سليمان في القمة العربية-الافريقية: مثابرون لإيجاد حلول سريعة للاجئين السوريين
Read this story in Englishشدد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان على المثابرة من اجل ايجاد "الحلول السريعة" لملف الللاجئين السوريين، الذين تتزايد أعدادهم بدرجة كبيرة "تنذر بالخطر على الكيان اللبناني".
وفي كلمته التي ألقاها في القمة العربية الافريقية الثالثة في الكويت، الثلاثاء، أكد سليمان أن المسؤولين في لبنان يعملون من خلال "اعلان بعبدا" على تحييد لبنان "عن الصراعات والتوترات والإنعكاسات السلبية المتأتية عنها".
وأضاف أن الجهود مبذولة بمؤارزة "الأمم المتحدة والمجموعة الدولية ودول مجلس التعاون الخليجي على معالجة الخسائر الاقتصادية التي مني بها لبنان والمقدرة من البنك الدولي بـ7.5 مليار دولار" (جراء تفاقم أعداد النازحين السوريين الى لبنان والحاجة الى تأمين المساعدات لهم).
"كما نثابر على إيجاد الحلول السريعة لمعضلة اللاجئين السوريين التي تتفاقم بدرجة كبيرة تنذر بالخطر الوجودي على الكيان اللبناني وليس فقط على الواقع الاقتصادي والاجتماعي والامني فيه"، قال سليمان.
وأعلن عن استمرار السعي والمطالبة والنضال "من اجل إقامة سلام عادل وشامل لكل اوجه الصراع العربي الاسرائيلي، على قاعدة قرارات الشرعية الدولية، والمبادرة العربية للسلام".
يُذكر، أن مفوضية الامم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين، أعلنت الاثنين، أن عدد النازحين السوريين إلى لبنان تجاوز الـ 816 الف لاجىء. ومنذ بدء المعارك في محيط قارة الواقعة في منطقة القلمون شمال دمشق الجمعة الماضي، تدفق الى لبنان الاف النازحين السوريين عبر عرسال.
وأعلنت وزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية ان عدد العائلات التي وصلت الى عرسال منذ الجمعة الى الثلاثاء وصل الى 1700.
ويُشار الى أن سليمان، كان قد أكد في وقت سابق أن إعلان بعبدا لمصلحة الجميع، لأنه ينص على تحييد لبنان عن الصراعات، ولم يتحدث عن حياد لبنان.
الى ذلك، أضاف سليمان في كلمته، "نحن نعلم ان اللبنانيين والعرب المنخرطين في عالم الاستثمار، يواجهون صعوبات جمّة احياناً، جرّاء محاولات اسرائيل الشرسة لمنعهم من القيام بأنشطتهم، وفقاً لما يدفعهم اليها طموحهم وحقهم المشروع".
"الا اننا على يقين، بان الدول الافريقية الصديقة، التي تبني انظمتها على قواعد الديموقراطية والقانون، ستكون حريصة على الدوام، على توفير الحماية القانونية لكل مستثمر ولكل مقيم على ارضها"، لفت سليمان.
وأشار الى أن "لا استثمار من دون استقرار، ولا استقرار ولا اعتدال من دون عدالة، وهي عدالة، يقع على عاتق المجتمع الدولي احقاقها".
وأردف أنه على عاتق القمة العربية الافريقية "كمجموعتين صديقتين ومتضامنتين، النظر في كيفية العمل والضغط من أجل توفير شروطها وفرضها، خدمة لقضية السلام التي ننشدها، وتأميناً لخير شعوبنا وتقدمها وهنائها".
ومن الجدير بالذكر أن سليمان بعد انتهائه من القاء كلمة لبنان في القمة، غادر والسيدة الاولى وفاء والوفد المرافق العاصمة الكويتية عائدين الى لبنان، اثر قرار رئيس الجمهورية اختصار الزيارة بسبب التفجيرين اللذين هزّا محيط السفارة الايرانية في بئر حسن، وأديا الى سقوط 23 قتيلاً على الاقل وأكثر من 150 جريح.
يُشار الى أن القمة العربية-الافريقية التي افتُتِحَت الثلاثاء، تختتم أعمالها الاربعاء وهي الاولى من نوعها منذ 2010 عندما التقى القادة من المجموعتين في ليبيا قبل انطلاق حركة الاحتجاجات التي تعرف بالربيع العربي.
وكانت القمة العربية الافريقية السابقة في ليبيا تبنت استراتيجية شراكة بين المجموعتين للفترة بين 2011 و2016 الا ان تطبيقها تباطا كثيرا، خصوصا بسبب الاحتجاجات التي عمت عدة دول عربية.
Mr President, stop beating a dead horse… Hizbullah only reads Farsi & Nasrallah made it clear, they will follow the Ayatollahs orders now and in the future.
Never forget their Glorious equation: Hizbullah+Assad+Ayatollah=Axis of so called Resistance.
Could we get a group photo, gentlemen, please, of all the Lebanese warlords and their sons, if any, standing in the doorway of City Hall, all holding axe handles, and a big banner that reads, "Confessionalism yesterday, confessionalism today, and confessionalism forever!"? And can we put some determination in those smiles, gentlemen, please?
the damage has been done by iran and hizbushaitan resulting in extreme hatred towards the minority shias in the region. each and every shia is now a target and will remain so.
nothing will be able to undo the harm caused by iran and hizbushaitan to this community.
by the way: to those trying to spread the idea that shia are a majority in Lebanon, kindly note that according to the latest (last month) voters numbers, sunnis are the biggest community in the country.
The harm to the Shia comes from the KSA Fatwa on all non-Wahhabi. The KSA is funding and organizing destabilization and terrorism throughout MENA and beyond to the Caucasus and Pakistan.
iran and its terrorist military wing hizbushaitan are not arab and have to be faught as they are the main destabilizing entities in the region.
what has iran to do in the arab world initially?
@ geha
Lebanese Shia are Arabs ... as are the Shia in Iraq, southern Iran, Bahrain and the other GCC countries ...
Try to get your facts straight dear geha ...
@ Patriotic-Lebanese
The evidence is overwhelming ... The KSA Fatwa is repeated over and over again by the Qaeda and Islamist terrorists the Saudis sponsor.
shia in arab countries are arabs.
but iran his not an arab country and has nothing to do with arab countries.
@ geha
Dear geha,
If you knew anything about the dispersion of Arabs in the middle east you would know that the majority of Shia in the southern provinces of Iran along the Persian Gulf are Arabs ... not Persian.
+1 4 Geha, persians (shia, or not) are different people, they look different, they speak different, they eat different, they kill different..
it's like comparing filipinos to lebanese simply because they r christians. at least the Filipinas aren't aiming at getting a piece of lebanese soil.
This is BS u can not prove, unless u take evidence from iranian state sources. Shias hold top position in ARAMCO and other big saudi companies. Same in army or security services. The head of Madinah police was shia. responsible during hajj of security of millions of sunnis. I am working in an Institute of Technology in Europe, a big part of our GCC students are shias, KSA and Kuwait governments pay €10-15k/year for tuitions plus €1600/months for living. Shias have rights in KSA, sunnis have none in Iran, they're persecuted, killed, cant open mosques and some of them are hanged for no reasons... But people have to understand that KSA or Vatican are not normal secular countries open to all religions or thinking...
Split the country ! Let the thugs create a wilayet el fakih of their own and bugger off! We'll see who will win in the long run…What you have been labelling as national unity Mr President is in facts national disunity, and cold war ! It is turning now into open war !
Phoenix: because of some Sheikh or Ayatollah who it's clear just do NOT give priority to Lebanon, why?
PS: you forget Christian traitors such as aoun and his clique or Franjieh. 4 them it's Bachar 1st, Lebanon 2nd.
Take your Baabda declaration (even those who support it have no clue about what it says or what it does, bass baddon yo2orto 7akeh hal bala mokh)and shove it up your wazoo. Pathetic declaration. Pathetic president. Pathetic country. Pathetic people.
No to Partition under any circumstances !
Only a " Military Coup " !!!!!!
We are now wimps nor accept any orders from outside influence such as from the KSA ..Wahibist / jihadists / or Al Qaida influence supported by the GCC states !
Signed Wolf !
Partition please.
To all those who chant for war. My dream of Lebanon is not like yours. Go do what you please in your Lebanon and leave mine alone.
You are definitely delusional ,
Lebanon is not going to be partitioned except for your so called state Israel !
Signed Wolf !
We tried this so called coexistence. All it got us is war, death and destruction. Either that or Lebanon as a state will collapse and disintegrate. It is inevitable. We are simply a failed state with many beliefs you cannot possibly unite. The evidence for that is all around us. If you can't see it then you are delusional.
If you can't see the rest of the ME countries & their life style especially the so called State of Israel then you are not only delusional but either have just woken up from self induced high grade drug intake or too young & uneducated too realise what has been happening in :
West Bank
GCC states......
Lebanon under these extreme circumstances still enjoys the life that the above countries envy us to the point of destruction , but that shall never happen ! But now & then we shall have a tooth ache but all is well to their evil eye ! No partition , but YES to Military Coup !
Now go back to your induced drug taking !
Signed Wolf
I am not using words to judge or insult you so there is no need for name calling wolf. People who make assumptions like you wolf are much more likely to be uneducated or drug induced. Trust me I am not young and I guarantee way more educated than you.
I personally do not care at all how these countries are run and what their lifestyle is like. All I know is that the country is already divided. Do you not agree? Do you really think a military coup would actually unite the country? Cause the overwhelming evidence is that military coups have promoted unity? On the contrary they promoted oppression and a decline in liberties and human rights. They might have brought temporary political stability but that is all.
If you disagree with me at least be civil enough not to attack and throw insults my way.
@the1phoenix, you are always playing the peace maker...I salute you and admire your patience and wisdom but brother I hope you realize at some point you are appeasing dangerous minds who have no consideration for you in their heart and certainly their agenda. I do not love Wolf's comments at all nor that of his com-padres, I simply acknowledge his and their right to make their opinions known though I find their methods undesirable and in very poor taste.
As to partition...I am starting to cave in...soon me too will be singing partition please. I want to retire in Lebanon...I don't see how anymore without partition.
Please clarify your views? do you want the Hezb in or out of Syria,
do you support Bashar or no? do you believe we unity as you always call us brothers and love etc or do you beleive in partiton? do you support SHN or are you against him? for all these questions i ask you have made one argument for or against each answer and i honestly dont know why? anyway I would as a reader of this forum appreciate to hear your views? Good Day sir
Guys , compatriots , brothers or sisters' ,innocent people are getting killed , maimed or disfigured in our streets even the very young are caught in these terrible acts of murder & all you can come with is that you have been hurt by name calling ? Is that all you can come with ? Does that hurt you that drastically ? Does that kill you at all ? How sad to say to you , have you read other posts ? Well no apology from me , I call it a heated debate , where are your thick skin macho gone to ?
Signed Wolf !
These two Lebanese miniature warlords walk into a bar and one says to the bartender, "Give my friend here a drink and it's on me." The other warlord says to the bartender, "No, give my friend here a drink and it's on me."
The bartender says, "You both get the heck out of my bar."
see how hezbollah are patriotic.... they do not listen to the president of their "country" but pledged allegiance to iran....
and M8ers call them patriotic? LOL