سليمان: امير قطر اكد بذل المساعي لتحرير المطرانين المخطوفين في سوريا

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كشف رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان عن تلقيه رسالة من أمير الشيح تميم بن حمد آل ثاني، يؤكد فيها بذل المساعي من أجل الافراج عن المطرانين المخطوفين في سوريا يوحنا ابراهيم وبولس يازيجي، ولفت الرئيس ايضاً الى أن "مشروع المسيحيين في الشرق هو مشروع كل مواطن الى اي طائفة أو مذهب انتمى".

وفي كلمة ألقاها خلال رعايته المؤتمر العام لمسيحيي المشرق في الربوة، السبت، أشار سليمان الى أن تضاؤل أعداد المسيحيين في الشرق هو ننتيجة "الاعمال العنفية واندلاع الصراع العربي الاسرائيلي وتوالي الانتكاسات على اكثر من صعيد".

وأضاف أن "الاخطار التي تهدد مسيحيي الشرق اصبحت معروفة واهمها تقلص في الوجود وتراجع الدولة في القرار السياسي والاقتصادي، واندلاع المسألة الدستورية بشان مدى الفصل بين السلطة والمؤسسات".

الا أنه لفت الى أن ما يدعو الى تبديد القلق هو أن التحولات في المنطقة "لم تكرس في اي بلد الفكر الاحادي المطلق".

وشدد على أن النموذج اللبناني يمكن أن يشكل منطلقاً لـ"نظام سياسي مشرقي جديد يؤدي الى انشاء دولة المواطنة الحقيقية".

وأوضح أن العيش المشترك الذي يقوم عليه لبنان، ليس فقط في الوجود المسيحي الى جانب الاسلامي فقط، وقال: "العيش المشترك ليس التعايش الاجتماعي في علاقاته الافقية انه العيش المشترك السياسي بعلاقاته العامودية اي علاقة الحاكم والمحكوم انه مشاركة في الحكم والسلطة داخل اطار القبول والرضى المتبادل".

من جانب آخر، كشف سليمان عن تلقيه رسالة من أمير قطر تفيد أنه يبذل جهوداً لتحرير المطرانين، سالمين. واعتبر أن "مستقبل الجماعات محكوم بقدرتها على الاستجابة للتحديات التي يفرضها واقعها ومحيطها".

يُذكر أن قطر لعبت دوراً مهماً في الافراج عن مخطوفي أعزاز الذي وصلوا الى لبنان في 19 الجاري بعد 17 شهراً من الاحتجاز. والجمعة، اجتمع أمير قطر بالبطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي وبالمدير العام للامن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم، تم خلالهما بحث ملف المطرانين المخطوفين، وتشديد قطر على سعيها لحل الملف.

يُذكر ان مجموعة مسلحة أقدمت في نيسان الفائت على خطف المطرانين بولس يازجي ويوحنا ابراهيم، قرب حلب.

وشدد سليمان على أن "مستقبل المسيحيين لا يكون بالتقوقع والانعزال ولا يكون بالحماية العسكرية الاجنبية لانها مشروع بائد ومستفز".

واعتبر أن "مشروع المسيحيين في الشرق هو مشروع كل مواطن الى اي طائفة او مذهب انتمى يتوق الى الحرية والعدالة والتنمية".

وشدد على أن "التحدي المطروح على المسيحيين في لبنان والشرق هو الحؤول دون أن تكون المنطقة رتيبة وليس فيها تنوع"، معتبراً أنه "اذا سقطت المسيحية الحرة في لبنان انتهى أمرها في الشرق الاوسط وفي اسيا وافريقيا".

التعليقات 27
Missing VINCENT 12:56 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Mr. President, don't worry. We are already seeing them kill each other with chemical weapons. Wait until Iran gets their first nuclear bomb.

Missing VINCENT 20:21 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

This is really not about M-8 or M-14. This has regional implications that, unfortunately, Lebanon was made a part of when the civil war started. I prefer to rely on my M-16 :(

Thumb mckinl 13:14 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

If Suleiman is worried about the fate of Christians he should be worried about the plans of the KSA for the region and specifically Lebanon.

Missing VINCENT 13:26 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Rest assured, we have no worries about the "fate" itself. It is the KSA and Iran who are overreaching their boundaries beyond their own comfort level which will directly be cause their demise.

Thumb cedre 15:29 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

just give us 1 example when KSA threatened christians in Lebanon ? facts non legends please. Also explain us why they employ so many on its territory ?

Missing VINCENT 20:31 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Sir, we are no just concerned about the Christians in Lebanon. I want a Christian Church in Makkah where Muslims go for haj, and build a community of about 100,000 thousand living and praying as they wish. If you can make it possible, I'll give up everything and devote all the energy, time and money I have and/or raise to further KSA interests in the region.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 12:45 ,2013 تشرين الأول 28

wolf you might want to check facts to at least hide the fact that you are completely ignorant.
Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar all have churches.. most built with money donated from the princes and sheikhs themselves..
Saudi Arabia is the only country in the gcc which doesn't..
now breath in and hold it...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 12:47 ,2013 تشرين الأول 28

and Vincent.. you want a church in Makah? well I am sure some Muslims want a mosque in the Vatican.. let us see who gets it first.. hahaha

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 12:50 ,2013 تشرين الأول 28

and Vincent.. you want a church in Makah? well I am sure some Muslims want a mosque in the Vatican.. let us see who gets it first.. hahaha

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 13:56 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

As long as the Christians are fragmented into several parties where each one cares for its own interest, I bet you there would be no christian in Lebanon in the near future. The Christians have proven to be self-centered, self-absorbed and nut heads. So, they deserve anything that happens to them. I am a Christian and see no future for the Christians in Lebanon as long as we have the nut heads Aoun and Franjeih representing us.

Thumb lebanon_first 15:07 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Ya fakhamto, No one is in limbo. Neither Christians nor other minorities are not in limbo. Noone cares about your adoring Jesus Christ or Imam Ali.
You are so unpragmatic...

Our problem today is a huge growing public debt and government deficit. Our problem is that Lebanese choose leaders who have foreign allegiances, and that the regimes around us are imperialistic. And our problem is that the biggest war of the 21st century is on our doorstep.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:45 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

wolf. if lebanon has money, we would create better job opportunities for those gunmen, and they would become part of society instead of being outcasts who fight for a salary...
If you dont understand the gist of my message, maybe you should read it 3 or 4 times before judging.

Thumb lebanon_first 09:32 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

Ft. i agree on your theory of crappy genes (or bad upbringing). But statistically why would all crappy genes be in tripoli?
One army commander said, when confronted about why he doesnt deal with Tripoli like he would with Jounieh for example: In Jounieh, you have 2 criminals. In Tabbaneh, you have 2 awadim. That cannot be explained by statistics. It can be explained by lack of job opportunities.

Thumb cedre 15:27 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Translation of Sothern : Please Christians, join alawites and shias in our fight against sunnis in Syria and Lebanon...

Thumb cedre 16:01 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

@ wolf : we're speaking about LEBANON, KSA internal affairs are none of christian matters...

Thumb cedre 16:44 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

It does not play a major role in our internal affairs, it does help us now and then to reconciliate, invest in our economy billions, employ lebaneses of all confessions, but that's it...

KSA is a country with weak political and military power on the region. Their strength come from their wealth and the fact that Muslim holy cities are on their territory.
Some shias propagandists benefit from trying to establish a link between KSA, sunnis or terrorists. But KSA beheads takfiris every year.

And btw neither KSA nor Hariris represent the sunnis...

Thumb mckinl 17:01 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

@ cedre

If the KSA does not play a large role in Lebanon then why do Lebanese politicians have to fly to Riyadh to get anything done?

Thumb cedre 16:45 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Iraq and Syria persecuted their Christians ?

Thumb cedre 17:30 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

FT cant u understand i'm not benzona ? i dont have enough self derision or low esteem to call myself benzona...

Thumb cedre 00:56 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

no prob, FT, group hug anytime...

Missing peace 17:47 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

just like iranian ayatollahs call the christians "evil religion of the west".... christian churches are targets, bibles are burnt, muslim converted to christianity face death sentences, priests are in jail...

and M8 still support this regime and shout that they defend christians of the middle east! double standard cowards LOL

Missing peace 17:56 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

oh! and don't bring me the saudi excuse... they are as totalitarian as iran for that matter...

Missing phillipo 19:44 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

"Suleiman Warns on Future of Christians in Orient"
Orient ? Does he mean the whole of the Middle East ?
Let him tell of the whipping of Christians in Iran because they have Communion wine. Let him tell of the burning of Coptic Churches in Egypt.
Let him tell of the undisturbed lives of the Christians in Israel.

Missing helicopter 20:19 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

While your statements are true, the lasst one is NOT.
Israelis are happy to see the demise of Christians in the Orient because they were their competitors in winning the hearts and minds of Western nations, competing with Israel in commerce and Tourism and in the world's public opinion. Israel did its best to ensure Christian Palestinians and extinct and wishes the same for Lebanese Christians. Any tears by Orthodox Jews are Crocodile tears.

Default-user-icon AZehman (ضيف) 23:44 ,2013 تشرين الأول 26

Here is a sampling of what Christians have to endure under a regime that according to some here is supposed to protect Christians:
Four Christians sentenced to 80 lashes in Iran for drinking ceremonial wine during communion service. These men were also found guilty of possessing a satellite radio antenna

Missing aramean 03:25 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

The Christians must come together and take the lead in bringing the nation back on it´s feet as they are the most divided part in lebanon. All the political parties should pull back from m-14 and m-8 and instead form a war government. Such government should include all to be able saving lebanon from large-scale war.

Thumb primesuspect 04:25 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

U wanna declare war on Syria and Iran?