المجلس الإسلامي العلوي:علي عيد هو رمز للطائفة ولن نسكت عن استدعائه

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أكد رئيس المجلس الإسلامي العلوي الشيخ أسد عاصي أن "استدعاء رمز الطائفة العلوية، رئيس "الحزب العربي الديمقراطي"علي عيد لن يمر ولن نسكت عنه"،مطالباً بـ"كشف الحقيقة كاملة".

وأشار عاصي في مؤتمر صحافي، الخميس، الى أن "انفجارات الضاحية وطرابلس قد هانتناوأصدرنا بيانات تبرأنا فيها من المجرمين"، مردفاً أن "من تثبت عليه الإدانة نحكم عليه بالخيانة ونحن تحت سقف القانون والتحقيق العادل".

ولفت الى أنه من الظلم اتهام الطائفة العلوية بكاملها وما حصل لا يرضاه عقل مسلم"، مشدداً على أن " طرابلس مدينة لكافة مواطنيها وهناك خوف عليها من الفتنة".

كذلك، ناشد عاصي "رئيس الجمهوري ميشال سليمان ليحضر شخصيا الى طرابلس ويحيي مصالحة حقيقية بين أبناء المدينة الكافة".

وتوجه الى قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي بالقول "ألا ينتظر الغطاء السياسي في طرابلس بل الاتجاه الوطني"، مؤكداً " فليضرب الجيش بيد من حديد كل من يخالف الاتجاه الوطني في طرابلس".

ورأى عاصي أن "استدعاء رمز الطائفة العلويةعلي عيد لن يمر ولن نسكت عنه"، مطالباً بـ"كشف الحقيقة كاملة".

يُذكر، أنه في 23 آب الفائت، أقدم مجهولون على تفجير مسجدي التقوى والسلاح في طرابلس ما أدى إلى سقوط 45 قتيلا وأكثر من 800 جريح بحسب حصيلة غير رسمية.

وكان معلومات صحافية قد أفادت أن الاجهزة الامنية تمكنت الثلاثاء من القاء القبض على شخص يشتبه بتسهيله فرار عدد من المشتبه به بتفجير المسجدين.

وفي منتصف تشرين الاول،ادعى صقر على ثلاثة موقوفين هم أنس حمزي وحسين جعفر ويوسف دياب من جبل محسن، وعلى أربعة فارين من وجه العدالة بينهم احمد مرعي وذلك بجرم تأليف عصابة مسلحة بقصد القيام بأعمال إرهابية وعلى تفجير مسجدي التقوى والسلام في طرابلس.

ووفق المعلومات الصحافية فإن دياب هو الذي قاد واوقف السيارة التي انفجرت امام مسجد السلام، وأحمد مرعي قاد واوقف السيارة التي انفجرت امام مسجد التقوى.

من جهته، أعلن رئيس "الحزب العربي الديمقراطي"، علي عيد، وفق صحيفة "الجمهورية"، أنّه لم يتبلّغ أيّ استدعاء من قِبل فرع المعلومات، مؤكّداً أنّ مجرّد كلمة استدعاء، كما ذكرت وسائل الإعلام، يعني أنّ فرع المعلومات تجاوز الخطوط الحُمر.

التعليقات 45
Missing peace 19:21 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

another party refusing to obey the state... typical M8ers...

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 19:22 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

what a great bunch of law abiding citizens. A role model for all other countries who have people walking around as if they are above the law!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:37 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

I cannot stress this more. They should drag him down for questioning. In addition, they should charge him with obstructing justice. If there is resistance from his mafia or anyone else, they should be crushed and declared illegal. None of us has the luxary of refusing a summon. No one should.

Missing peace 20:04 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

who is spilling oil on the fire? LOL the syrian loving party....

Missing peace 20:37 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

don't mix religions with politics... otherwise you could say the same about christianity that has made genocides in the name of the religion!

Missing peace 20:38 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

same applies to chias the roar... LOL same religion, same book LMAO

Missing allouchi 20:44 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

who is the other 00.01% ya shattourah??? you're a joke...

Missing peace 21:28 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

poor FT, if you believe religion = politics then it simply means one thing: you are a fanatic... no better than hezbi or elqaeda or nusra! LOL

Missing peace 21:30 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

i must correct you: islam IS NOT the problem, the problem are those who USE islam for their own benefits like hezbollah or elqaeda...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 22:32 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

that is a stupid remark at best... can you show me the source of where "it was proven"? Christians committed alot of massacres so did shias and atheists..
if you live in Lebanon and are more than 15 years old.. you would know the other sects that commit massacres and suicide bombings.. but ....

Default-user-icon AUS (ضيف) 22:43 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

For those retards who claim that Islam is terrorist culture. Ask the questions how you still exist in Middle East and specifically In arab countries. After Islam ruled the whole region for over 1000 years. From the Christians, Jews, and Coptic. Bloody retards , learn, learn, from the west where everyone must obey to the equality and no one above the rules even an Australian parliament member who booked an airline ticket taken the advantage of public money. He was fined and been accountable. And ur leaders who you do follow like sheeps kill,, steal, make u poor and live below standards and u still protect them. WEIRD People

Default-user-icon James (ضيف) 22:59 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

No such thing as islamic alawite. Alawitism is not islam nor are alawites muslim according to their own history and to their own beliefs that contradict islam.

Default-user-icon James (ضيف) 23:04 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

Its that sick mentally ill baath guy josh bustany. He is a christian syrian who hate muslims and loves the baath. He could care less about all the crimes they comitted against the christians of lebanon. All he cares about is claiming 99,99% of world problems are caused by muslims. He believes his own lies while satanists like the roar cheer him on. Are these two christian according to the bible? They are hypocrits.

Thumb cedre 23:46 ,2013 تشرين الأول 31

let them continue and intensify then...

Thumb Mystic 00:07 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

cedre do you really think Al Qaeda and Fatah al-islam etc. Have a chance against Hezbollah? Think realistic for gods sake you really want civil war in Lebanon, but you would be the one loosing, you know you would loose, just like you did in Al Qusayr Syria in under 2 weeks. I know you wish to see Hezbollah destroyed, but you will never do that by war, they are way too organized. Israel the most powerful millitary admits it, how will a bunch of disorganized Al Qaeda do anything then? Yell Allahu akbar and fall into your deaths.

Thumb cedre 00:20 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

@ mystic.77 : don't try ur stupid taqiya/propaganda with me...
It's not HizbIran against alqaeda, it is hibziran against brave sunnis poorly armed, u won nothing at the small village of qusayr, they resisted 3 weeks, killed dozens of dirty majoosis, and retreated when they had no more weapons. Concerning Tripoli, only ignorants and liers pretend that jabal mohsen is not part of the syrian moukhaba rats....

watch this haboub http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-EuGwRHMQE

Thumb Mystic 00:26 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

Haha i can see in your words that you are really mad, cedre i'm trying to be a little understanding with you, but you are a fanatic, you blame hezb, but in reality you are the fanatics that will bring Lebanon to its downfall. And no, Al Qusayr was a battle between Hezbollah/syrian army and Al Qaeda from all over the world, including elite units from Chechnya that are used to fight the Russian Army. So don't talk bs please

Thumb cedre 01:30 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

Haboub, Tufayli summarized perfectly the situation.
The small village of Qusayr resisted 3 weeks to heavy artillery and plane bombing. They could not take ONE street so they had to destroy building by building, Hizbos were killed by dozens. When the rebels lacked ammunition, they retreated with the civilians and the injured...

Thumb Mystic 00:27 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

Brave poorly armed sunnis? What about the majority of the Syrian army that is sunni?

Thumb cedre 01:31 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

They deserted, it's now called FSA Eintein...

Thumb Mystic 01:41 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

Haha Cedre my beloved Salafi brother, we fought aslong as we could! But we couldn't hold back this Hizbushaitan scumbags that tried to murder our Beautiful Ummah. They were too powerful we had to run but inshallah we will triumph!

Missing peace 00:37 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

bashar's smart strategy seems to work perfectly...
1/ shoot peaceful demonstrators to exasperate their feelings and to radicalize them
2/liberate some fanatic islamists from jails
3/ wait and expect chaos and foreign extremists
4/ then he can justify the intervention of iran and hezbollah to help him
5/ and brainwash carefully people to make believe syria is under attack and bashar is the victim!

Missing peace 01:05 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

"The conflict in Syria grew out of the 2011 Arab Spring protests, when Syrians peacefully demonstrated in towns across the country against Mr. Assad. Unlike some other countries facing democratic protests, the Syrian government responded with violence, killing many protesters and radicalizing the movement. Civilians began to take up arms, at first to defend their demonstrations and later to fight security forces in their cities and towns." nytimes

Thumb Mystic 01:07 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

@ peace where did you read that? Western media and Al Jazeera/Al Arabiya perfect. Now do you remember anything about police personal and Army soldiers dying during those protests?

Missing peace 01:10 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

"Then from 2010 to 2011, the price of wheat doubled - fueled by a combination of extreme weather events linked to climate change, oil price spikes and intensified speculation on food commodities - impacting on Syrian wheat imports. Assad's inability to maintain subsidies due to rapidly declining oil revenues worsened the situation.

The food price hikes triggered the protests that evolved into armed rebellion, in response to Assad's indiscriminate violence against demonstrators. The rural town of Dara'a, hit by five prior years of drought and water scarcity with little relief from the government, was a focal point for the 2011 protests."

Missing peace 01:15 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

"The killing started in April 2011, when peaceful protests inspired by earlier revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia rose up to challenge the dictatorship running the country. The government responded -- there is no getting around this -- like monsters. First, security forces quietly killed activists. Then they started kidnapping, raping, torturing and killing activists and their family members, including a lot of children, dumping their mutilated bodies by the sides of roads. Then troops began simply opening fire on protests. Eventually, civilians started shooting back." washington post

Missing peace 01:20 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

"The uprising started in Deraa 11 months ago and spread as a mass protest movement against the corruption of the ruling elite. Most slogans were, at the beginning, about the deteriorating and unbearable social and economic conditions faced by workers and the urban and rural poor. Inspired by the revolutions sweeping the entire region, the protests soon evolved into a revolutionary uprising by workers and youth heroically standing up to the monstrous state machine’s live bullets and mass detentions. Demands escalated to calling for the removal of Assad’s regime and the corrupt and repressive rule of his clan. " socialist alternative.org

Missing peace 01:23 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

and so on... the protests were peaceful apart for the pro bashar people who do not believe so...
bashar together with M8 claimed for months that nothing was going on that it was simple protests in some cities...
then we know the rest: bashar unable to contain the demonstrations made sure to radicalize people to justify his massacres and the intervention of hezbis...

Thumb Mystic 01:25 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

It started as a muslim brotherhood uprising, that killed both reform protesters and Security Forces.

Missing peace 01:29 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

if you want... believe what you want. many testimonies say the contrary of what you claim.... but if you prefer to believe that the baath regime is a victim then believe so, i really do not care....

"Residents of the town said that Assad’s security forces shot and killed an unarmed man during a protest after Friday prayers. At his funeral the next day, thousands of mourners marched to a post office where security forces were gathered.

"In early June 2011, According to eyewitnesses, government snipers on top of the building began shooting at the crowd, while more troops arrived to back them up. But numerous accounts also describe soldiers defecting and joining with the mourners, a number of whom had brought guns, to attack the regime forces; Syrian state media later claimed that 120 soldiers had been massacred by “armed gangs.”

Missing peace 01:33 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

"In more than one way, what happened in Jisr al-Shughour is unusually revealing about the course of Syria’s civil war: it was the first well-documented case of protesters arming themselves and fighting back against Syrian troops. (...)
Jisr al-Shughour was a Sunni town with a history of Islamist activism and violent repression by Syria’s ruling Baath regime, which is dominated by the Alawite sect. The refugees who left for Turkey soon became the first links in a crucial supply chain for the rebel cause." nybooks.com

Thumb cedre 01:37 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

He's not naive, u're just a pathetic lier or a total stupido talkin BS...

Missing peace 01:41 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

i already told you: if you believe syrian press and tv then so be it: i really do not care...
and if you are ok with a regime that used real ammunition to repress demonstrators, where in any other country they use tear gas or water, then good for you...
if you believe that it was all orchestrated by mean islamists from the beginning then good for you...
i am just giving you another point of view shared by a majority of people....
i will not try to convince you as you seem to be a proud defender of the baath system and you cannot be convinced otherwise when you are so fanatic... you will always believe that bashar is right and everyone else is wrong...
all this could have been avoided if bashar had listened to his people more...

Missing peace 01:54 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

speak the language you want, the language that suits your manhood. cedre is free to speak his mind as you are...

by the way, why should one be salafi if he goes against a supporter of bashar? strange way of thinking i must say....

Thumb Mystic 00:46 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

I wish you could say the same about Assir, oh wait he had to kill a whole bunch of Army soldiers to get away..

Thumb cedre 02:06 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

should put the iranian flag stupido...

Thumb cedre 02:35 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

Stupido, this is the flag of Nahr Bared takfiris that nassy was protecting and of takfiris that Assad was helping in iraq.

He did release many of them lately, so he can say he's fighting terrorism and stupido like u would believe him. His mate maliki released hundreds of them from abughraib recently, knowing they'll end up in Syria. but u might not understand that coz u hit ur head too hard last Ashoura...

Thumb Mystic 02:59 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

Cedre my beloved takfiri brother, we must save Ahlul Sunnah from these kaffirs in Lebanon! The Shiites Alawi Druze Christian kaffirs! We must establish a new Khalifah only for Ahlul Sunnah throughout the Arab world! Take my hand brother!!!

Thumb Mystic 03:00 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

No brother this flag represents our beloved Ummah and Al Qaeda leader Ayman we will triumph brother Inshallah ya rab

Thumb Mystic 02:50 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

Ice-man if you are Christian then i am Osama bin laden.

Thumb Mystic 02:52 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

@ insulation, Narhanet is controlled and funded by KSA, - Note they will delete this comment very soon, i had many accounts blocked by them because of my knowledge..

Thumb Mystic 02:52 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

God bless Freedom of Speech Narhanet stop deleting our comments.

Thumb primesuspect 06:33 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

something must be done about this alawhite community reps.

Default-user-icon Club Med for terrorists (ضيف) 10:36 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 01

Yalla a Hezbollah, go pick him up and send him to your terrorist retreat along with all your other terrorists accused of murders of our politicians and public bombings.

You might need to add more rooms to your terrorist retreat for Nasrallah whose day is coming!

Default-user-icon Wilfredo (ضيف) 09:20 ,2014 أيار 15

It is the best time to make some plans for the future and it's time to be happy.
I've read this post and if I could I want to suggest you some interesting things or tips.

Maybe you can write next articles referring to this article.
I want to read more things about it!