jabal mohsen, please show us proof, ya ex-supercop! and also tell us who is giving weapons to bab el tabbaneh, or did they fall from the sky?

Thumb sevilla 21:23 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

Not only parliament, but Prime Minister too.... eat your heart out sectarian persian mouthpiece!

Thumb general_puppet 08:49 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

momo you really are simple minded... Hizbullah and all the rest of the Lackeys that Assad left in place are on the same pipeline. Armaments are smuggled in to Nasrallah and he distributes down the line.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:33 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

casper & m11er: nia2

puppet: walla, you seem to have access to all the logistics and planning data. that, or you're just making up bull as you type.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:32 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

maid.of.maids suits you better!

Thumb cedre 16:35 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

afaik, tripoli gangs are not armed by HizbIran but by Syria, where they get also trained in SYRIAN uniform. Their real allegiance as always be to Rifaat Assad, Mamlouk, ect...

Thumb king.of.kings 16:58 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

iceman im not living in a dream like you thinking that im an iceman fictionary person. i choose my profile names under names of people who were emperors and kings that made a difference in this world and have been killed for their right cause as you can see my profile picture is king faisal a king that tried to make a difference and that difference would have speared us big problems. at least he did something what did ur leaders do other than talk ....

Thumb primesuspect 18:24 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

Maidhumpr, the king of kings if the lion kingdom was ur terrorista friend ghadafi.

Thumb geha 16:59 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

the problem is tat YOU are the nobody and you do not know it apparently. and if you know, then it is a bigger problem :)

Missing peace 18:26 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

i love the denial of those hezbi lovers.... they believe the party they support are saints... LOL
they forget that hezbi trained islamists from tripoli in the bekaa, they forget that jabel mohsen shares the same goals as hezbis and support the baath regime more than the lebanese state itself...
hezbis are desperate to maintain bashar on his throne because if he falls they will fall with him!

they raised the capacity of denying to the level of an art... good brainwashing hezbi did on them!

Missing peace 18:31 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

“We have the Lebanese state and another state inside also in the country. Apparently Hizbullah's state dominates over the Lebanese state.”

it is clear that hezbollah rules lebanon with the full support of M8 who benefit from it.... shame on those who support a party that pledged allegiance to a foregin country and ignores its own state!

Default-user-icon Abu Qahafa (ضيف) 18:58 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

While you were in Office trusted by the nation, you were complicit in the import of Fatah al Islam, Al Qaeda, and other forms of terrorism into the country. Indeed, you had proven to be a quintessence of treason and servility to your pay masters. It is hard to fathom a crime more repulsive or reprehensible in character than yours.

Thumb EagleDawn 21:59 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

welcome abu mowaten ibn flamethrower brother of roar:)

Default-user-icon Abu Qahafah (ضيف) 19:00 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

While you were in Office trusted by the nation, you were complicit in the import of Fatah al Islam, Al Qaeda, and other forms of terrorism into the country. Indeed, you had proven to be a quintessence of treason and servility to your pay masters. It is hard to fathom a crime more repulsive or reprehensible in character than yours.

Thumb sevilla 19:10 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

dunno king.of.kings:)

Thumb sevilla 19:13 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

dunno king.of.kings:)

Thumb Elemental 19:33 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

HA has always been an Iranian proxy, it's like Chinese saying they're Spanish, senor.

Thumb primesuspect 20:40 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

¿Que dices? Philipinas can say they r Spanish as they were ruled by them until 100 years ago.... ¡But Chinese!

Missing -karim_m1-- 21:14 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

Oh look, the most INCOMPETENT ISF chief ever is now commenting on Lebanon's political situation.

Go back to Saudi Arabia, terrorist.

Missing people-power 00:59 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

The ISF occupied a building for one week!!!!!! OMG fif.... they should be executed!!!!

What a grievous crime!! This is an outrage!!!!!!

Missing people-power 23:00 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

See the link below for the bombings and assassinations in Lebanon since 2004, all perpetrated by Assad/Hezbollah/M8 against M14 targets.


But fifi, momo, and roro will point out that Rifi once disobeyed the orders of Minister Baroud (gasp!), and somehow that is worse than all the crimes and assassinations done by M8 and their allies.

Missing people-power 00:29 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Wrong again fifi.... Aridi sided with Jumblatt when Hezbollah attacked Aley and Mount Barook in May 2008, and Aridi was subsequently punished for it.

Missing peace 23:13 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

just scroll down the page and you ll get all the sources you want.... the foolish one is here , living in denial.... pooor thing

Missing peace 23:21 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

he ll deny everything saying that it is a global zionist conspiration.... like all losers do

Missing people-power 23:58 ,2013 تشرين الأول 25

Woman-inside-a-man's-body...... The Wiki article didn't place blame on any of the attacks. The point of the article was simply to list the bombings and assassinations that occurred.

There are at least 26 bombings and assassinations listed (or attempted assassinations).

Are you saying these events did not take place?

Please dispute which of these events did not occur, and if you can't........ then STFU.

Missing peace 00:17 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

seems the only frustrated sissy here is FT... just read this comment filled with insults and anger when we dare say a thing against his beloved iranian militia!

as you know facts are against you, you just chose the loser's way...

poor thing....

Missing people-power 00:38 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

My description is that of someone who acts tough, but is a sissy on the inside. In my opinion, women > men. That is, a woman in a woman's body. The person you are defending is a sissy with a small johnson, so he doesn't qualify as a woman.

You and your fellow propagandists are merely wannabe thugs. You couldn't cut it apparently in Hussein's Army, so you were delegated to the internet propaganda posse. Acting tuff on the internet, and insulting people is all you do, 24/7.

Missing peace 00:08 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

your questions only prove how empty your brain is.... just educate yourself and you ll know how hezbollah is the tool of iran and how much they DO NOT care about lebanon.....
you just refuse to dig further than your nose to keep yourself in delusion and believing that hezbollah is a charity organisation here in lebanon to help! LOL
you are just like them: a big farce....

Missing peace 00:08 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

and no need to answer , i will not read you... you do not deserve to be read, you deserve just contempt and indifference.....

Missing peace 00:10 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

true, hezbollah are terrorists and anti lebanon... your idol kept repeating it... remember or you need your pills to cure your alzheimer disease poor thing?

Missing peace 00:29 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

just like hezbis use SSNP amal and others to do their dirty job in the streets of beirut to look clean like cowards they are.... 3aw 3aw now go to sleep...

Missing people-power 00:40 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Yes of course, 26 bombings and assassinations of M14 targets, and they were ALL perpetrated by M14 themselves. GENIUS you are!!!!!

Thumb general_puppet 08:37 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Do not be too hard on Mighty momo... he is a proud Iranian.