السنيورة يؤكد ثبات مواقف "المستقبل" رغم خطاب حزب الله "الاستعلائي"

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أكد رئيس "كتلة المستقبل" النيابية فؤاد السنيورة أن خطاب "حزب الله الاستعلائي"، زادت الكتلة قناعة وتمسكاً بموقفها الرافض مشاركة الحزب في الحكومة وهو لا يزال متورطاً في القتال في سوريا.

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "النهار"، شدد السنيورة على أن "الامور لا يمكن أن تسير لا بالأسلوب التخويني ولا بالاسلوب التهديدي ونحن لسنا قشرة موز تسلخ عن البلاد".

ولفت الى أن حزب الله بخطابه "الاستعلائي لم ينجح في دفعنا الى الاذعان او الاستسلام بل زادنا حصانة وتمسكا بموقفنا وبيدنا الممدودة الى الحوار" .

وجدد التأكيد على أن لا حظر من "المستقبل" على مشاركة "حزب الله" في الحكومة، موضحاً أن الكتلة "لا ترتضي حزب الله شريكا قبل ان يعود من سوريا ونريد التزاما فعليا لاعلان بعبدا".

وفي حال لم يتم هذا الامر، قال السنيورة أن الحل حينها "يكمن في حكومة غير حزبية واذا كانوا يريدون حكومة فليؤلفوها وحدهم ولن نسير بالاملاءات".

يُذكر أن الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله وفي خطاب القاه أواخر تشرين الاول الفائت، توجه الى فريق14 آذار بالقول إن " تواضعنا حين قبلنا 9-9-6 وحجمنا اكبر من ذلك، هل نستمر بفرضية التعطيل بلا افق او نختار الفرضية الاخرى بتشكيل الحكومة. تواضعوا مثلنا واقبلوا بمعادلة 9-9-6".

ورأى أن "المدخل لانهاء التعطيل حسب 14 آذار هو تشكيل حكومة قبل الحوار وتشريع مجلس النواب وحل الملفات فالبلد حسب اعتقادهم ان البلد معطل ويجب تشكيل الحكومة لمنع التعطيل"، مردفاً أن "لبنان اليوم بين تعطيل واسع ولو شكلت حكومة 9-9-6 لارتاح البلد".

التعليقات 20
Thumb mckinl 08:43 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

Siniora explained to his visitors that there are “several issues which are linked to each other,” including Hezbollah’s withdrawal from Syria, the Baabda Declaration and Hezbollah handing over its arms.

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2013/Nov-09/237306-siniora-march-14-will-stand-in-face-of-hezbollah-threats.ashx#ixzz2k808R5ge
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

In other words there will be no government as per KSA orders until Hezbollah is crushed even if Lebanon is torn apart. M14 are not politicians but foot soldiers for Lebanon's enemies.

Thumb general_puppet 08:57 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

"as per KSA orders until Hizbullah is crushed even if Lebanon is torn apart"…. were do you come up with this thing? Iran is the one with foot soldiers in Lebanon. the militia is the one that declared war on the side of the Great Lebanese Protecters the Assad's. Hizbullah is going to save everyone from the Jihadist cannibals but they don't say a word about the little butcher sending car bombs.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 12:09 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

LOL @ Saniora !!! God Bless Sayyed Hassan and Wiaam Wahab for saying "THIS IS OUR TIME". Yes, and soon Saniora and his KSA backed forgotten movement of the "PAST" will be singing Duffy's song " I'm begging you for Mercy". Only this time, there shall be no mercy or compassion. Anyone, and I mean anyone who dares badmouth or attack the resistance, his hands will be cut off. Alona and I are not necessarily in good mood this morning after LBCI's foolish program of last night mocking Sayyed Hassan. We went out on our scooters, roamed the streets of Beirut and Dahiyeh until the early morning hours, banners, chants, and all. It was a long evening, but we had to join the millions of civilized patriotic Lebanese in condemning this outrageous act. We demand LBCI be banned, its assets seized, and merged with Al Manar. Karbalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 12:21 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

Ya Nassrallah Mah Tihtamm... 3ndak Zelim B'tishrab Dammm:)))

Thumb liefighter 16:52 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

Mckin , how you fear that Hezzb is going to be crushed , when you boss just made the victory speech. But you are right . it is something you cannot avoid, sorry. anyway keep raising your morale by victory speech, this is all what u can do for the moment.

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:29 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 10

saniora putting the saudi rebels's interests before lebanese ones. why else would he block the formation of a cabinet in lebanon until hezbollah withdraws from syria? i thought m14ers were very happy to see HA out of lebanon?

Thumb general_puppet 08:44 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

What is Saniora talking about… Nasarallah only accepts Assad as a partner and they will leave Syrian when the Ayatollah orders then too.

…. I know this will come as a shock to the 3 stooges & the village simpleton :-)

Thumb benzona 09:05 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

Bonjour tout le monde,

As usual M14 reps are right, seriously WE ARE THE TRUE RESISTANCE. We are resisting the putsch layed by Bachar and his Lebanese men aka M8. We are resisting this verbal escalation of Hezbollah who subrepticly calls for us to arm ourselves to fight them on the battlefield. That's where they are getting it wrong, we are not like them, we are not terrorists, we are pacifists. We will prevail, Lebanon will orevail , freedom will prevail.

Thumb mckinl 09:33 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

M14 are but tools of the KSA Fatwa on the Shia, Alawites, Christians and secular Sunnis ...

Missing peace 11:16 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

don't apply to M14 what M8 is.... not everyone is like M8.

Thumb benzona 11:52 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

Allahū Akbar, remember this!

Thumb cedre 17:23 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

whats fatwas ? give us somes just to prove u're not telling BS...

Thumb benzona 11:53 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

Quelle claque verbale? Ce ne sont que des menaces des terroristes hezbollahis.

Missing peace 11:17 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

"Al-Mustaqbal has been insisting on Hizbullah's withdrawal from Syria and commitment to the Baabda Declaration as conditions to the formation of the cabinet."

sure how can you accept a party in a gvt that does not even listen to the gvt's decisions! LOL

Missing peace 11:56 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

bla bla bla.....

Thumb cedre 17:44 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

what a lot of BS... When I think that homsis and qusayris invited lebanese shias in their houses in 2006...

Missing peace 14:14 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

like it or not but under sinioura s gvt the country was recovering...

- Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: from 16 billion$ to 42billion in 2010...
- GDP - real growth rate:from -6.4% in 2006 to +7.5% in 2010 and... fell to +1.5% under M8 gvt... LOL
- public debt on the decrease since 2006 from 209 % of GDP to 150% in 2010...
- exports: from 1.78 billion$ in 2006 to 5.2B $ in 2010

source :indexmundi

and in a few years M8 managed to stop everything! LOL

Missing peace 15:47 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

oh! you can find the figures... and if you are better than an economic website your stupidity has grown even more close to madness...

but sure you FPMers know everything even who killed hariri, i bet FPM even knows how to cure cancer!

Missing peace 15:55 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

oh, and you can find the same trends on databank.com.lb....but it is sure that FPM will deny everything...
typical childish attitude we are used to....

Thumb ado.australia 20:10 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 09

"we are standing firm"... Yes stand firm against the formation of a cabinet. You are the only obstacle to a new Lebanese cabinet. The mustaqbul sectarian incitement of making up Hezbollah threats is alienating any non Sunni fanatical or sane Lebanese that once supported the mustaqbul party. This is the reason that we can not have election in Lebanon... The short term political memory isn't short enough for these idiots that are turning Lebanon into their Saudi/Iran Muslim sectarian war.

Just as bashir Gemayel's political vision was abused and destroyed, so to is Rafic hariri's.