"التغيير والإصلاح" يشدد على ضرورة فصل العمل التشريعي عن الاصطفافات السياسية:لمتابعة ملف المخفيين قسراً
Read this story in English
اعتبر تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" في لقائه الأسبوعي أنه " من الضروري فصل العمل التشريعي عن الاصطفافات السياسية"، مردفاً أن " مسألة المخفيين قسرا والمفقودين اللبنانيين تحتاج الى معالجة ومتابعة".
وفي هذا السياق، أشار عضو تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ابراهيم كنعان عقب اجتماع اللقاء الأسبوعي، الثلاثاء، الى "اننا ناقشنا الاولويات التشريعية، حيث يوجد خط الكهرباء الساحلي، واقرار مراسيم النفط، وضرورة اجتماع الحكومة ليكون هذا الموضوع يعطي امل فعلي للبنان"،مردفاً ان "هذه المواضيع وطنية وليست سياسية".
وأكد انه "سيكون لدينا مواقف متابعة لكل هذه الملفات".
ولفت كنعان الى ان "غدا سيكون هناك جلسة في مجلس النواب للجنة الادارة والعدل للبحث بقانون للانتخابات النيابية، ومحاولة ايجاد قانون منصف ويمثل جميع الشرائح السياسية"، مطالبا بـ"فصل العمل التشريعي عن الاصطفافات السياسية".
وفي سياق منفصل، اعتبر ان "مسألة المخفيين قسرا والمفقودين اللبنانيين تحتاج الى معالجة".
بدوره، اكد وزير العدل في حكومة تصريف الاعمال شكيب قرطباوي، بعد الاجتماع الاسبوعي لتكتل "التغيير والاصلاح"، ان" موضوع المخفيين قسرا والمعتقلين من اولوياتنا ولن ننساه ولا نقوم بمزايدات موسمية فيه"، لافتاً الإنتباه الى "اننا وضعنا هذا الموضوع كأولوية بالبيان الوزاري للحكومة، ووزارة العدل ارسلت مشروع مرسوم لانشاء الهيئة المستقلة للمخفيين قسرا والمفقودين".
وأشار الى "اننا نحتاج جهازا مستقلا لمعالجة الموضوع ولذلك سعينا لتشكيل هذا الجهاز".
من جهته، شدد عضو تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب حكمت ديب الى ان "لبنان لم يحترم مفقوديه ويجب ان نعطي ايجابات للاهالي"، مؤكدا ان "هذا الشيء ليس لنكأ للجراح بل لختم جراح الاهل".

I thought aoun said Syria had nobody in prison and he believed them :)
now that Sami Gemayel talked about this again they come up with this BS?
who are they fooling?

I am really happy I don't see much anymore of the Pijjama senile boy!!

Ft Ghazi Aad SOLIDE LIBAN, bass! He hasn't been a member of Aoun's cult for years, it's like saying Sami Nader is a member of the FPM, or Nadim Ltef or Elias Zoghbi for that matter. Aoun betrayed every single issue he's ever endorsed. Aoun only remembers some issue when it's politically expedient, a typical lowlife populist demagogue!

Where is Mr. Aoun anyways? This is probably the second or third week he hasn't graced us with his unceremonious Tuesdays rant.

e gemayels have been leading kataeb since forever, and the hariris have been leading the sunnis since the 80's. none have one iota of what democracy and rotaiton means"
and FT forgot ON PURPOSE his main ally hezbollah who has a secretary general FOR LIFE... who canceled elections inside hezbollah? nasrallah! LOL and his other ally? berry? LOL and frangié? LOL and... and....
oh! and speaking of democracy: isn't it funny for a man criticizing feudal traditions in lebanon to have placed ALL HIS FAMILY in key posts? LOL
and he lectures on gemayel, hariri, jumblatt? ? LOL what a farce this parasite is.....
who has given posts traditionnally given to christians to the chias to please them? oh! aoun!!!!!

In all fairness one guy, a member of the R&C block (not FPM), has been personally and sometimes privately very closely following the file of the missing in Syrian is MP Ghassan Moukheiber I know that fact first hand, credit where credit is due Ghassan have there from the very beginning.

LOL! after aoun has said ": this file has become a myth", told the mothers to forget about it and turn the page, that there were no prisoners in syria...
now as a populist move want people to believe they are the only ones to take care of this! LOL
aoun has long forgotten those of CPL who fought syrians and were kidnapped and brought to syria....

"In a recent TV interview, Aoun has publicly denied the presence of any of his followers and party members in the Syrian jails." oct 2006 http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=1965
"In an interview with As-Sharq al-Awsat on Saturday, Aoun said that some of the missing persons had died in prison while others died in Lebanon and were not taken to Syria." nov 2008

and here he denies that there are any of his supporters in syrian jails...

this all but a populist move by FPM to try and clean its image as since 2000 many MPs , ministers, not from FPM tried and asked assad to free these prisoners... ( http://www.fidh.org/IMG/pdf/Rapport_alternatif_Solida_Syrie_2005_ENG_.pdf)
but the hypocrisy lies in the fact that aoun NEVER asked bashar while in damascus the fate of these people... saying it was not critical! LOL he even backed bashar by saying no prisoners in syria! LOL
and now they come as if they are the saviors? what a hypocrisy and a joke....

it's strange how people don't know this stuff, and more surprising of all the thumb downs you get. I suppose they're either hate for you being flamethrower or hate because of saying the truth. A mix of both no doubt toplel.

So let me get this straight:
i) aoun's partisans and officers were kidnapped by the syrians in '89 and '90 and been rotting in syrian jails with other fellow Lebanese
ii) aoun "the return" declared after meeting with bashar in 2007 that no lebanese are in syrian jails, cause "bashar told me so"
iii) in 2013 hassouna said that there are lebanese in syrian jails, and all of a sudden aoun and his puppets want to follow-up on the issue.
what a joke and how credible is this guy is, and how smart are the people who blindly follow him???

"the second demand is to establish a serious and legal mechanism to tackle this file through official channels and not through political figures such as Michel Aoun or any other political leader, because this is not the way to deal with such a humanitarian issue at this scale, and it touches all the Lebanese with different political and ethnic affiliations."
sure FPM now remembers there are prisoners in syria, how strange! seems they need to clean their image as brave populists they are! LOL
oups FT is going to say it is BS because it comes from now media! LOL

All innocent Lebanese being held unlawfully in any country (Israel, Syria) need to be released.

As I remember correctly, Aoun returned from Syria and insinuated that we ask Syria for forgiveness. He further tried to flip the Lebanese prisoner file from being a problem for the Syrians who abducted them to a problem for the LF who he claims killed them and dumped them in a mass grave on the highway. Now the Aouni's want to tackle this file as a priority again?
For the love of God, we ask our brothers the Aouni's to have pity on the families of the abducted Lebanese and stop dishonouring, and disrespecting the Lebanese dead and missing with their cheap publicity stunts.

can some1 give this man the address of a good hairdresser?